Material Empire

Chapter 160: New cooperation

The on-site meeting was held for three days. The next two days were no longer the opening of the meeting, but the participating units discussed separately to determine various cooperation matters. Of course, Yang Yihe and Su Chengying didn't have time to stay here to pay attention to these trivial matters, leaving only Yang Xinyu, Chai Peide and others to deal with the follow-up affairs.

The first result formed at the scene was the formal establishment of the Beixi Auto Parts Localization Industry Base, which was directly managed by the Beixi Municipal Government. The dozens of companies that had cooperated with the Qingfeng Factory for production cooperation participated. As a base enterprise, the relationship of responsibilities and rights of each factory is more clear. As a leading company, Qingfeng Factory plays a leading role in the development of the entire base. Each of the cooperative enterprises also has a certain right to speak, and can express their demands through reasonable channels. .

Yang Xinyu promised to the base enterprises that in the future, more parts will be delivered to Beixi City for production, and a more stable upstream and downstream relationship will be established with Beixi City, while providing technical and financial support for Beixi enterprises. Enterprises in Beixi City elected Ning Zhongying as the representative, and showed their determination to Pusang Automobile's localization office, and strived to undertake more localization of spare parts.

As an integral part of the construction of the auto parts base, the material laboratory originally affiliated to Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory was independent and the Beixi Auto Parts Material and Technology Research Institute was established, which can be regarded as the second achievement at the on-site meeting.

Previously, the material laboratory of Qingfeng Factory solved the material process problems of 37 kinds of auto parts undertaken by Qingfeng Factory, which mainly benefited from the advanced knowledge possessed by Qinhai. However, when Beixi City hopes to take on more auto parts production tasks, the emerging process problems are beyond the scope of Qin Hai's knowledge. After all, Qin Hai is not a full-time person, and it is impossible to know all kinds of technologies.

In this case, a separate material laboratory is a better choice. After the establishment of the Materials Research Institute, various companies in Beixi City can jointly invest to support the Institute's material technology research. The results obtained can be used in the production of various enterprises. By doing so, the risks that may exist in materials research can be dispersed, which will help break the unique pattern of Qingfeng Factory and promote the common development of enterprises in the city.

The newly established Materials Research Institute adopts a joint-stock system. The Qingfeng Plant used the previous investment and technology to invest in it, accounting for 45% of it; Anhe Institute of Technology, as a technology provider, also obtained 20% of the equity; the remaining shares were subscribed by various companies according to the capital contribution amount Make assignments.

Among them, there was an embarrassing thing, that is, Qin Hai, who contributed the most to the materials laboratory, eventually got nothing. Li Linguang, who was hired as the chief engineer of the institute, knew that most of the results obtained in the early stage of the laboratory came from Qin Hai's insights, otherwise everyone didn't know how long to explore in the dark. But the key issue is. China has no tradition of valuing knowledge. If Qin Hai's ideas are to be converted into shares, it is impossible to calculate them at all, and it is impossible to persuade relevant officials.

On this issue, Qin Hai just smiled indifferently. The ideas he contributed were of great value to the people at the time, but they were very common knowledge in later generations. Seeing that his ideas can make the Qingfeng Factory and even Beixi City profit, Qin Hai is already satisfied. The stage he is looking forward to is much larger than that of Beixi City. A research institute in each area is really not seen by him. .

Wei Rongping disclosed the news to Ning Zhongying. Naturally, it went to Chai Peide and Guo Ming's ears. After verifying with several business leaders, Chai Peide and Guo Ming determined that this forced palace incident was planned by Zhai Jianguo. Wei Baolin may be aware of it, but there is no evidence that he was involved in the plot.

One week after the meeting. The office meeting of Pingyuan County Government decided to stop the washing machine project and revoke the leading working committee of the washing machine project. The former executive deputy director of the "Washing Committee" Wei Baolin transferred the County Earthquake Bureau as the deputy director, with brackets, and enjoys the treatment at the department level. The former director of the office, Zhai Jianguo, was transferred to the Sanitation Bureau. He is the third deputy director of Chengxi Sanitation Institute. This position sounds good, but in fact it is only equivalent to the captain of a sanitation team, who is going to sweep the street with his broom.

It is said that when Zhai Jianguo heard the news, he smashed the glass in his hands and ran to crying to Wei Baolin, asking Wei Baolin to fight for a better arrangement for himself. Wei Baolin watched Zhai Jianguo silently for a long time, and said coldly, "You can't live by evildoing," and then carried his briefcase to the Seismological Bureau. Pingyuan County is located in the Zhangjiang alluvial fan. According to geological data, the last earthquake still occurred in the Jurassic. The earthquake bureau of such a place is really the best place to take care of the elderly.

Qin Hai knew of the ending of Zhai Jianguo and Wei Baolin from Ning Mo's mouth. He had no interest in gloating over this matter. Qin Hai knew that Zhai Jianguo could not be regarded as a complete fool. What was wrong with him was that he misjudged the situation and used a mode of thinking under the planning system to engage in a conspiracy under the conditions of a market economy.

"Xiao Qin, in Pingyuan these days, I can see that Long Fei is not in the pool. You are not a big dragon that can be accommodated in a small Pingyuan."

After cooking in the canteen of the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, Qin Hai once again hosted a banquet in honor of Chen Hongcheng. Chen Hongcheng started to feel dizzy after drinking a few glasses of beer. He patted Qin Hai's shoulders and praised him without hesitation.

Qin Haiwei smiled and replied, "General Manager Chen has won the prize, what kind of dragon am I? It is General Manager Chen's Red Sea Industrial Company, and the business is so enviable."

"I'm just a leather bag company, how can it be compared with your business in Xiao Qin. I heard that the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant is actually run by you. At the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant, you have a bigger company. This is a stall. In the past two years, there was a shortage of steel throughout the country, and you can make steel, that is, a banging ticket. "Chen Hongcheng said enviously.

Qin Hai smiled bitterly: "Chen always only sees thieves eating meat, but he doesn't see thieves being beaten. I now regret taking over the Beixi Iron and Steel Plant. I originally thought that it was not difficult to produce 200,000 tons of steel annually. I now know that this is an impossible task. "

"Why did Xiao Qin say this?" Chen Hongcheng asked.

Qin Haidao: "I originally set up the Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant, special steel, low production, and required less raw materials. I can find scrap steel wherever I go. It ’s 200,000 tons. Outside steel, all the raw materials need me to get it. Last time I got coal in Quwu, I was exhausted. I do n’t know where to go next. ”

Chen Hongcheng said: "Listening to Yabo, you got 30,000 tons of coal in Quwu. Based on this, you are much stronger than Biabo. Even if I go in person, I will get 30,000 tons in a short time. Coal, I'm afraid it will be difficult. "

Qin Hai waved his hand and said, "This is just a coincidence, and I won't tell the details about President Chen. For me, 30,000 tons of coal is far from enough, not to mention that iron ore has not yet landed, I am I plan to visit Qiongdao in a few days. "

There are many iron ore mines in China, and even there are several iron mines in Beixi. However, most of these iron ore currently being mined are mainly lean ore, with low ore grade and insufficient output. Qin Hai knew about several large iron-rich ore found in later generations, but it hasn't been explored yet. He can't go to others and say that there are ore under the ground. Besides, even if these mines were discovered by his prophet, it would take several years to form stable production, and he couldn't wait.

At that time, the only iron-rich mine in China was on Qiongdao, which is why Qin Hai said he wanted to go to Qiongdao.

Hearing Qin Hai's plan, Chen Hongcheng gave a sneer and said, "Xiao Qin, don't hit the idea of ​​Qiongdao's mines. The Minister of Metallurgical Industry's eyes are staring there. I know there are a few of them. The old man went to Qiongdao Island to get iron ore, but he didn't get it. Think about it, how can you get it? "

"You mean, there is no hope at all?" Qin Hai asked.

"No!" Chen Hongcheng resolutely replied.

Qin Hai was speechless. Chen Hongcheng said this situation, he also heard Song Hongxuan and Xu Yang talked about, Beixi Iron and Steel Plant had previously worked on the idea of ​​Qiongdao Iron Mine, but in the end, it was only Yuyu, because the production of Qiongdao Iron Mine was limited It is intended for several large state-owned steel mills. Qin Hai originally had some luck, and wanted to try her luck. Now that Chen Hongcheng said the same thing, it seems that there is no hope at all.

In fact, ~ ~ Qin Hai ’s experience in coal mining in Quwu has also caused a psychological shadow on the procurement of raw materials. Under the condition of severe shortage of materials, the units owning the materials are very arrogant. For a mine manager like Sha Renyuan, Qin Hai was already lucky to meet one. It is impossible to count on such good luck one after another. To fight for relationships or deals under the table, Qin Hai is not good at it, and Chen Hongcheng can't get anything, let alone fantasies.

"So I don't have any solution?" Qin Hai asked Chen Hongcheng.

Chen Hongcheng smiled bitterly: "If the raw materials are so easy to solve, will China still have such a shortage of steel? We all have small ironmaking furnaces and small steel mills all over Hongyuan Province, and the shortage is raw materials. I also ponder the raw materials all day long. The thing is, if I can get coal and iron ore, it's millions of profits if I just change hands. "

It shouldn't be like this! Qin Hai said to himself. At present, the country's output is only 45 to 50 million tons a year, which means that the supply of raw materials is not up. In the later generations, China ’s annual steel output rushed to as much as 600 million tons, and I have not heard that it is restricted by raw materials. What is going on?

Yeah, where do the raw materials of later steel mills come from? Qin Hai carefully recalled in his head, and suddenly patted his thigh, blurted out: "Oh, how am I confused!"

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