Material Empire

Chapter 132: Find someone to nurse

"This is too easy. レ; 思 ♥ 路 ♣ 客 レ" Kuroko jumped up. "When we put usury on the street, we often do this, don't we just find someone to take care of ourselves?"

"Don't you spread the glorious deeds everywhere, okay?" Qin Hai glanced at the sunspot, and there was not much anger in his tone. They have done a lot of illegal activities in the county because they didn't work. Qin Hai can understand this. After these people were recruited into the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, they actually converged a lot and learned technology very well. Some prodigals have turned back.

The sunspot was stunned by Qin Hai, and he quickly smiled and said, "Yeah, yeah, boss, I know what I did wrong in the past, isn't it painful to change the past? I just said that Master Qiao said he was looking A leader is actually very easy. Zhao Hui, Xu Bin, and Xiaolong have met some of Beigang's buddies these days. It's a little bit interesting, and let them come out as childcare, there is no problem at all. "

Zhao Hui, Xu Bin, and Luan Xiaolong were just a few of the friends who had put together usury loan pit students with Sunspot before. They were all recruited by Ping Gang to Qin Hai, and this time brought by Qin Hai to Bei Gang. In the past few days, they have made use of their special talents, haunted the game hall and billiard room around Beigang, and really got to know many young workers and children of Beigang.

Qin Hai knows that if he wants to stand still in Beixi, these young people also need special attention. Middle-aged and older workers are generally more honest. Because they have to take care of their families, young workers have no family burden, and hormonal excesses are often the main force. Using sunspots to establish private relationships with young workers helps Changzhijiu of the special steel mill.

"It's not good to find your fox friends and dog friends to take the lead." Qiao Changsheng commented dismissively.

"Master Qiao, don't say that. It's easier to find them. Just say hello, and give up a lot of cigarettes." Heizi said with a smile.

Qin Haidao: "If this is the case, it will be even worse. I agree with Master Qiao's opinion. To find childcare, you must also find a professional. Kuroko, your dog friends are not professional enough."

The group laughed together, and Kuroko scratched his scalp, and said nothing. He knew that what Qin Hai was saying was justified. Because the young workers they knew were easy to use, they could not play a role in demonstration, and they might even be counterproductive, creating a special steel plant that would only die. Feeling of the disciples.

"Master Qin, a master like Yu Youheng, is it possible to mobilize one or two to join us?" Qin Hai set his sights on Qiao Changsheng.

Qiao Changsheng frowned and said, "It's difficult, they have worked in the state-owned factory for a lifetime, let them suspend their jobs and come to our joint factory. They have an idea in their hearts. They and I are just friends many years ago, so Big things, they can't decide just by listening to me. "

"Since it can't be decided by just listening to a few sentences, then let's say dozens or hundreds, how about it?" Qin Hai said.

"What do you mean?" Qiao Changsheng asked.

Qin Haidao: "Today we are engaged in consultation at the door of the workshop, but we are building momentum to let everyone know that there is such a thing. If you really want to impress people, you have to come to the door to discuss it in detail. Master Qiao, if you are not tired, let's find it now Master Yu, go to his house and talk to him. "

At this time, Yu Youheng, the old worker they discussed in Qin Hai, was struggling at home.

"Phoenix, do you want me to try it at the joint plant operated by Pingyuan people?" Yu Youheng asked his wife Kang Fengxie for the first time.

Kang Fengxi shook his head and said, "How do I understand, don't you say that they pay a high salary, or try it."

"I want to try it, but I'm afraid that if it doesn't work, I will come back to the factory and stand by the side." Yu Youheng said, "Don't you know that the production tasks in the factory are dissatisfied now, and all workshops are waiting for work?" Yes, as soon as I leave, the position is occupied by others, and it will not be easy to come back again. "

"You also have a point. The factory director Qin of Pingyuan is so young, and it doesn't look very reliable. Also, they are also a township enterprise. How can our state-owned enterprise be stable?" Kang Fengyi commented.

Yu Junsheng, the youngest son who watched the TV sitting side-by-side, said, "Mom, your thinking is too backward. Now the rich bosses are from township enterprises. Last time I went to Hongze, I met a man in the countryside on the bus. The owner of the factory has such a thick gold chain on his neck. "

Speaking of which, he made a rough look. In order to prove himself, he enlarged the size several times, and it looked like a dog chain. In the mid-1980s, the sudden emergence of township and village enterprises has indeed created a lot of rich people. In order to show off their wealth, the bosses of these first rich companies like to wear very thick gold chains and huge gold rings, which can be regarded as the scenery of the times.

"I have run into such a rich boss, how many times have you said it?" Kang Fengxi reprimanded his son with a smile. "Every time you draw a chain that is twice as thick as the first time, do you still have any accuracy?"

"Dad, I heard people say that the Qin Hai from Pingyuan really has the ability. Do you know how Wang Yiqiao stepped down? Haha, it was this Qin Hai who made it." Yu Junsheng answered mysteriously. The parents said.

"There is still such a thing? You mean, the young man who drives the jeep to block the train is the factory director Qin?" Yu Youheng was a little surprised.

Last year, there were not many people who witnessed the **** yard, and very few were able to name Ning Zhongying and Qin Hai. The workers of Beigang only knew that one such incident had happened and directly caused Wang Yiqiao to be transferred to a zhèngfǔ department with no real power, which is equivalent to being sacked. As for who created this feat, not many people know it.

"I told you, I heard what the young men around Qin Hai said. A few days ago, I met them in the billiard hall and played a few rounds of billiards together. I think they knew each other. They said to me, This Qin Hai is only 19 years old this year and has a great ability to talk to rì himself. "Yu Junsheng said.

Yu Youheng nodded and said: "I also heard Master Qiao from Pingyuan. I still think he is bragging. If he was the one who blocked the train last year, there might be some doorway. I heard that those slags have Baby, it can be refined to make an atomic bomb. Xiao rì wanted to sneak it away, but it was discovered by that young man. So, this young man is the factory director Qin? "

The door was knocked while the family was imagining. Kang Fengzhen got up and opened the door. When he saw the old and young standing outside, they were all smiling.

"You are Lao Yu's lover. I am Qiao Changsheng of Pingyuan. I have been to your house in the past. Do you remember?" Qiao Changsheng preemptively introduced himself.

"Oh, it's Master Qiao, I just heard Lao Yu ..." Kang Fengxi responded with some negligence.

When you heard the news, Yu Youheng quickly greeted him. One of the two people seemed to be stunned: "Old Qiao, director Qin ... why are you here?"

Qin Hai shook a wine bottle and a greased paper bag on his hand and said, "Master Yu, we are not familiar with Beixi, and there is nowhere to go at night, so I want to come to you for a drink, chat, and Yu Is the master welcome? "

"Welcome welcome, of course welcome." Yu Youheng agreed in a continuous voice, gave the door with his wife, greeted Qiao Changsheng and Qin Hai into the door. Yu Junsheng also relied on Pakistani to sit there watching the TV. Yu Youheng stepped forward, turned off the TV, then dragged his son up, pointed at Qiao Changsheng and Qin Hai, "Jun Sheng, come here , Shout uncle. "

"Uncle?" Yu Junsheng looked at Qin Hai, who was a few years younger than himself, and his mouth was grinning like drinking medicine. "Dad, wouldn't you let me call him uncle?"

"Uh ... I asked you to call Uncle Qiao, this is the factory director Qin, you see, people are younger than you, and they have become the factory director. It looks like you, 20 people, except playing all day long, Nothing will happen. "Yu Youheng's mouth counted down his son.

A dry man sat down, Qin Hai put his wine bottle down, and opened the oil paper bag. The bread contained some cooked meat and fried peanuts. I didn't know where to buy it. Qiao Changsheng said to Kang Fengxuan with a smile: "Brother and sister, please bring us a few cups and a few pairs of chopsticks."

"How is this appropriate and how can you bring wine and vegetables? Hey, you didn't say it early. At this time, there is no place to buy food ..." Yu Youheng said apologetically.

"Who brings wine and dishes are not the same? We just came to chat, don't worry too much." Qiao Changsheng interrupted Yu Youheng's words, then took the cup brought by Kang Fengyu, and poured it on Yu Youheng, himself and Qin Hai Got wine. Seeing that Kang Fengzhen took only three cups, he wondered: "Hey, younger sister, why did you take three cups, how about you and Xiaoyu?"

"I don't drink, just chat." Kang Fengxi waved his hands.

"Give me a cup, too." Yu Junsheng wasn't timid. He didn't know where to find a wine glass. He took the bottle from Qiao Changsheng's hand and poured himself a glass.

The host and the guest politely talked to each other, and then they toasted and drank, chatting and talking about some short trivia among parents. Qiao Changsheng and Yu Youheng recalled the friendship of more than ten years ago, and they expressed their idioms such as life getting older and filial piety before returning to today's topic.

"Master Qiao, are you here with the factory director Qin, is there anything wrong?" Yu Youheng asked.

Qin Hai put down his wine glass ~ ~ he smiled and said, "Yeah, as the saying goes, everything goes to the Three Treasure Hall. Today I asked Master Qiao to take me to Master Yu ’s house. There are indeed some things I want to share with Yu. Master to discuss. "

"Director Qin has something to say." Yu Youheng also put down his glass and said.

Qin Haidao: "Master Yu knows that we have contracted the No. 2 open hearth workshop of Beigang to prepare for the construction of Beixi Special Steel Plant. Of course we can find some workers from other places, but workers from other places are not as good as ours. Our own workers know more about the situation in the workshop, so we very much hope to recruit some workers from Beigang. "

"I already know this." Yu Youheng said.

Qin Hai continued: "The current situation is that Beigang's masters don't know much about us and are afraid to cooperate with us. I discussed with Master Qiao and wanted Master Yu to take the lead and come to our special steel plant first. I wonder if Master Yu has this idea. "

"This ..." Yu Youheng was speechless. Of course he could guess the purpose of Qiao Changsheng and Qin Hai coming to his house, but he did not expect that Qin Hai would be so straightforward. He is a duty worker. He has never loved offending people. If he wants to reject Qiao Changsheng and Qin Hai's invitation, he can't explain. (To be continued.)

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