Material Empire

Chapter 147: unity is strength

Hearing Zhai Jianguo's words, Wei Rongping knew for a moment that he had been able to guess Zhai Jianguo's intentions, but how to answer himself was a difficult matter.

"I didn't understand the words of Director Zhai." Wei Rong replied flatly. As an experienced corporate leader, he had enough patience to wait for Zhai Jianguo to show his card.

Zhai Jianguo stepped forward and whispered, "Director Wei, the localization office of Pusang is going to Pingyuan to hold an on-site meeting. Have you been notified?"

"Of course I got it." Wei Rongping said.

"Isn't this a good opportunity?" Zhai Jianguo asked again.

Wei Rongping shook his head: "What opportunity is this, how can I not see?"

"Why can't you see?" Zhai Jianguo's eyes narrowed and he looked at Wei Rongping in puzzlement. In his imagination, speaking to this extent himself, Wei Rongping can think of what to do anyway. Is this the only person in the world who is a smart person, like Wei Rongping who is a fool?

This is exactly what Yang Xiu said a thousand years ago: Xun Xiangfei was in the dream, and Jun Nai was in the middle of the dream. Zhai Jianguo thought that he was very smart, but he didn't know that he was careful to sell big knives in front of Guan Jiangsheng such as Ning Zhongying and Wei Rongping. It was not enough to watch.

Wei Rongping was very clear about what Zhai Jianguo wanted to say, but he would never take the initiative to say it, because it was too sensitive, and it would be a chicken fly, so he wouldn't be so reckless.

Seeing Wei Rongping's loyal expression, Zhai Jianguo finally couldn't help but bluntly said: "The conditions of the factory director and the Qingfeng factory for the cooperative factories are too harsh. In the past, everyone had no choice but to endure. The leadership of the Pusang Localization Office has come down. Why don't everyone join forces. Find a leader to discuss it?

I think that the senior leadership of the Qingfeng Factory will definitely not approve of it. As long as everyone raises it, the leaders will severely criticize the Qingfeng Factory and ask them to correct their mistakes. Thus. Wouldn't everyone be better off? "

"This isn't very good? Qingfeng Factory is actually good for us collaborative factories, Lao Ning and I have been old friends for many years." Wei Rong Paperback looked in a distressed state and pushed hard.

Zhai Jianguo was anxious: "Director Wei, how can you think like this? Isn't this ... isn't it the gentleman's heart to measure the abdomen of the villain? The Qingfeng factory is obviously exploiting you, and I heard At the last tender site meeting, Ning Zhongying was very arrogant towards the leaders of your cooperative factories. "

"Director Zhai, I don't understand. You are also from the Qingfeng Factory. Why don't you favor Qingfeng Factory, but think for us outsiders?" Wei Rongping asked.

"This ..." Zhai Jianguo suddenly became dumb and supported me for a while before he said timidly: "Although I am from the Qingfeng Factory, I am also very dissatisfied with this approach of Qingfeng Factory .Everyone is a brother company. How can Qingfeng Factory do this? "

"In my opinion, Director Zhai should be a little dissatisfied with Director Ning. Would you like to help Director Wei be a director again?" Wei Rongping smiled. Pick out the last layer of window paper.

Can Wei Rongping not know the contradiction between Wei Baolin and Ning Zhongying. Ning Zhongying retreated. Squeezing Wei Baolin into the washing machine committee to take care of the elderly, this is a **** feud. As a confidant of Wei Baolin, Zhai Jianguo was also a loser in this struggle. It is normal for him to hate Ning Zhongying.

Zhai Jianguo went to Wanye Machinery Factory to stir up the relationship and let Wei Rongping take the opportunity of the on-site meeting to attack Qingfeng Factory. If the localization office really got angry at Qingfeng Factory. Then Ning Zhongying stepped down is inevitable, and Wei Baolin, as the former factory director, is most likely to be restored to office. If such a result does occur, Wei Baolin and Zhai Jianguo are undoubtedly the biggest winners.

"Uh ... I certainly have this idea ... Actually, Director Wei's ability is very strong. He is also very kind, unlike Ning ... Director Ning ... a little ... small collective consciousness ... Zhai Jianguo confessed with awkwardness. He is not a person who is good at conspiracy. Once his mind is broken, there will inevitably be some embarrassment.

"Do you mean what Director Wei meant?" Wei Rongping asked again.

"Of course, this is what Director Wei meant." Zhai Jianguo answered resolutely, his eyes stared round, pretending to be extremely calm.

"It turned out to be this way." Wei Rongping nodded, lost in thought.

He didn't know that Zhai Jianguo's last sentence was a complete lie. Zoji Jianguo once hinted Wei Baolin one or two of the troubles of various cooperative factories to Qingfeng Factory, but Wei Baolin did not show support. Unlike Zhai Jianguo, Wei Baolin has some feelings for Qingfeng Factory. Although he is very jealous of Ning Zhongying's achievements, he can't do anything to get him to stand against Qingfeng Factory.

Zhai Jianguo is a very realistic person, and his philosophy of life is that people do n’t do it for themselves. Now that Qingfeng Factory has squeezed Wei Baolin and him out, Qingfeng Factory is their enemy. What other methods are not available to treat the enemy?

With such an idea, Zhai Jianguo ran out with Wei Baolin on his back and started to connect in series. Wanye Machinery Factory was just one of the companies he had visited. Everywhere he went, he used the same rhetoric, and when the other party asked whether Wei Baolin knew, he always gave a positive answer, because he knew that without Wei Baolin endorsing himself, he was such a small bull It is impossible to get the trust of everyone.

Hearing that this was Wei Baolin's idea, Wei Rongping's mind began to move. He quickly calculated the risks and benefits of doing so in his mind, wondering whether he would respond to Zhai Jianguo's plan.

In the past six months, Wanye Machinery Plant has realized the turnaround from loss by taking on the task of auto parts production, and also allowed Wei Rongping to see the huge profits of auto parts. He knew that, because the Qingfeng factory had mastered the core technology, the main profit was taken by the Qingfeng factory, and what he got was nothing but a few cruel and cold. Some soups can make you lose money. If you can add a few more pieces of meat, wouldn't Wanye Machinery Plant get fat?

No factory director does not want his company to make a lot of money. With more profits, more benefits can be given to employees, thereby increasing their prestige. With more profits, my official business consumption can also be more relaxed. When traveling, I do n’t have to go to cheap guest houses. Who does n’t like it?

However, there is also a risk that the Qingfeng plant will be troubled. Qingfeng Factory is now a star enterprise in the eyes of Beixi City Government. Ning Zhongying and Chai Peide have a good relationship between public and private affairs. It's very dangerous to touch the mold of Ning Zhongying yourself and offend the city government if you don't. There is only one way to avoid the risks, and that is to unite with other cooperative factories, so that the municipal government feels that the law cannot blame the public.

"Director Zhai, the issue of profit distribution of auto parts production does not only involve our Wanji family. There are dozens of companies in Beixi City that have the same situation as us. What is their attitude?" Wei Rong Ping asked.

Zhai Jianguo's eyes brightened, knowing that Wei Rongping had already been tempted, but he still needed to find some allies. This was the legendary pheasant. He said, "Director Wei, I have already contacted several companies before Wanji came. Their attitude is the same as director Wei, that is to be angry and not to speak to Qingfeng. Everyone If you want to act together, unity is strength. "

"So, who will take the lead?" Wei Rongping asked.

Zhai Jianguo said: "It is not appropriate for anyone to take the lead. My suggestion is that everyone should not be a leader, pretend that they have not passed beforehand, and be consistent when they act. We must let the localization office feel that It is an action taken by various companies intolerable situations. As long as everyone's attitude is the same, the localization office will naturally know who is right and who is wrong. "

"I have to think about it again," Wei Rongping replied.

"Okay, the director of the factory will consider it again. However, the opportunity is not lost. If this opportunity is missed, after the on-site meeting, the policy of the Qingfeng Factory may be changed again." Zhai Jianguo threatened.

"Director Zhai has come all the way, and it's been hard. Otherwise, let me arrange the cafeteria?" Wei Rongping said politely.

Although Zhai Jianguo was lacking in mind, anyway, he had also been the director of the office, knowing that he was a bit smart. In his status, Wei Rongping was definitely not in a position to arrange the banquet in person, so Wei Rongping's sentence was equivalent to the ancient tea-delivery, which meant to tell Zhai Jianguo to get away with fun ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ I do n’t have to. I have other things to do before leaving. Zhai Jianguo quickly got up and said goodbye.

"Don't have a meal? Or else, I'll arrange a car for Director Zhai?" Wei Rongping brought up more tea, which meant: "Not ready yet?"

"No need, I'm leaving, the factory director stays ..." Zhai Jianguo said as he hurried out of Wei Rongping's office.

Watching from the window, Zhai Jianguo left from the factory building. Wei Rongping returned to his desk and picked up the phone. He wanted to talk to the director of another company that had a good personal relationship with him. He knew that Companies are now doing outsourcing for Qingfeng.

"Lao Gao, do you have any plans for this on-site meeting of Qingfeng Factory? ... Yes, the director of Wei Baolin's office has just left from me, has he been to you? It's a good opportunity. You can try it. Everyone advances and retreats. No one is allowed to pretend ... Well, let me prepare. Let's be reasonable, beneficial, and restrained ... Lao Ning is still a good person. He's amazing, right ... "

Putting down the phone, Wei Rongping smiled. (To be continued ...)

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