Material Empire

Chapter 148: Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf

"What, do you say that the collaborating companies want to boycott the on-site meeting?"

In the side building of the Economic Commission of Pingyuan County, Wei Baolin looked surprised at Zhai Jianguo who returned from the dust and asked.

Zhai Jianguo Road: "Yeah, I went to counties for a while. I originally wanted to learn about the experience of auto parts collaboration with various companies in order to introduce them to the washing machine project. As a result, I heard that the leaders of all companies He complained, saying that he did not want to participate in the meeting. "

"Why?" Wei Baolin asked.

Zhai Jianguo Road: "I also asked about this situation. A common opinion from all of you is that the Qingfeng factory is high above the ground, and the profits for the cooperative enterprises are too low. They eat meat by themselves and others drink soup. Also, Qingfeng The factory's leadership attitude is also very arrogant, and it cannot treat each other as equals with brother companies. Everyone feels that they have become slaves of Qingfeng Factory, and they have been discriminated against in terms of interests and status. "

"The old factory director ... sometimes it's true, sometimes." Wei Baolin sighed and said.

"Director Wei, we can't just sit back and watch this." Zhai Jianguo Road.

Wei Baolin said: "How do we manage this kind of thing? The old factory director, you are not ignorant. The things he recognizes will not change easily. In addition, the little young Qin Hai, whom he loves, listens to It is said that there are two children in technology, and the teenager is very motivated. "

"Qin Hai ..." Zhai Jianguo creaked his teeth. "This young man is not easy. As soon as the Qingfeng factory and Ningmo fought fiercely, it turned out that he had spotted the planter Ning. If the technical school students from the countryside are not protecting him from the factory director, what can he do well? "

"I won't talk about this anymore." Wei Baolin waved his hand. He felt that it was a shame to talk about a Mao child in his back as his own identity, not to mention the shame of his achievements. Not to mention anything else, just the province designated Qin Hai to jointly produce steel with Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Xiao Zhai. How did you think?" Wei Baolin returned to the topic and asked Zhai Jianguo.

Zhai Jianguo Road: "Director Wei, my thought is that at this time. As the former director of Qingfeng Factory, you should come out and speak out, criticize the practices of Qingfeng Factory, and support the legitimate requirements of various cooperative enterprises. Now In this case, if the Qingfeng factory continues on the wrong path, there may be unpredictable results at the scene, which will seriously affect the image of Beixi City. "

"Fighting righteousness?" Wei Baolin was hesitant. "Xiao Zhai, do you think, in my current capacity. Will he listen to these things to the old factory director?"

"Who said to mention these things to the factory director Ning?" Zhai Jianguo really hates iron and steel. "If the factory director is a person who listens to persuasion, he won't have reached this point. The current plan can only be higher. The leadership reflects this. Ask your superiors to solve this problem. "

"This ..." Wei Baolin was a little hesitant.

Zhai Jianguo's meaning, Wei Baolin understands. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Baolin told Guo Ming to tell Ning Zhongying's blackness. With such a general situation on the scene, it is likely that Ning Zhongying could be pulled down. Once Ning Zhongying stepped down, he was able to take over from him. Naturally, he had the experience of managing the Qingfeng factory and was able to stand up at a critical moment. This result. Wei Baolin is conceivable.

It is false to say that Wei Baolin does not want to return to the throne of the factory director of Qingfeng. He's only in his 40s and doesn't want to spend time in this futile washing machine committee. Not to mention a lifetime, even if it took three or five years, his future is completely ruined. The situation at Qingfeng Factory is now very good, Wei Baolin believes. If you go back by yourself, you will be able to make a big cause by this momentum, and wash away the stigma that you were previously transferred because of no success.

However, such a thing was reported. It's too rude. The profit of Ningzhongying Kejia Cooperative Factory was real, but that was for the development of Qingfeng Factory, and it was not a sin. At this time, the various cooperative factories united and attacked the Qingfeng factory. They were also very dark. How could they fall into the rock and give Ning Zhongying a stumbling block? Relying on these cooperative factories to squeeze Ning Zhongying, the final loss was Qingfeng Factory. In the future, I want to go back to Qingfeng Factory to be the factory director. I will give the factory to the pit before returning. What will happen to the cadres and workers? Think about it?

"Director Wei, there is nothing to hesitate about, things are already imminent. If this problem cannot be resolved before the on-site meeting, everything will be too late when the leaders of the localization office come," Zhai Jianguo urged.

Wei Baolin said: "Xiao Zhai, I think it's better to discuss this with the old factory manager first, and hide it from him to report to the county leader. It's not bright."

Zhai Jianguo sneered: "Director Wei, you think this is too much to blame, right? Do you think about how Ning Zhongying told your mayor in the back?"

Awake the person in the dream a little, and heard Zhai Jianguo's words, Wei Baolin's heart burst into flames. But wasn't it? At first, Ning Zhongying secretly ran to Beixi to file a complaint with Chai Peide, and then made himself leave the Qingfeng factory dimly. He can do the first day, why can't he do fifteen?

Thinking of this, Wei Baolin picked up the phone on the desk and directly talked to the county chief Guo Ming's office: "Hey, county chief, I'm Xiaowei. Are you free now? I heard some are more sensitive I want to report to you ... "

Since the recovery of Qingfeng Factory in Ning Zhongying's hands, the relationship between Guo Ming and Wei Baolin has become more and more alienated. Guo Ming began to realize that Wei Baolin, a guy he once admired, was a little motivated, and a very good factory was close to closing in Wei Baolin's hands, and when he turned into Ning Zhongying's hands, it became popular. Wei Baolin has a set of principles for corporate management, but in practice it has become a laughing stock. What kind of need does Guo Ming need to pay attention to?

Hearing Wei Baolin called himself, the boss first reluctantly perfunctory, but was immediately shocked by the contents of the phone: "What, Director Wei, where did you get the news?"

All the collaborating enterprises will join hands to make trouble at the scene. For Guo Ming, this news is no less than an atomic bomb. Pusang auto parts localization work experience on-site meeting, what level of a meeting! As far as Guo Ming was notified, three or four members of the provincial and central ministries and commissions have already come to attend. Those who did not say hello beforehand have not been counted. Although this on-site meeting was held in Pingyuan, it did not even represent Beixi area, but the face of the entire Anhe province. Who would dare to find a **** for such a meeting?

These days, Chai Peide urged the preparation of the meeting almost two or three times a day, and asked Pingyuan County to absolutely guarantee the enthusiasm, grandness, safety and completeness of the meeting. What happened at the meeting place happened, and it was such a conflict that Pingyuan County couldn't handle it at all.

"Come here and ask your office director to come too!" Guo Ming said on the phone.

The office of the Washing Machine Project Working Committee, commonly known as the "washing committee" by the Pingyuan County Office, is not far from Guo Ming's office, and Wei Baolin didn't dare to delay for a moment. When he entered the door, he found that Pan Shengjie, the director of the county economic commission, was already sitting in the office. Both Guo Ming and Pan Shengjie's faces were extremely dark and ugly, as if it was about to rain.

"Did you hear the news?" Guo Ming pointed at Zhai Jianguo and asked politely. He used to know Zhai Jianguo, but now he can only remember that he is Wei Baolin's confidant, but he cannot remember his name. At this critical juncture, Guo Ming didn't bother to talk to Zhai Jianguo about anything, and he asked directly.

"Yes, County Chief, I overheard." Zhai Jianguo said timidly.

"You talk about what the situation is," Guo Mingdao said.

Zhai Jianguo remarked on the opinions of the collaborating enterprises on the Qingfeng factory, and finally pointed out that these companies hope that the Qingfeng factory can adjust its policies and give them benefits, otherwise they will resist the upcoming on-site meeting and let the on-site meeting Become the one-man show of Qingfeng Factory.

"Is this what the factory director told you personally?" Guo Ming asked.

Zhai Jianguo said: "Of course they will not speak so clearly, but they only show their intention to refuse. As far as I guess, their companies have already passed each other, and they should take joint action."

"Temo! These unfamiliar white-eyed wolves!" Guo Ming angrily slaps the table and cursed, "If it weren't for the Qingfeng factory to get the project over, these companies are still losing money ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ has the benefit of our Pingyuan, just don't say thank you, even if we are demolishing our platform at a critical time, this is simply ... that is ... "




Several subordinates added one after another, and of course everyone couldn't watch the magistrate being choked by a word.

"You're all right!" Guo Ming concluded. "But now that things have happened, what should we do? What's your opinion?"

"This matter should be reported immediately to the Mayor of Chai, so that the Beixi Municipal Government will put pressure on these enterprises." Pan Shengjie advised.

"Apply pressure ..." Guo Ming groaned. Since these companies have taken joint action, naturally they have taken into consideration the pressure of the city. Why don't they know how passive this will be in Beixi City and how it will anger the city government. In this case, they still insisted on making trouble, which is obviously the principle that the law does not blame the public. Faced with the joint actions of many enterprises, when the municipal government wants to take action, it must also look ahead.

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