Material Empire

Chapter 162: Foreign trade delegation

Barajas Airport, Madrid, Spain.

A group of Chinese people walked out from the terminal building. They wore uniform suits, pulled trolley cases of uniform specifications, and even the expressions of intertwined and uneasy on their faces were exactly the same. At the forefront is a man in his 50s who is slightly wealthy. Next to him is a beautiful and pleasant female translator.

"Congratulations, Director, please go this way ... there seems to be a special passenger passage!"

Huang Liwei, a female translator who has just graduated from the language school less than a year, is also going abroad for the first time, but she has to pretend to be familiar with all the rules, reminding Zhu Xiaofeng, the director of the Foreign Trade Department of Hongyuan Province from time to time.

"It is indeed an old developed country. This airport ... hmm ... it's too big and luxurious." Zhu Xiaofeng looked around, and made indecent comments. He did experience going abroad a few times, but due to the lack of language, he had no impression of the countries he visited, and he could not sum up any characteristics, so he always evaluated them as "big" and "luxury".

"Congratulations, Director, that's the ambassador to pick us up." Huang Liwei noticed a big sign with the words "Hongyuan Province" at the first sight of the pick-up crowd, and immediately shouted in excitement. Honestly, if there is no one there, she really doesn't know where to take this team.

"Is Director Zhu? I am the third secretary of the Chinese Embassy, ​​Wang Zheyi. I am appointed by Ambassador Luo to welcome you." A girl of the same age as Huang Liwei came forward with a smile and nodded to Zhu Xiaofeng.

"Oh, Secretary Wang, thank you Ambassador Luo, thank you Secretary Wang." Zhu Xiaofeng hurriedly reached out to shake hands with Wang Zheyi, with a humble smile on his face. He knew, don't look at him as a real authority in the province. You can drink and drink, and when you come abroad, it's nothing. The ambassadors usually receive central leaders and officials of ministries and commissions. He is such a magistrate that people can completely ignore it.

Wang Zheyi smiled slightly, shook his hand with Zhu Xiaofeng, and then reached out to signal: "We have a car for you. Please come with me. The hotel for you is called Mellon Palace Hotel. After you arrive at the hotel, , I will write its name and phone number to you. "

"Thank you so much. The embassy is really our caring person." Zhu Xiaofeng praised.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do." Wang Zheyi answered politely.

From the moment she met Wang Zheyi, Huang Liwei's eyes never left her. She carefully observed Wang Zheyi's clothes, pants, shoes, bracelets, hairstyle, makeup, and even secretly sniffed her nose to smell the smell of perfume flowing out of Wang Zheyi's body, and kept this smell in her heart.

Wang Zheyi's dress is actually very ordinary, but its charm is also revealed in this casual, free and easy, which is a kind of temperament that can only be cultivated by long-term foreign affairs. In contrast, this foreign trade delegation from Hongyuan Province. Everyone is wearing a suit specially made before leaving the country, but each one looks extremely awkward. No wonder some people say that no matter where they see the delegation from mainland China, they will not be mistaken for people from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

When Huang Liwei went to school, she was very envious of teachers who could dress herself like foreigners. These students do not have enough financial strength to buy fashion clothes, nor have enough eyes to match their clothes. Now, before she came up with a blueprint for reference, how could she not study carefully.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang, what are you looking at!" The people next to him started to remind him, Huang Liwei only stared at Wang Zheyi. I almost hit someone.

"Oh, sorry, Director Jiang ... I, I was thinking about what the Secretary-General said about the Mellon Palace Hotel in Spanish." Huang Liwei said quickly. She is also responsible for the organization and administration of the entire delegation and knows everyone in the group. The one who reminded her just now is Jiang Huanwen, the director of the Hongyuan Iron and Steel Plant, who is the main owner of this trip.

Hongyuan Department of Foreign Trade organized a delegation to Spain this time. The main task is to negotiate the introduction of a set of steelmaking equipment that has reached the European level in the late 1970s for the Hongyuan Iron and Steel Plant. After several years of hard work, the Hongyuan Iron and Steel Plant finally convinced the Ministry of Metallurgy to agree to this introduction project, and spent a lot of energy to let Hongyuan Province provide funds to realize this introduction. In order to introduce equipment, it is natural to visit it first. So Jiang Huanwen reported to the Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and asked for a delegation to Spain.

The Foreign Trade Office approved the report, and at the same time requested that the delegation must include the personnel of the Foreign Trade Office to check the introduction policy of Red Steel. Of course, Jiang Huanwen could not refuse such a request, so the delegation included the director Zhu Xiaofeng, the translator Huang Liwei, the director of the provincial government office, the director's wife, and the director of the metallurgical department ... On the list filed by the Foreign Affairs Office, Jiang Huanwen and Honggang's several middle-level cadres ranked last.

Before arriving on the plane, Jiang Huanwen finally got the good news that they are no longer at the bottom of the list, and two new members have continued their names behind them. These two people are called Chen Hongcheng and Qin respectively. sea.

When Chen Hongcheng was director of the Department of Materials, he had dealt with Jiang Huanwen, but the relationship was more general. This time, Chen Hongcheng was squeezed into Honggang's foreign trade delegation through his relationship with the Foreign Trade Department. To make Jiang Huanwen feel more comfortable, Chen Hongcheng and the small attendant named Qin Hai paid the travel expenses by Chen Hongcheng himself and did not spend money on red steel. The only advantage he took was to get two places that were extremely valuable at the time.

During the delegation's training before departure and in the process of departure, boarding, and transit, Chen Hongcheng used his long-sleeved ability to dance and quickly played hot with everyone in the group. In contrast, Qin Hai seemed to be more dumb, and he always kept a quiet attitude, and closely followed Chen Hongcheng's side, acting like a bag-holder.

Regarding Qin Hai's identity, the people in the regiment were not without speculation. Based on the information conditions of that year, Qin Hai's name was not enough to reach Hongyuan Province, so no one knew who he was. When Chen Hongcheng introduced Qin Hai to everyone, he only said that he was a staff member of Red Sea Company, but what made everyone feel strange was that Chen Hongcheng's attitude towards this subordinate seemed to be a little too equal, and this subordinate seemed to have too little eyesight. .

As a result, officials with a rich sense of politics and a gossip mentality made various conjectures about Qin Hai. A more concentrated view was that Qin Hai might be a child of a family member of Chen Hongcheng and was arranged in Chen Hongcheng's company. day. With this understanding, everyone's attitude towards Qin Hai became enthusiastic. Don't look at this little young silly man. Who knows which temple the father is in?

Under the guidance of Wang Zheyi, everyone took a bus and came to the Mellon Palace Hotel. This is a three-star hotel, located in the center of Madrid, surrounded by several commercial streets, and convenient transportation. Every time a similar business delegation from China comes to Spain, the embassy will arrange them in similar hotels to facilitate the shopping of members of the delegation.

In recent years, more and more domestic delegations have gone abroad to carry out business and trade activities. Some delegations even ran out to travel and shop under the guise of business and trade. For these groups, all the ambassador can do is help rent a car to pick up the plane, then find a hotel to put them down, and then they will be tossed by themselves. If everyone from the ambassador is to be accompanied by the people of the embassy, ​​then the embassy should not do anything else.

The process of staying at the hotel was naturally overwhelming. Most of the people in the delegation did not even understand English, let alone Spanish. Everything must be guided by Wang Zheyi and Huang Liwei. These people are a bit of a head in the country. They do n’t know what order is. They yell when they encounter something. I ca n’t wait for the translator to solve it immediately:

"Xiao Huang, please come and see, what is this thing for ..."

"Xiao Huang, why can't I turn on the lights on my side ..."

"Secretary Wang, can you find someone to change a pillow, my lover is not used to such soft pillows ..."

The Spanish waiters in the hallway smiled one by one, and stood aside watching the natives from the east. They were indifferent. They only moved when Wang Zheyi and Huang Liwei asked them for help. Since this hotel became the Chinese Embassy's designated hotel for Chinese delegations, the waiters have been familiar with this scene.

"Wish Director ~ ~ I go out with Xiao Qin, you don't have to wait for us to have lunch."

In the midst of chaos, Chen Hongcheng took Qin Hai to Zhu Xiaofeng's room and asked Zhu Xiaofeng for leave.

"You ... where are you going? Do you know the way?" Wang Zheyi, who was helping to guide the usage of various electrical appliances in the room without waiting for what Zhu Xiaofeng said, couldn't help looking back.

At this point, Wang Zheyi remembered it, and when everyone asked her about her strengths and weaknesses, the two seemed to say nothing. After she handed out the room key, the two had disappeared without a trace, before anyone found the elevator. At this meeting, most of them were still busy familiarizing themselves with the room, but the two of them seemed to be cleared up, and the older one seemed to be busy washing his head and blowing a wind, and his hair looked smooth Look like.

"Where are you going, and do you need to bring an interpreter?" Wang Zheyi asked strangely.


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