Material Empire

Chapter 159: Eat a few fish

"I announced that the Beixi City Government officially established a strategic cooperative relationship with Hongyuan Honghai Industrial Company to jointly open up the East China auto parts market, and strive to make the auto parts products in Beixi Auto Parts Production Base occupy similar products in East China within three years. 80% of the market, the sales output value exceeded 1 billion yuan. "

Facing the audience, Chai Peide loudly announced the letter of intent of the agency that he had just signed with Chen Hongcheng, and at the same time, he made a grand statement. Chen Hongcheng stepped forward, shook hands tightly with Chai Peide, and the reporters who came from all over the country to report on the scene of the meeting did not hesitate to roll the film and clicked the shutter to record this historic scene.

"Lao Ning, I ... I want to say a few words!" Wei Rongping, who was sitting below, jumped up from his seat, ran to the podium in disregard, and whispered to Ning Zhongying, who chaired the meeting.

"What do you want to say, if you still have those words in the morning, you don't need to say any more. After the meeting, you just need to find the director of Xiang Xiang to cancel the contract." Ning Zhongying covered his microphone in his hand and said the probe to Wei Rongping.

Wei Rongping waved his hands again and again: "Lao Ning, what do you sell to me, aren't all those words in the morning mad ... You don't want to see the monk's face and the Buddha's face, are we not the children's in-laws?

"Children's in-laws ..." Ning Zhongying almost let Wei Rongping Lei plant from the stage.

This seems to be a stubble ten years ago. At that time, Ning Zhongying and Wei Rongping went to a meeting together and each brought their own children. Ning Zhongying brought Ning Mo, and Wei Rongping took his girlfriend. At that time, Ning Mo still had a little potential for Yushu to be in the wind, and had a good time with the Wei family's girl, so the two adults joked to have a baby kiss.

Later, Ning Zhongying also joked with Wei Rongping about this matter, but Wei Rongping Yakou denied that he had promised it, because Ning Mo had grown into a dead fat man, and his academic performance was very poor. Do not bother to ask him to be his son-in-law.

Nowadays, Wei Rongping asked Ning Zhongying to work, and even his sons and daughters said such things, and he sold his own daughter, which made Ning Zhongying really unable to refuse.

"Mayor Chai and Director Wei said he had something to say." Ning Zhongying smiled and reported to Chai Peidehui.

"Then please invite him up, everyone can speak freely." Chai Peide said with tolerance.

With Chai Peide's permission, Wei Rongping impatiently stepped onto the stage and took the microphone. The first sentence was: "We Wanye Machinery Factory firmly supports the cooperation between the municipal government and President Chen, and firmly responds to the call of the municipal government!"

"Director Wei, you don't need to say more about this kind of determination. In the morning, you said that the equipment of your Wanye Machinery Plant is aging and unable to undertake the follow-up production tasks. Is this the case?" Chai Peide asked.

"This is the thing in the morning!" Wei Rongping said bluntly. "At noon, I discussed with our comrades in the production and technology departments. Everyone agreed that the needs of the country are the responsibility of the enterprise, no matter how difficult it is We can also overcome it. After we decide to go back, we will immediately update the production equipment to ensure that the output can be quadrupled on the existing basis. "

"The funds needed to update the equipment, you ..." Chai Peide dragged his long pits and began to expose Wei Rongping's shortness.

Wei Rongping's old face is a little crimson, but he is also a tried and tested person. This embarrassment can still cope with the past. He expressed a sincere expression and said, "Through the on-site meeting, we have recognized the gap between Wanji and Qingfeng Factory. In order to develop technology, Qingfeng Factory has set up such a huge material laboratory and In the heat treatment workshop, why is it necessary for us to stretch the waistband of the pants? We have decided to save money from the factory without any delay in completing the production tasks. "

If the decision of Su Chengying, Yang Xinyu and others in the morning is a heavy hammer on Wei Rongping, then this strategic cooperation agreement announced by Chai Peide will become the last straw that crushes Wei Rongping.

In addition to Pusang Motors, it is necessary to open up a larger automotive market and reach 1 billion yuan in sales in three years. What a huge piece of cake? Faced with such a temptation, I don't know how many companies want to jump forward and take a sip, and this person who has already sat at the dinner table actually threatens to throw away the knife and fork. Isn't this a sign of flooding?

In fact, without Zhai Jianguo's challenge, Wei Rongping would not want to talk about the price of cooperation with Qingfeng Factory. In the past six months, Wanji has made a lot of money. Where can the money in the world be made? Although an accessory only has a profit of 1 yuan, 100,000 pieces are 100,000 yuan. If 1 million pieces can be achieved, that is 1 million yuan. With such a profit, what can we ask for?

With this in mind, Wei Rongping couldn't care less about his face, and quickly stepped on the stage to show his determination to prevent being kicked out of the collaboration system by Chai Peide and Ning Zhongying. As for whether such a statement can be counted as a slap in the face, Wei Rongping doesn't care at all. Who is the director of the factory? Who cares about these slaps?

With Wei Rongping taking the lead, other factory directors also knew what they should do, one by one, raising their hands high, asking for determination and asking the city government to give themselves a “heavier burden”.

Ning Zhongying refused to accept these instructions. However, given that there are too many people who want to speak, everyone's speech is limited to one minute, which is just enough for the directors to express their attitude. Rao is so. The people waiting to speak also line up in the audience. It looks a bit like kindergarten children waiting to receive candy.

I got caught in Beixi ... Chen Hongcheng, who sat back in his place, didn't understand until then. He was in the eyes of the companies in the morning, and in the afternoon, it was clearly directed by Chai Peide. Chen Hongcheng was very honored to be a prop in the play. Chen Hongcheng wanted to help Beixi sell auto parts and pay agency fees. In the end, it was used to scare and seduce those troubled enterprises. How many times would Beixi want to eat itself?

Although he wanted to understand the joints, Chen Hongcheng did not regret it. Being able to be used by others shows that you have the value of being used. This is something to be pleased with, not depressed.

The slogans of the factory directors were not attractive to Chen Hongcheng. He sat on the podium, glanced boredly at the venue, and inadvertently glanced at Qin Hai who was sitting at the corner of the venue. Looking at Qin Hai's calm face, Chen Hongcheng's mind was stunned, and he couldn't help but relive this half-day event in his mind. He suddenly realized that he was too underestimated by Qin Hai, who had far more energy than he expected.

After the speeches of the directors came to an end, Ning Zhongying gave the microphone to Yang Yihe and Su Chengying. The two provincial and ministerial officials were very satisfied with the result. In their opinion, it was just because of the twists and turns in the morning that the reversal in the afternoon became more meaningful.

Su Chengying made a very in-depth summary. The main point is to re-emphasize the use of economic means to solve economic problems, and said that the Beixi model should be introduced to the whole country as an important experience in the development of industrial agglomeration areas in the machinery industry. In the morning, he used the word Qingfeng mode, and it became Beixi mode in the afternoon. This was an era when the model was born, and no one would pick the confusion of the minister's wording.

Yang Yihe didn't talk about the height of the whole country. From the perspective of a local official, he announced that Anhe Province approved Beixi City's thinking on building an auto parts production base and would give priority to policy and funding. At the same time, he also requested Beixi City to improve the construction of the cooperation system between enterprises as soon as possible, eliminate all potential hidden dangers, and ensure the stable progress of the production of auto parts.

Next, according to the order of official positions, Yang Xinyu, Chai Peide, Guo Ming, Ning Zhongying and others spoke in turn. The leaders have set the tone. It is impossible for these young officials to say anything more advanced. Otherwise, it is not enough to abandon the leadership vision. What they need to do is just to insist on adhering to the opinions of the leaders, to thoroughly understand, study carefully, and strictly implement them. In short, they are all extremely correct nonsense.

The first stage of the on-site meeting ended in a joyful and peaceful atmosphere. The subsequent part was the guests visiting the workshops, laboratories, etc. under the leadership of the host, and the evening was a dinner of the cooperative unit hosted by the Qingfeng Factory. Different from lunchtime, the factory directors showed great enthusiasm at the dinner. The guests frequently toasted, and the expressions of everyone's compliment to Ning Zhongying couldn't look straight.

"Lao Ning, I'll make a deal with you. This time, I really don't blame my brother." Wei Rongping took Ning Zhongying's shoulder, pulled him to the corner of the cafeteria, and whispered to him. .

"You do n’t want to tear down my platform, and you blame you?" Ning Zhongying scolded and grinned, but with a smile on her face. It is not uncommon for companies to demolish each other. It is not worthwhile to hurt personal peace for such things.

Wei Rongping said: "Lao Ning ~ ~ To tell you the truth, it's your kid with the last name Zhai who is behind the fire this time. So I don't know if Lao Wei is involved. This matter, you I can talk to your county, but don't say I told you. "

Then, he told Zhai Jianguo about Ning Zhongying about how the cooperating factories forced the Qingfeng factory to force their palaces. In this matter, Wei Rongping almost let Zhai Jianguo die. Now that the story has reversed, he naturally has to offer Zhai Jianguo to alleviate Ning Zhongying's dislike of him.

"There is such a thing?" Ning Zhongying was quite surprised. He didn't think that Wei Baolin and Zhai Jianguo had played a bad role in this matter, but he did not expect Zhai Jianguo to do so much. According to Wei Rongping, this incident was entirely initiated by Zhai Jianguo. How much resentment he has to the Qingfeng factory can make him jump up and down like this.

"Lao Ning, if you don't believe it, you can ask Lao Qu and Lao Feng to ask them. If I lie to you, I will marry my girl to your fat son." Wei Rongping swears anxiously.

"You old thing, why is your girlfriend spreading you such a beastly father!" Ning Zhongying punched Wei Rongping with a good temper and amusement, and the two laughed together. rs

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