Material Empire

Chapter 141: The right not to expire

"You didn't humiliate me, but these six people, how can we get them back?"

Qin Hai looked at the roommates drunk like mud under the table, angry and funny. Today, if there is not a god-like sunspot, he is lying underneath Qin Hai. He was really unavailable, so he brought the sunspot to work as a follower. Who would have thought that sunspots had the ability to bring down the six old purchasers without leaving him. Qin Hai was really eager to see when everyone was fighting, and the sunspots were singled out with the six people, and then they were brought down one after the other, which is equivalent to one person having six drinks.

"Don't you cheat?" Qin Hai looked at the sunspot, wondering if he had played any tricks, spilled wine on his clothes, or secretly dumped it.

"How is this possible?" Kuroko said in disdain, "This group of people can drink well, how can I play any tricks in front of them. Boss, I have never had the opportunity to tell you that I am born to drink and not get drunk, these To me, wine is just like water. I heard the doctors on our farm say that it seems that there is a certain coal in my stomach ... "

"Is it enzyme?" Qin Hai understood. The human body depends on an enzyme to absorb alcohol. Without this enzyme, alcohol cannot be absorbed into the blood, and naturally it is not drunk. This kind of person is different from ordinary people who say that they have a large amount of alcohol. The latter is more capable of breaking down alcohol, but they will still be drunk if they drink too much. A man like Kuroko does not absorb alcohol at all, in other words, he does not enjoy drinking at all.

The waiter came over, and they were not surprised to see a lot of drunk people. Someone brought a tricycle, and several waiters with large waists and round waists carried six drunkards into the car like pockets of noodles. Under the guidance of Qin Hai, they were sent back to the hostel and thrown one by one. People who are drunk are dead and heavy. If Qin Hai and Sunspot were to be carried, they would not be able to carry one.

To prevent drunks from getting out of bed in the middle of the night, the waiters also instructed Qin Hai to secure them with a rope. Interestingly, these ropes were all found by the waiter in the corner of the room, and it is estimated that the same thing has happened in the past.

The six fell asleep until seven or eight o'clock the next morning. Qin Hai helped them buy millet porridge and wotou from the outside. While they were eating breakfast, they watched the sunspot and shook his head and sighed. The most-speaking sentence was "the geese were blinded by the goose"

After having breakfast, Su Yabo took the novel and ran outside to find a shaded place to study hard. The remaining couple cleaned up and still went their separate ways. In the words of Su Yabo, "Go to work." Liu Ziwen, who had been talking very little yesterday, dragged it to the end. After everyone was there, he suddenly flashed in front of Qin Hai and said in a low voice: "Brother Qin, I want to discuss something with you, okay?"

Qin Hai nodded and said, "Brother Liu has nothing to say. As long as my brother can help, there is nothing to say."

Liu Ziwen said: "I want to ask you, can you give rebates in your factory?"

Qin Hai froze for a while. Although everyone has already had a meal, it seems that they have not yet reached this level? What everyone can say and cannot say at the wine table is very particular. Even when everyone is drunk, they are very secretive about things like rebates. If you are a buyer, do n’t think you can get things done without a door.

"What does Brother Liu ask for this?" Qin Hai retreated, and asked Liu Ziwen in turn.

Liu Ziwen said: "I observed yesterday that your brother Qin is an enthusiastic and decent person. I think it is more practical to cooperate with your brother Qin. It is true that I have connected a line and it is a mine of a large coal mine. Long. However, his appetite is relatively large, and I cannot satisfy it, so I want to join hands with your old brother Qin ... "

"I didn't understand." Qin Hai said calmly, in fact he can probably guess what Liu Ziwen meant, but since it is the other party begging himself, why should he be too proactive, he must wait for the other party to show his hole cards, only to be good Sit back and pay.

Liu Ziwen said: "The leaders of our factory are old-fashioned, not to mention rebates, even ordinary hospitality fees are cut off. In this way, we buyers have to do things, this is not to catch ducks Is it on the shelves? I think when Brother Qin was entertaining you yesterday, you were very generous. It is estimated that your leaders should be very open-minded and should be able to accept such things as rebates. Therefore, I want to negotiate a deal with you. "

"Want to know the details." Qin Hai sat down on the bedside, handed a cigarette to Liu Ziwen, and then quietly waited for Liu Ziwen to say.

Liu Ziwen was also well thought out, or maybe he was in a desperate illness, and in desperation, Qin Hai was regarded as a life-saving straw. He took the cigarette delivered by Qin Hai, sat down in front of Qin Hai, and said, "That's it. The mine manager I contacted had 50,000 tons of unplanned coal in his hand and promised to give it to me. However, he I want to get a rebate, and I can't afford it. "

"How much does he want?" Qin Hai asked.

Liu Ziwen made a gesture of "two", and Qin Hai guessed: "20,000?"

Liu Ziwen shook his head and said, "It's 200,000."

"He really wants it." Qin Hai commented with a sneer, and an insult erupted in my heart.

Qin Hai is not a person living in a vacuum. He also understands the ugliness of real life. The first day Li Shangming introduced him to various insider stories about the coal trade, and he was not surprised at all. But today, when he heard that Liu Ziwen said someone dared to ask for a 200,000 rebate, he was still shocked.

"Don't you hear anyone say that you have the right not to use it, it will expire when it expires. Now those of the officials who want to catch a few more while on the stage, and later stepped down, you can't catch it if you want to." The red dust was general and educated on Qin Hai.

"That's right." Qin Haidao said, "So old Liu, how do you plan to cooperate with me?"

Liu Ziwen said: "He wants rebates, but our factory does not agree to give rebates. I am here now, there is no way. If your unit can give rebates, I want to discuss with you, I will let you give some of these coals to you As for the rebates, they come from your factory. What do you think? "

"Did I not lose it?" Qin Hai asked with a smile.

Liu Ziwen was anxious, arguing: "How can this be a loss? I was also a hard-working line. They felt that I was an honest person, and they only showed me the bottom and changed to a different person. He wo n’t even see him at all. 50,000 tons of coal, 200,000 rebate is not much. If you let Lao Xie do it, he promised to say nothing. Now you know that 50,000 tons of coal can be earned by pouring it out. how much is it?"

The old Xie he said naturally meant Xie Qijin in the same room. Xie Qijin is a professional grandfather. He is doing things like buying and selling, and the money he spends and the money he earns are his own, and he has a high degree of autonomy. Things like giving kickbacks can be decided by Xie Qijin himself.

Qin Hai was unmoved. He asked, "So why don't you discuss this with Lao Xie?"

Liu Ziwen knew that it was not possible to say something completely. He said, "I haven't thought about working with Lao Xie, but there are two obstacles. First, the other side is a cautious person. He doesn't want to talk to Lao Xie. I am afraid that such people are unreliable. Second, if the other party is really willing to cooperate with Lao Xie, it is likely that I will have nothing to do. Relationships such as this are worthless as soon as they are broken. The other party went online, why would he let me take part of the coal again? "

Qin Hai laughed abruptly: "Lao Liu, you believe that I won't give you a punch, and go and connect with each other?"

Liu Ziwen said: "Well, to this day, I can only bet on my own eyesight. I think Brother Qin, you are a good man. You said yesterday that you can help Lao Wan find someone to point out the technology, not even mentioning the cost. This shows your kindness. You know that Lao Wan is a self-employed person. It ’s not normal for you to ask him to collect consulting fees for things like this. "

Qin Hai patted his head and said, "Oh, this is because I have no strings in my head. Lao Liu, you reminded me well. I will ask Lao Wan for consultation fees."

Liu Ziwen was not affected by Qin Hai's pretense at all. He said, "Brother Qin, don't pretend. Although my old Liu is alive, he still has a set of people. Your heart is a good person. It ’s not like learning badly. Because of this, I plan to ask you for cooperation. For 50,000 tons of coal, I can divide 30,000 tons of you, and I can take back 20,000 tons of coal to pay. 30,000 tons of coal, give 200,000 tons. Do you think your plant can accept the rebate? "

The national price of one ton of coal is about 70 yuan ~ ~, and the price on the black market has been sold for more than 100 yuan, and the difference between the two is more than 30 yuan. Liu Ziwen promised to allow 30,000 tons of coal to Qinhai. Based on the black market price, there was a price difference of nearly 1 million yuan. If Xie Qi were allowed to choose, he would definitely be willing to pay 200,000 as a rebate, so that he would still have a profit of more than 800,000 yuan. As a state-owned enterprise, it is not possible to offer such a high rebate. As Li Shangming said, the financial system alone cannot pass it.

Qin Hai is doing his own business, and he can take care of financial matters. However, to pay 200,000 yuan for bribery, Qin Hai still has some psychological pressure, which really does not meet the principles of his life. He had to find a reason to dodge it, but he saw the bitterness on Liu Ziwen's face and the look in his eyes that he could not help but soften.

"Let's go, old Liu, if you can trust me, I'll accompany you to meet the mine chief, and listen to his conditions. I will certainly not be bad for you if you succeed or not, what do you think?" Qin Hai finally said to Liu Ziwen.

Liu Ziwen nodded: "Also, you ca n’t expect such a big deal to be promised without seeing anyone. So, Brother Qin, I ’ll make an appointment with the mine manager, and we will go together. Right, At that time, bring your colleague Xiao Fu too. The mine manager has a good volume of wine. If he does not drink to a certain extent, he will not speak the truth. "(To be continued.)

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