Material Empire

Chapter 149: Take care of 3 acres of land

Seeing Guo Ming hesitant, Wei Baolin said, "Mao County Chief, I think the current plan may be a two-pronged approach .. On the one hand, the work of these enterprises through the city, on the other hand, the Qingfeng factory also needs to have What they are doing should show some sincerity to resolve the conflicts with the cooperative factory. "

"Do you think there is something wrong with Qingfeng Factory?" Guo Ming asked Wei Baolin looking at him.

"This is of course. A slap doesn't make a sound." Zhai Jianguo interjected beside him.

Zhai Jianguo also fainted Zhili. According to his reason, the county chief did not let him speak, and he could not just casually interject. However, at this time Guo Ming couldn't bother to take care of this either. He turned his head and asked Zhai Jianguo: "Little ... yes, you're the last name Zhai? You talk about it, what is a slap? "

Zhai Jianguo was depressed for a second for no reason, and then said, "Collaboration, of course, is to talk about your wishes. However, in this cooperation, the Qingfeng Factory obviously has some bullies and rely on itself to master some core technologies. The bottom line is to keep the profit for the cooperative enterprises to the bottom line. Everyone is a brother company, which is a bit chilling.

Also, when I talked with the leaders of these enterprises, they also had some opinions about the style of Ning ... Ningbo, and feel that after this comeback, Ning has a stronger temper than the past, and some do not miss the old feelings. "

When Guo Ming heard this, he turned his head and gave Pan Shengjie a meaningful look, and Pan Shengjie nodded his head slightly. Both people have counted in their hearts. This matter is not just the conflict between the cooperative enterprise and the Qingfeng Factory. Wei Baolin and Zhai Jianguo are obviously also in the play. Guo Ming can't imagine how Wei Baolin would hate Ning Zhongying? But Wei Baolin's attack at this time made Guo Ming feel a sense of anger.

"Director Zhai, how can you be associated with these enterprises?" Guo Ming asked, instead of calling Zhai Jianguo "Xiao Zhai", he called the other party's position. No one can hear the subtle differences.

"I ... I ... It was Director Wei who asked me to learn from these companies about the experience of developing technical cooperation so that we can follow this model when we start washing machine projects in the future. Director Wei, is that right?" Next, I had to drag Wei Baolin to the water.

Wei Baolin's mind was faint, he also felt that something was wrong. He didn't even know what happened when Zhai Jianguo ran out to contact these companies. After Zhai Jianguo returned, it was the same set of rhetoric, but he did not dare to say that he was sent by Wei Baolin. Now in front of Guo Ming, Zhai Jianguo suddenly climbed up to him. Is it a guilty conscience?

But in the presence of Guo Ming, how can Wei Baolin deny Zhai Jianguo's designation? If Zhai Jianguo hadn't sent him out, then why would he believe what Zhai Jianguo said, and rushed to report to Guo Ming? In a dilemma, Wei Baolin had no choice but to scratch his head and said, "This thing, I did talk to Xiao Zhai about it. It was a matter of months ago. Xiao Zhai kept it in my heart."

This remark was very artistic. He neither directly denied Zhai Jianguo's words but also took himself out of the matter, saying that Zhai Jianguo's going out had nothing to do with him this time. Guo Ming listened, nodded, no longer entangled, but said, "So, what should the Qingfeng plant do in your opinion?"

"I think that the Qingfeng factory should communicate with the cooperative enterprises before the on-site meeting, re-negotiate the issue of profit sharing, and appropriately give part of the profits to the cooperative enterprises. This is also in line with the principle of chess. .

Go to your mother's game of chess! Guo Ming scolded in his heart. He is the mayor of Pingyuan, not the mayor of Beixi. Why should he talk to other districts and counties about a game of chess? Ning Zhongying deducted the profits of the various collaborating enterprises. Guo Ming agreed with both hands. The profit of the Qingfeng factory is to be paid to the county, and after the Qingfeng factory becomes rich, some of the county's spending money can also be allocated to the Qingfeng factory. In the past few months, the Qingfeng factory has been alone to entertain The guests in the county saved tens of thousands of yuan in entertainment for Guo Ming. Based on this alone, Guo Ming would not be willing to give any profit to these cooperative enterprises.

"I think this matter should be discussed with Laoning first. We are not the parties. Although Director Wei has been the director of the Qingfeng factory, it has been more than half a year since he left. It is not special to the situation in the factory. Understand. Is the profit distribution with the cooperative factory reasonable, and Laoning should have more say? "Pan Shengjie said.

"Yeah! We talked here for a long time, why didn't you want to notify Laoning?" Guo Mingru dreamed up, "Lao Pan, please call Laoning now and let him come to the county right away."

"Good." Pan Shengjie agreed, and picked up the phone on Guo Ming's desk to talk to the factory of Qingfeng Factory.

"Country Guo, since I asked the factory director to come over, should Xiaozhai and I avoid it?" Wei Baolin asked timidly, but he was afraid to face Ning Zhongying in fear of being sentenced by Ning Zhongying. The words scared the truth.

Guo Ming nodded and said, "Yeah, you go back to the washing committee first, and I will contact you when something happens. By the way, Lao Wei, the washing machine project is still in the preparatory stage, but the county still attaches great importance , You ca n’t relax, you still have to do some research. ”

"I see, please rest assured by the county magistrate." Wei Baolin promised in a low voice, and then took Zhai Jianguo away.

Out of the county axe's office building, Zhai Jianguo asked Wei Baolin cheerfully: "Director Wei, it seems that the county is still preparing to carry out the washing machine project."

"How do you know?" Wei Baolin looked at Zhai Jianguo and asked strangely. He had been thinking about other things in his mind, and for a moment did not respond to Zhai Jianguo's intention.

Zhai Jianguo Road: "Didn't Guo County just say, let's do some research work?"

"Mixed ..." Wei Baolin was angry, and a **** almost blurted out. Fortunately, he is a man who pursues Sven, and he will not scream at him casually. After a long while, he sighed and ignored Zhai Jianguo, and went straight to his office.

Wei Baolin knew very well that Guo Ming's last sentence was neither a casual politeness, nor much encouragement, but a naked knock. That means, you Wei Baolin can manage your acre of three-point land, don't mix other things. This murderous warning can't be heard only by a silly fork like Zhai Jianguo.

Alas, ignoring the people, this Zhai Jianguo is probably going to hurt me. Wei Baolin began to worry about the aftermath.

Ning Zhongying received the phone call from the county and rushed right away. After entering Guo Ming's office, he found that the atmosphere was a bit strange. He couldn't help wondering: "Country Guo, Director Pan, what happened?"

"How are things going on at the scene?" Guo Ming asked.

"Very good." Ning Zhongying replied, "All kinds of materials have been prepared, the factory area has been completely cleaned up, and even the toilets have been refurbished to ensure that the leaders of Pujiang and the Central Government will not be able to pull out shit. Come."

"You Lao Ning!" Guo Ming was so stunned that Ning Zhongying was so angry. When did he still say such a joke, "Lao Ning, this is an on-site exchange meeting on product collaboration experience, not just you guys. The Qingfeng factory can just speak. I ask you, have you contacted those cooperative companies? "

"Of course they are connected." Ning Zhongying said, "Will I be so confused? I keep Xiang Jiyong in contact with various companies. At that time, at least two or three leaders of each factory will be present. I estimate that most factories are The first is here. County Chief Guo, if you think about it, there will be people from the central and provincial levels. Who wouldn't want to show their faces in front of the leaders? "

"What will they say when they show up?" Guo Ming asked again.

"Of course, I introduced the experience of collaboration, and put something on my face. But County Governor Guo, rest assured, they must all thank us for this opportunity provided by Pingyuan County. Qingfeng Factory is Pingyuan. For the county's enterprises, you are headed by the county governor of Pingyuan County. Can this credit be attributed to your county chief? ”Ning Zhongying teased with a smile and smiled, when the old man did not get angry, he did seem harmless to humans and animals. of.

Guo Ming really convinced Ning Zhongying, and his name is no longer in the circle, but he said directly: "Lao Ning, you are too optimistic. I just heard the news, and the collaborating companies think that the Qingfeng factory gave them the collaboration. The price is too low, and I have always had opinions, but I can't find a place to say. Taking the opportunity of this scene, they want to raise this matter to the leaders of the localization office. Listen clearly, they are not here for you Lao Ning sent the pennant, and they came to sue. "

"Is this happening?" Ning Zhongying's eyes narrowed ~ ~ County Magistrate, who did you listen to? "

"Whoever I hear is not important, the key is, is this possible?" Guo Ming asked, and he did not want to tell Ning Zhongying that this matter was related to Wei Baolin, because it would divert Ning Zhongying's attention to Wei Po Lin's body is not conducive to solving the problem.

Ning Zhongying did not follow up. Since Guo Ming is unwilling to say, naturally he has no reason to say, so he does not have to investigate. This possible surname proposed by Guo Ming brought Ning Zhongying's attention. Ning Zhongying was very clear about the appetite and courage of the directors of these cooperative enterprises.

"If you can say the last name is not small," Ning Zhongying said frankly, "these factories have mentioned it three days and two days on the price of collaboration. However, we have also explained it, at least verbally It ’s understandable. As for choosing to sue the superiors collectively at this scene ... if someone takes the lead, they may indeed unite. "

"Look at it, look at it. Lao Ning, you let me say what's good about you, all brother companies. Although it is not the high-profile national chess game now, but at least a bit of equality, you should always do it? Now, you can tell me how to cope with this situation? "Guo Ming pointed at Ning Zhongying with his hand, and he woke up like a grieving woman. (To be continued.)

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