Material Empire

Chapter 142: It really is a sincere person

Sha Renyuan, the head of the Jianxing Coal Mine, is a man in his early 50s with a short body. He is wearing a work clothes on the mine, with spots of uncleaned coal ash. There were wrinkles on his face, and in the middle of those wrinkles, there seemed to be countless coal shavings, looking dark and bitter.

When Su Yabo first introduced Liu Ziwen to Qin Hai, he once said that Liu Ziwen was now consumed in Shengli Coal Mine, but he did not know that the person he really contacted was the mine manager of Jianxing Coal Mine. After Qin Hai promised to meet the mine chief with Liu Ziwen, it took Liu Ziwen several more days to make an appointment with Sha Renyuan. The group chose a rural tavern far from the city to meet, and it looked like a spy connection.

Liu Ziwen, Liu Ziwen, Qin Hai, and Heizi played on the other side, but Sha Renyuan had him alone. A driver in his early 20s drove Sha Renyuan over in a jeep, and then drove away without a word. Qin Hai did not know how Sha Renyuan told the driver to come to pick him up after drinking. .

"Sand mine director, this is what I said to you, Xiao Qin and Xiao Fu from Anhe Province, Xiao Qin is specifically responsible." Liu Ziwen introduced to Sha Renyuan bowed.

"My name is Sha Renyuan." Sha Renyuan calmly stretched out his hand to Qin Hai.

"Qin Hai." Qin Hai introduced herself while holding Sha Renyuan's hand. Unlike the soft hands of some officials he had contacted, Sha Renyuan's hand was rough like a file, and Qin Hai's hand was a little painful.

"Go to the bar." Sha Renyuan and Qin Hai shook hands, and sat side by side without anybody, then waved to Liu Ziwen, signaled to serve wine.

With a smile on Qin Hai's face, his eyes had been watching Sha Renyuan's every move. He noticed that Sha Renyuan had a strong aura, as he had felt in Ning Zhongying. This is the peculiar temperament of the old generation of business leaders. They all grew up in fighting with their employees, and they were not murderous. It is impossible to shake a large company.

The dishes were arranged in advance, Liu Ziwen greeted them, and the waiter at the tavern brought everything they ordered. After the drinks were served, the waiter exited the room very familiarly. Disappeared without a trace. In Quwu, many transactions that are not on the table are discussed in such taverns, and the waiters know how to do it.

"Should the mine director say something?" Qin Hai poured wine on behalf of Sha Renyuan and suggested with a smile.

"There's nothing to say about drinking." Sha Renyuan said very shamelessly. He raised his glass and glanced at everyone on the table. "All that should be said is in the wine."

After all, he didn't wait for others to react, and thought about it first and drank a full glass of wine. Qin Hai and the other three looked at each other. He drank a glass full of silence.

"Well, this is like drinking." Sha Renyuan nodded, but his face was still indifferent. He picked up the jug and poured himself wine first, then Qin Hai.

"I'll do it myself. How dare you drive the mine head?" Qin Hai quickly reached out to pick up the jug in Sha Renyuan's hand.

Sha Renyuan blocked Qin Hai's hand with his elbow. He just filled Qin Hai with wine, and then poured Liu Ziwen and Heizi with wine. Then he raised a glass and said, "There are no miners and miners on the wine table, only Man and girl. "

In the face of such a domineering guest, Qin Hai and others had nothing to say, and could only follow Sha Renyuan drinking like a match. A little longer. Liu Ziwen was drunk and vomited outside. Qin Hai could still drink a few more cups. Seeing this, he quickly pretended to be drunk and rushed out of the house. He stayed outside with Liu Ziwen and did not dare to enter the house.

Sha Renyuan didn't mind the escape of the two. He stared at the thousand cups of undrunk sunspots, and struck up with the sunspots. Facts have proved that Liu Ziwen's requirement that Qin Hai must bring sunspots is definitely a matter of experience. Heizi struggled with Sha Renyuan for four or five pounds of white wine, which served Sha Renyuan to drink.

"Good boy. Enough!" Sha Renyuan stopped his hand and continued to pour his drink, signaled that he no longer needed to drink. He scooped a few chunks of fat from the plate, chewed a bit, and then turned around and shouted to the outside, "Xiao Liu, Xiao Qin, don't have to pretend, come in."

"Lao Sha is drinking." Liu Ziwen, standing outside, winked at Qin Hai and pulled Qin Hai into the room together.

Sha Renyuan's face looked much kinder, and it was no longer the appearance of rejecting people thousands of miles away when they first met. He pointed with his fingers and motioned to Liu Ziwen and Qin Hai to sit down, and then began to comment: "Xiao Fu has a good drink, I have seen a good drink like Xiao Fu, I have only seen one in the past. Xiao Liu and Xiao Qin can not drink "It's okay to drink. People like wine, who can drink like this, are all refreshing guys."

Qin Hai smiled bitterly in his heart, and the drinker always liked to say that wine is like character, and he didn't know where the theory came from. He didn't want to play tricks just now, but he was really irritated by the domineering of Sha Renyuan, so the visitor refused to fight, and he resisted seven or eight glasses of wine. Who would have thought of hitting and hitting by mistake, actually got Sha Renyuan's evaluation of a good character.

"Say something." After Sha Renyuan commented on the drinking, he went directly to the subject and said, "Xiao Qin, did Xiao Liu tell you the specific conditions?"

"Say." Qin Haidao said.

"So now, what do you think about this condition?" Sha Renyuan asked.

"The asking price is too high." Qin Hai answered straightforwardly.

Before coming here, Qin Hai had conceived many ways to communicate with Sha Renyuan, but in the end, he chose such a skill with the least skill, which is simple and straightforward. From the question of drinking, Qin Hai saw that Sha Renyuan was an overbearing person, and he didn't care about fear at all. In this case, why should Qin Hai be in a circle with him again?

"Haha, the asking price is too high?" Sha Renyuan laughed. "If I give these coals to speculators, they are willing to pay 400,000. I want you 200,000, is it still high?"

Qin Haidao: "That being the case, why doesn't the chief of sand mines give them coal? Don't say it is because you look at our wine, I don't believe you."

"Haha, okay! The young man has a kind!" Qin Hai's words did not anger Sha Renyuan. On the contrary, it also gave him a sudden appreciation for Qin Hai. He said: "Since you dare to say that, I'm not afraid to tell you, because I'm not assured of them. There are many people looking for me for coal. I only like Xiao Liu because he is a real man. And Xiao When Liu recommended you to me, he also said that you are real people. I am willing to do business with real people and the money is clean. "

"Clean ..." Qin Haimian was sarcastic, "Sand mine director, how can I feel a bit awkward when talking about the word clean on this occasion?"

As soon as Qin Hai said this, Liu Ziwen's face was frightened. This kind of remark is barely the old man who exposed Sha Renyuan. Liu Ziwen was killed and did not dare to say such words to Sha Renyuan. He stared nervously at Sha Renyuan, waiting for Sha Renyuan to explode, get angry, and then walk away.

However, Sha Renyuan did not react as Liu Ziwen imagined. He stared at Qin Hai with his eyes and looked at it for a long time before saying coldly: "Xiao Liu is right, you really are a real person. You think I It's not clean to take this money, so I will explain to you what clean is. "

"Sand mine director please speak, the younger generations will listen to you." Qin Hai responded calmly.

As long as Liu Ziwen was talking about Sha Renyuan, Qin Hai thought about this person's mentality. At first glance, the person who dared to ask for a 200,000 rebate should be bold, but he chose Liu Ziwen, an honest Pakistani man, to trade without contacting those downcasts who are all over the street. There are some contradictions in the heart.

It is conceivable that Sha Renyuan wanted to get money but was also afraid that the transaction object was too frivolous, which would cause him trouble in the future. Therefore, in order to make this transaction, the character of the trader will be most important to Sha Renyuan.

With this in mind, Qin Hai determined the strategy of treating each other with sincerity, and deliberately played an upright role in front of Sha Renyuan. Only in this role can Sha Renyuan be trusted and the transaction be concluded.

After a few rounds of confrontation between the two sides, Sha Renyuan was really touched by Qin Hai's frankness. In addition, Jiu Jin was already up and his courage was strong, so he was very reticent.

"Xiao Qin, do you know what our coal transfer price is in Quwu now?" Sha Renyuan asked.

"65 yuan per ton," Qin Hai replied.

"Yes, 65 yuan per ton. What about the black market price?" Sha Renyuan asked again.

"No less than 100 yuan." Qin Haidao.

Sha Renyuan said: "65 yuan per ton, this is not even enough cost. We lose as much coal as we dig. Once these coals fall into the hands of those who fall down, they will change hands to tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands. Earn. Do you say, is this fair? "

"Of course it is unfair," Qin Hai replied. He is also well aware of the irrationality of the price system. Does Sha Renyuan's complaints sympathize with him?

Sha Renyuan said: "That's right. I'm mine director ~ ~ I can't let my employees be too poor to have meals. I have to take the unplanned coal we produce to the employees for advice. Welfare. You asked Xiao Liu, in the past few years, I have exchanged coal for rice and pork. How much benefits our employees have received are well documented. Do you think these rice and pork are not clean? "

Qin Hai smiled and said, "The director of sand mines, you seem to be off topic. If you are using coal for the welfare of employees, I have nothing to say. Although this kind of thing is illegal, it is reasonable. However, you ask, It doesn't seem to be these things, but 200,000 yuan. You wouldn't tell me that the money should be distributed to employees, right? "

Sha Renyuan shook his head decisively and said, "Of course not. If it is for employees, why should I find you?"

"That being the case, what's the point of saying that these things are for the benefit of employees?" Qin Haibi asked.

Sha Renyuan sank and said, "Because I am also a miner, my mine chief also got his life under the well."


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