Material Empire

Chapter 163: A few words in Spanish

This is not Wang Zheyi's gossip. She has received too many domestic delegations. As soon as she arrived at the hotel, she was anxious to go out for shopping. Of course, she also saw them, but those people were begging for help. No one dares to venture into this place where people are not familiar. But the two in front of them looked like they were in the dark. They came to Zhu Xiaofeng's room to ask for leave, not to find an interpreter to help.

"The two of them belong to the Department of Materials of our province. This is the director Chen Hongcheng and this is Xiao Qin. Their mission to Spain this time is different from ours. They have already said that they should act independently before departure. This is in the province's foreign affairs. The case has been filed. "Zhu Xiaofeng quickly explained to Wang Zheyi. It's a taboo thing for those who go abroad to hang out from the brigade, so Zhu Xiaofeng must explain.

Wang Zheyi nodded and said, "The delegation wishes the Minister to be in charge. As long as the Director agrees, they will go nowhere, and we will not interfere. I just worry that they cannot speak the language. How can they interact with others when they go out?"

"I can speak English." Qin Hai spoke quietly.

"But in Madrid, most people don't speak English, not even the police." Wang Zheyi reminded.

Qin Haidao: "It doesn't matter, I also learned a few Spanish, for example ... how do I get to the Mellon Palace Hotel?"

His last sentence was directly spoken in Spanish, and his face was a little ridiculous. Wang Zheyi's eyes brightened, and she returned a smile. She can clearly hear that the other party's Spanish has certain accomplishments, at least in the tone, rhythm and other places are correct. Those who can speak Spanish to this extent obviously cannot be described with just a few sentences.

Wang Zheyi is a smart girl with a strong family background. For those shitless officials. She has always stayed away, only doing what she should do, leaving everything else alone. But the young Spanish-speaking man in front of her was interested, and she felt a little pity. She doesn't know why the other party has such a low level of Spanish to pretend to be low-key, but she will not go to expose Qin Hai.

Qin Hai of the previous life was an unbelievable hegemon. Energetic and diverse. He is fluent in English, Japanese, and German, and is able to communicate academically with foreign scholars in these languages. In addition, he is also involved in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian, and has no problem dealing with some daily conversations. This time, knowing that the destination of the visit was Spain, he picked up Spanish and reviewed it. Who would have thought that Wang Zheyi could also catch the eye.

"Then you go out carefully ... yes, you can ask for a map of Madrid at the front desk, it's free, and you write down the phone of the embassy, ​​you can contact if there is something." At the same time, handed a note paper with his phone number to Qin Hai's hand.

"Thank you, Miss Wang. I closed the phone. Can I invite Miss Wang to drink coffee if I have a chance?" Qin Hai smiled and asked Wang Zheyi in Spanish.

Wang Zheyi gave Qin Hai a white look, and also answered in Spanish: "What is delicious about coffee, do you dare to come to the commercial street and ask me for fancy ice cream?"

Wang Zheyi's words are beating Qin Hai: don't you just understand a few sentences in Spanish. Want to show up in front of this girl? What foreign guest Fan are you playing with? Ask the girl for coffee. Let me tell you, there are many extravagant gameplay abroad, and what you know is far from perfect. Do you know what it is? Do you know what commercial street means?

Speaking of this exotic atmosphere, Qin Hai is not an opponent. Although he is not a otaku in the previous life, he is not playing such a small qualification, but a muscular man game such as outdoor and mountain climbing. He smiled and said to Wang Zheyi, "I've made a note. I'll always ask you to eat it once."

When Qin Hai and Wang Zheyi flirted with Spain, Chen Hongcheng always smiled and looked like "everything is under control". But when I walked out of the hotel door. Chen Hongcheng's face changed. He pulled Qin Hai and stared at him and asked, "Xiao Qin, tell me honestly, how can you understand Spanish?"

Previously. Qin Hai once revealed to Chen Hongcheng that he knew a few Spanish daily conversations. Chen Hongcheng was just admired and not surprised. After arriving at the hotel, Qin Hai looked for an elevator and negotiated with the floor attendants, which showed that he really knew a little Spanish, which made Chen Hongcheng very pleased. But when you saw Qin Hai and Wang Zheyi talking to each other without any stumbling, Chen Hongcheng suddenly realized that Qin Haihui was more than just a few words, he had already reached the professional level.

Realizing this, Chen Hongcheng had an inexplicable sense of fear. He didn't know how many secrets he still had in Qin Hai. With Qin Hai's habit of playing pigs and tigers, he might have been sold by Qin Hai and helped the other party count money.

Qin Hai said with a smile: "Lao Chen, do you still need a hen's surname when you eat an egg? How hard is it to find someone who knows Spanish in China? You just picked one out of thin air and you didn't steal it. Go for fun? "

Since the two sides agreed to cooperate, Qin Hai's title of Chen Hongcheng has become more and more casual. From President Chen to Brother Chen and then to Old Chen, Chen Hongcheng is not disgusted by this.

"No, you have to tell me clearly how many things will you have? Otherwise, I really dare not go out with you." Chen Hongcheng said half jokingly and seriously.

Qin Hai patted Chen Hongcheng on the shoulder, and said in a ridiculous tone: "Lao Chen, you can rest assured. You are also so old, you have to look like you are not like you, you have to be technical and unskilled, I can sell you to Where are you going with me? You will definitely be pleasantly surprised. "

"Looks like I've been fooled ..." Chen Hongcheng murmured, following Qin Hai half-pushing and walking forward.

The two walked into the street, Qin Hai looked around, raised his hand to greet him, and a passing taxi stopped. The driver leaned his head and looked at the two oriental-faced people, hesitantly asking, "Where are you going?"

"The Isaacson Manor," Qin Hai replied.

"Isaacson ..." The taxi driver scratched his head and couldn't remember where the name was.

"Uh ... let me think, this manor is next to the Manzanares River, about a kilometer away is a suburban railway, and ..." Qin Hai didn't know much about the geography of Madrid, he went to the driver one after another After talking about six or seven landmarks, the driver finally understood the general position.

"Get in, I know that place," said the taxi driver.

"There is another question, how much is the fare from this to Isaacson?" Qin Hai asked.

"No more than 2,000 pesetas," the driver estimated and replied.

"Well, okay, let's get in the car." Qin Hai pulled into the car with Chen Hongcheng, who was stunned.

"Where are you going?" After the car started, Chen Hongcheng took it easy, and he asked Qin Hai a little bit of worry.

Qin Hai laughed: "My teacher introduced me to a Spanish expert. Let's go and make a deal with him first."

"Your teacher?" Chen Hongcheng asked in surprise, "Don't you say you graduated from Anhe Agricultural Machinery Technical School?"

Qin Haidao: "Not a teacher in a technical school, but another teacher I worship, and a professor at the State Iron and Steel Research Institute, called Chen Heqian."

"Why haven't I heard you?" Chen Hongcheng asked a little disbelief.

Qin Hai laughed: "Lao Chen, I don't have to tell you anything, right? We belong to two companies, and it's normal for me to keep a few business secrets, right?"

"Well, I'm out of the way, wherever you take me today, I'll go." Chen Hongcheng said in a sad tone. After setting aside his personal safety, he remembered something new. He secretly pointed at the driver and whispered, "Xiao Qin, how dare you call a taxi abroad? How much does it cost?"

"I asked, and the fare is estimated to be around $ 30." Qin Hai said disapprovingly.

"I'm going!" Chen Hongcheng almost wanted to pull the car door and jumped down. He called a car for 30 dollars. This is something that many prodigal talents can do!

Hongyuan Province sent such a business delegation, of course, also needs to provide funding, but these funds are pitifully small. After deducting expenses such as accommodation and meals, including Zhu Xiaofeng, they can only afford public transportation when going out. No one dares to call a taxi extravagantly.

Chen Hongcheng and Qin Hai belonged to the group at their own expense, and the Foreign Trade Department reluctantly agreed that their air tickets, accommodation and other expenses could be settled in RMB and paid after returning home. But if the two are going out alone in Spain, they can only spend their own foreign exchange.

Before leaving the country, Chen Hongcheng exchanged 500 US dollars of foreign exchange on the black market for his trip to Spain. He asked about people who have gone abroad, and they told him that if you save money, you should spend enough money ~ ~ provided you do n’t eat out, do n’t buy things, do n’t take a taxi ...

According to the foreign exchange price at that time, one US dollar was equivalent to 3.7 yuan, but on the black market, one dollar was exchanged for 10 yuan. Chen Hongcheng changed the 500 US dollars and spent 5,000 yuan, which is equivalent to the salary of an ordinary civil servant for four or five years.

Holding on to this 500-dollar foreign exchange, Chen Hongcheng was much more daring. He knew that officials only had a few dollars of pocket money a day when he went abroad. Compared with these officials, he could be considered a large sum. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in Madrid, his buttocks were not hot, Qin Hai began to take a taxi on the street. The fare for one trip was 30 US dollars. ?

"Xiao Qin, we do n’t have much money, just spend it like this, and we can only stay in the hotel for two days and we ca n’t even get out of the door!" Is this Xiao Qin so arrogant?

Qin Hai smiled slightly and said, "Lao Chen, you're right. What can we do with this 500 dollars alone? That's why I was anxious to do a business and earn some pocket money." (Unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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