Material Empire

Chapter 164: Hot hammer forging die steel

The owner of the Isaacson Manor was Juanito. When Qin Hai knew him in the previous life, he was already 70 years old, but he was very good. When he came to China for a meeting, he still accompanied him to climb the Great Wall. The madness made Qin Hai feel ashamed. At this time, Juanito is only in his 40s and is a middle-aged and wealthy second-generation.

Juanito claims to be a scientist and loves to study metallurgy. He has more than a dozen special steel formulas in his hand, and he opened a small steel factory himself to specialize in smelting these special steels, which can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. These incomes are enough for him to live comfortably, and then from time to time to do some scientific experiments and pretend to be a scientist.

According to Qin Hai's contact with Juanito, he knows that Juanito likes metallurgy is true, but if there is any invention, it is self-proclaimed. Those recipes in his hands are left over from his ancestors, or he bought them from some downfall scientists. Qin Hai knew him in the previous life because he had bought some steel formulas from Qin Hai. Qin Hai knew his rules for formula trading, so this time he heard that he was coming to Spain, so he was ready to meet with this gentleman.

According to Qin Hai's account, the taxi driver found Isaacson Manor and parked his car outside the door. Qin Hai got out of the car and left the task of paying the fare to Chen Hongcheng. Chen Hongcheng counted Peseta from his handbag, his face was as bitter as eating Huanglian.

"Well, Lao Chen, it's only 30 dollars. As for making you look like this? Are you also a person with hundreds of thousands of people who seem to have some grace?" Qin Hai laughed and joked with Chen Hongcheng. .

Chen Hongcheng pointed his finger at the manor in front of him and said, "Xiao Qin, this is where you spent 300 yuan by taxi? How do I look like an orchard?"

Qin Hai dismissed a "discussion", then stepped forward and pressed the bell button on the gate of the manor.

"Dear sir, who are you looking for?" A small door next to the gate of the manor opened, and an old servant looked out and asked Qin Hai.

"Is Mr. Juanito?" Qin Hai asked.

"Excuse me, are you looking for Mr. Old Juan. Or are you looking for Mr. Little Juan?" The old servant confirmed that at this time, Juanito's father was still alive, so the old servant asked such a question.

Qin Haidao: "I'm looking for Mr. Juanito, 40."

"Oh. Do you have anything to do with him?" The old servant asked tirelessly.

Qin Hai reached out and took out a small object and two pieces of written paper from his bag, handed it to the old servant, and said, "Please give this to Mr. Juanito, and he will decide whether to see us. You tell him that we are from far away China and we only stay here for 15 minutes. "

Qin Hai gave the old servant a sample of a small piece of steel and a description of the steel's performance indicators. Juanito is in this business. As long as you look at these indicators, you can know the value of this steel. With Qin Hai's understanding of him, he would definitely be interested in this steel.

The old servant obviously also knows the professional characteristics of his master, and it is not surprising to receive this small piece of steel. He nodded to Qin Hai and returned to the manor. And closed the door.

Qin Hai and Chen Hongcheng waited less than five minutes in total, and the door of the manor was opened. A middle-aged man in homely clothes greeted with a smile and asked, "Excuse me, you are from mystery Are you Chinese friends? "

Qin Hai recognized from this man's eyebrows that he was Juanito, and he greeted him with a smile and reached out and greeted, "Mr. Juanito. Glad to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Qin Hai, and I am the technical director of China Red Sea Industrial Corporation. This is my partner, Chen Hongcheng, and our company's sales director. "

Chen Hongcheng's position is clearly the general manager of Honghai Company, but Qin Hai lowered his position by one grade in order to sit on an equal footing with Chen Hongcheng. about this point. Qin Hai had previously discussed with Chen Hongcheng, and Chen Hongcheng had no objection to this.

"Oh, Mr. Qin, Mr. Chen, please sit inside." Juanito shook hands with Qin Hai. They greeted the two as they entered the manor.

Isaacson Manor is an old mansion with a large area, and a large manicured lawn will pass from the door to the main building of the manor. Chen Hongcheng followed behind Juanito and Qin Hai, and walked towards the manor. Everything in front of him had already shocked him.

Qin Hai is more familiar with the Isaacson Manor. In the previous life, he visited the international conference twice in Spain. He has even been here as a guest, and even lived here for a night. However, in order not to surprise Juanito, he did not show his prophets, but listened to Juanito's introduction to the estate like a stranger, and issued a polite or two of praise from time to time .

The party went to the parlor of the manor, and the guests and the guests sat down. The old servant stepped forward to serve coffee to three people. Juanito gave a few words, and then entered the topic: "Mr. Qin, just now Paul sent me a sample of steel and the corresponding instructions, I have already read Passed. I want to ask, what are you guys sending me with these things? "

Qin Hai asked: "Did Mr. Juanito see the indicators listed in the manual?"

"I see clearly," Juanito said.

Qin Haidao: "Can Mr. Juanito see what kind of steel this is?"

Juanito nodded: "If I'm not mistaken, this is a hot hammer forged die steel with high high temperature strength and wear resistance, good thermal fatigue resistance and thermal conductivity, and ... … The hardenability is good. If you use it to make a mold, the cross-section of the entire mold can have relatively uniform mechanical properties. I think this should be the situation that Mr. Qin wants to show me? ”

"Mr. Juanito is indeed an expert in metallurgy and has a keen eye." Qin Hai praised half-truth. He knows that Juanito's scientific research and innovation ability is not good, but his practical experience is still very rich, and he always likes to be an expert. He wants to slap him, and the best way is to praise his academic accomplishments.

Sure enough, when he heard Qin Hai's tout, Juanito's mouth widened. He laughed and said, "Mr. Qin praises me too much, I'm just interested in metallurgical technology. As a continuator of a family of metallurgical , I have been engaged in metallurgical technology research for more than 30 years, and the performance characteristics can still be seen. "

Qin Haidao: "That being the case, does Mr. Juanito feel that this steel has some unique advantages over the hot hammer forging die steel currently available in the Spanish market?"

Juanito said for a moment and said, "I must admit that this steel performs better than similar steels currently on the market, and is especially suitable for making large and medium-sized forging dies. I think Mr. Qin It is understood that large and medium-sized forging dies have high requirements on the quenching process, and deformation will occur if they are not careful. This steel is unique in preventing mold deformation. Of course, it depends on how the heat treatment process is designed in the later stage. Now. "

This tells the Ming people not to tell secret words, technical things can not be fake, the quality of this steel, Qin Hai and Juan Nito are very clear, there is no need to go to any circles. In fact, Qin Hai played a little trick on this issue. The steel he brought out was a mold steel developed in Europe in the mid-1990s. It had much better performance than the steel in the 1980s, but it was not as good as 21 steel. Compared with other mold steels that have appeared since the turn of the century, they are relatively backward. Qin Hai would not be stupid enough to sell the highest technology he has mastered.

Hearing that Juanito had recognized the properties of this steel, Qin Hai was also rude. He asked straightforwardly: "I want to sell all the formula of this steel and the subsequent heat treatment process specifications to Juan. Mr. Nito, can you give me a suitable price? "

When he saw the old servant bring in this piece of steel, Juanito knew what Qin Hai was doing. He originally did this business. With a good steel formula, he will naturally buy it because it is an intellectual property that can be used for profit.

Steel formulations are very useful on the one hand and extremely easy to imitate on the other. Because of the latter feature, people who develop new steel formulas rarely apply for patents, because once a patent is applied, the design idea of ​​the entire steel will be made public, and others will develop similar or even more based on this idea. Good steel is not difficult.

A more common practice is to keep the secret of this formula, to produce it by itself, or to sell it to steel companies in need. Qin Hai found Juanito's door and wanted to sell him the recipe, which was not an abrupt act.

The only thing that surprised Juanito was that the two came to sell recipes, actually two Chinese. He couldn't imagine how the Chinese could master such an advanced formula, and wondered how the two would know their names.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, before I talk about this business, I want to ask about ~ ~ how do you know me?" Juanito raised his question.

Qin Hai smiled and said, "I have a teacher named Chen Heqian. I think Mr. Juanito should have heard of his name, right?"

Chen Heqian is an expert in metallurgy, and he has some reputation in the world. Juanito, who likes arts and crafts, once met Chen Heqian at an international conference, and the two sides also exchanged contact methods. Qin Hai told Juan Nito the name of Chen Heqian, but he answered Juan Nito's question.

"Oh, Mr. Chen Heqian ... It turned out that Mr. Qin was a student of Mr. Chen, no wonder ..." Juanito was relieved. He looked at the innocence of Qin Hai's face, and a thought came to his mind: Could this steel be developed by Chen Heqian, but just pretend to be the hand of Qin Hai to sell to himself?


At the end of the month, I asked timidly: Do you have any extra monthly tickets? Let me support the oranges.

I know that the update of oranges is not very powerful. It can only update 6,000 words a day. It is because people are in the workplace and cannot help themselves. During this period of time, there was some annoyance and interference, and writing was not smooth. Orange will adjust as soon as possible.

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