Material Empire

Chapter 131: To find a leader

Qin Hai came to Beixi this time with a mixed team, including old workers Qiao Changsheng and Dai Jiayin from Pingyuan Iron and Steel Factory, Fu Zhihao, a black kid from Qujiang Farm, and his three accomplices. Two cousins ​​from Yuanfang, Qin Rongcai and Qin Rongqing, were hired by the town, and finally two workers in the Qingfeng factory were Yu Haitao and Wang Xiaochen.レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ

Qin Hai brought Yu Haitao's purpose because the joint venture would have a large amount of capital and material exchanges and needed to be managed by himself. The reason to bring Wang Xiaochen is to consider that there may be some things involving female workers. It is sometimes inconvenient to have no female in the class.

Although Wang Xiaochen was grateful and admired for Qin Hai, she was very hesitant to ask her to quit her job at Qingfeng Factory and run for Qin Hai. In the end, Qin Hai invited Ning Zhongying to come and send Wang Xiaochen to Qin Hai by way of Qingfeng Factory. This resolved Wang Xiaochen's psychological obstacles. After Wang Xiaochen arrived at the joint factory, the original wage relationship at the Qingfeng factory was completely frozen. Qin Haixu gave her twice the salary, which also made the frugal girl secretly rejoice for a long time.

A few days ago, Qin Hai discussed the cooperation with the city. The entire team was not idle. They investigated Beigang through various channels and made some Beigang workers. Today, Beixi Special Steel Plant was officially listed, and Qin Hai brought the entire team over to answer the inquiries of the workers at the site. All of them have been trained by Qin Hai in advance. There is a standard paradigm of what to say, so Qin Hai doesn't have to worry about their troubles caused by improper speech.

"Lao Yu, don't you want to know how the special steel plant recruitment is going? Come, you come and talk to our director of the Qin factory. Let me tell you, don't look at the young Qin factory director, people have real skills, That rì originally said, even rì himself was not fluent. "Qiao Changsheng, while blowing his ox, pulled Yu Youheng to the opposite side of Qin Hai and let him sit down.

"Master Yu, right? Why, did you intend to come to work in our special steel factory?" Qin Hai sat behind the table and asked Yu Youheng with a smile.

Yu Youheng is a veteran worker at the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. He used to work in the No. 2 open hearth workshop. Now he heard that the workshop was contracted by others. All people have to adjust the position. Fortunately, in the contractor's team, he also met an old friend Qiao Changsheng. After being fooled by Qiao Changsheng, he began to feel a little tempted and wanted to know what it would be like to work in an associate factory.

"Director Qin, I am an old worker. I have been working at Beigang for more than 30 years, and I will retire in a few years. I heard Master Qiao said that applying to a special steel plant can double the income compared to Beigang. Is this true? "Yu Youheng asked Qin Hai timidly.

Qin Haidao: "This statement is also true and not true, depending on what Master Yu intends to do."

"What does this mean?" Yu Youheng was frustrated.

What Qin Hai wants is this effect. Let the other party have curiosity before explaining it. This kind of communication effect is the best. He said: "Director Xu has just told you that our special steel plant is a reform pilot in the province. It adopts a market-oriented operation and management model. The salary is not capped, and the bottom is not guaranteed. The results of the workers' work are good or bad. "

"What does it mean to be capped? If I do well, how much can I get in a month?" Yu Youheng is most concerned about income. He is the same as Qiao Changsheng. There are several children in the family who want to get married. The economy is very tense. What Qiao Changsheng talked to him just now was the thing that most fascinated him about the issue of income. If the usual salary can be doubled, the year-end award is one thousand, how pleasant it is.

Qin Haidao: "Our remuneration system depends on the technical level and the effectiveness of the work. Steelmaking is a technical job, and the wages of senior and junior workers can be more than twice the difference. This should be the same for us at Beigang. The so-called work effectiveness is to see how much work your team has completed and the quality of the product. If the technical level is high and the work effect is good, in general, the salary can indeed be doubled compared to the time of Beigang. If it is done specially Well, with outstanding contributions, it is also possible to quadruple or triple. "

"Then if I come to work with you, I feel unsuitable. I want to go back to Beigang, can I go back?" Yu Youheng asked again.

Qin Haidao: "It's totally possible. We discussed with Beigang that all people who come to work in special steel plants can stay on the basis of suspension of pay and can return to the original factory to work at any time."

"So it's quite simple." Yu Youheng said to himself.

"Why, is Master Yu interested in trying?" Qin Hai encouraged.

"No, no, I just asked, this matter ... I have to think about it." Yu Youheng waved hands, then quickly got up, looked at Qiao Changsheng with apology, and said, "Old Qiao ... I After being in the factory for so many years, I am retiring immediately. This matter ... I have to think about it. "

"Understandable." Qiao Changsheng patted Yu Youheng on the shoulder and said, "Lao Yu, go back and discuss with your family, it's okay if you don't succeed, and you will have the opportunity to work together in the future."

"Yes, old Joe, are you in the factory right now? Have time to sit at home. Let's call those friends together and have a drink." Yu Youheng invited enthusiastically.

"Sure, I'll go to your house for a drink after I've been busy." Qiao Changsheng answered.

Yu Youheng left seriously, and then other workers sat down and asked Qin Hai and others about related issues. Some workers who had not been on the scene before heard the news and came running one after another. They first learned about the situation from their colleagues in the factory, and then came forward to consult the people brought by Qin Hai. Qiao Changsheng has been in Beigang for some time and has some connections, so he has been surrounded in the middle, answering all kinds of work-related or unrelated questions.

For a whole day, Qin Hai didn't know how much he said, just remembered that the little girl Zhang Yunjia poured him more than ten times water, and he didn't seem to go to the toilet a few times, and all the water became saliva and evaporated.

When it was dark, the people who came to consult slowly dispersed, Qin Hai turned to look at his own horse, and found that everyone was tired and squinting, harder than doing a full day's work in the workshop. . He was out of luck and shouted, "Clear up and go, I invite everyone to have a big meal."

"Forget it, Boss, I want to go back on my stomach right now." Heizi said in a smooth tone. After working at Pinggang for several months, he became familiar with Qin Hai, so he didn't hide his words. He felt that Qin Hai was younger than himself and called Qin Hai's honorific title a bit shameless, so he learned the title of "brother" from the Garrison death squad and took his little brothers all the way.

"I really can't eat it. Otherwise, Xiao Qin, let's all go back, and I'll cook some porridge for everyone." Wang Xiaochen also slyly suggested that she is the most tired today. Not only have many female workers come to her for advice There are also some young guys who are desperate to come to her and have to talk to her if they have nothing to say. She wasn't originally a talkative person. This would catch the ducks on the shelves, but she encountered such a high intensity of work, and her voice was already dumb.

The party went back to the temporary accommodation that Xu Yang arranged for them. Zhang Yunjia helped Wang Xiaochen scour rice and cook porridge. Everyone lay down in the room for a while, got up and drank the porridge, and this was a relief. They gathered together in the big room where Qin Hai lived and had a meeting.

"So far, there are no fewer than a hundred workers who have informed us about the situation, but there were none who expressed their willingness to work in special steel plants on the spot. Director Qin, this situation is not very good." Yu Haitao said. Now Qin Hai is also a leader. Yu Haitao always calls Qin Hai as the factory director when others are present.

"Yeah, dear, this method you said is not working." Heizi criticized broadly, he thought it was cool to speak like this, and Qin Hai was too lazy to correct him.

Wang Xiaochen said: "The people who talk to me today think that our factory's income is very attractive. They are worried that our conditions are too harsh and some do not believe us. I thought about it if I didn't particularly trust Xiao Qin If you do, you may not dare to apply for jobs. How stable are state-owned enterprises, and Beigang ’s past income is not bad. "

Everyone, you said everything to me, and reported the situation that day, and finally set your sights on Qin Hai, waiting for him to conclude. The practice of the past six months has made everyone aware of Qin Hai's ability. Everyone believes that Qin Hai can always turn decay into magic.

Qin Hai smiled at everyone ~ ~ said: "Everyone is working hard today, in fact, this result is already very good. Xiao Chen is right, people are state-owned employees, their income is not bad, why should I Take risks and do things here? After all, we are just a steel plant in the county, and their status is lower than them. Even if they think about it, they will be reluctant. "

"Face, can it be eaten?" Dai Jiayin, an old worker, commented angrily. When they first came to ask him to return to Pinggang to work, he hesitated because of face problems. Later, he got a high salary and a high year-end award, only to know how ridiculous the original idea was. Face is originally used by people to deceive people, and their wages can be doubled, which is not worth a false face?

"I think, everyone may be waiting." Qiao Changsheng said.

"What are you waiting for?" Qin Hai asked with a smile, in fact, he already had the answer in his heart, just wanted to let Qiao Changsheng say it.

Qiao Changsheng said: "I guess, I guess my own ideas to guess others. I think, in fact, many people want to try, but there is no one who takes the lead, so everyone is waiting. Who I'm not happy to be this early bird, all we have to do now is to find a leader. "(To be continued.)

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