Material Empire

Chapter 168: Doll self-propelled tools

If Xiao Mengqin was talking about something else, Qin Hai would definitely not say the name and location so easily. But omt is different. It is a company specializing in metallurgical equipment manufacturing and metallurgical process research. There are many overlaps with Qin Hai's specialty. How could Qin Hai not know? Qin Hai of the previous life had visited this company and had some contacts with several senior executives of this company. He was going to Madrid this time, and he was going to visit the company, so he checked his address last night.

All of this, of course, Qin Hai would not explain it to Xiao Mengqin, but in Xiao Mengqin's eyes, Qin Hai became a godlike existence.

After having breakfast, the delegation split its route and went to where they were interested. The way with the largest number of people is the officials and wives led by Zhu Xiaofeng. Their mission is to visit the places of interest in Madrid and stop by the shopping streets of Madrid. The next way is a few from the Hongyuan Iron and Steel Plant. They naturally went to omt to discuss the introduction of equipment. The last way was Chen Hongcheng and Qin Hai. According to Qin Hai's arrangement, they were going to visit several colleges in Madrid.

"Aren't we here to sell steel? Why go to the college?" Sitting in the taxi, Chen Hongcheng asked Qin Hai with a look of wonder. After putting 1 million pesetas in his pocket, Chen Hongcheng no longer felt that there was anything wrong with taxiing, or how could he be frugal and easy.

Qin Haidao: "It's not urgent to sell steel. We need to build some relationships first. As long as the relationship network is established, are you worried that the steel can't be sold?"

Chen Hongcheng muttered, "I haven't heard that you still need to go to the academy to build a network to sell steel. Is Spain's rules different from ours in China?"

Qin Hai comforted him: "Well, old Chen, don't think about it, just think about it, can I still do something wrong?"

Chen Hongcheng said: "I don't doubt that you do anything, but I don't know what you want to do, just follow it stupidly. I can't help anything, it's not suitable, right? Like yesterday, I didn't say a word It's all you said. "

Qin Hai laughed: "You don't need to say anything. Just follow me. You can create a mysterious feeling for others. This feeling is actually very important."

"Okay." Chen Hongcheng was helpless. He didn't know whether Qin Hai was true or not, but he couldn't play any other role anyway. His English level is not enough to communicate with foreigners, let alone his professional level.

The two arrived in St. Louis College in Madrid in a car. According to Qin Hai, this is an old college founded in the 19th century, and it has some fame in materials research. Chen Hongcheng is wondering how Qin Hai intends to get in touch with the experts in the college. However, when he saw that he had broken into the scientific research building without anyone, he murmured a series of names to the doorman in the building, and then the doorman started to call the people in the building to report.

What happened next made Chen Hongcheng even more surprised. He saw several red-faced, high-nose, semi-bald Spanish men coming out of the corridor, and they asked Qin Hai something in surprise. After hearing Qin Hai's answer, these people welcomed Qin Hai and Chen Hongcheng into the building and took them to a small living room with a small blackboard.

From the mouth of Qin Hai, Chen Hongcheng knows that these people are the top materials experts in Saint Louis College, some are engaged in metal materials, and some are engaged in inorganic materials. Qin Hai communicated with them in English. At first these people were a bit perfunctory. Before long, their expressions became more focused and more excited. Later, the chat was completely turned into an academic seminar. Chen Hongcheng watched a few of them as they wrote various formulas on the small blackboard, dancing one by one. Yell.

Chen Hongcheng couldn't help but want to laugh, but he thought it was ridiculous himself. After all, in this group of people, only he didn't know what everyone was talking about.

"What did you talk about?" Chen Hongcheng asked Qin Hai after pulling out of Saint Louis College.

"I discussed with them the influence of residual stress in the unilateral indentation method." Qin Hai said with a smile.

"..." Chen Hongcheng was speechless. Qin Hai speaks Chinese, but Chen Hongcheng doesn't understand the meaning of these Chinese, so if he continues to ask, he will be humiliated.

"Where shall we go next?" Chen Hongcheng asked.

"University of Madrid, I know a professor who is engaged in industrial processes, can talk about it." Qin Hai said.

"You should have said it earlier, I can take this novel to sit by and watch." Chen Hongcheng said.

"Your Red Sea company seems to have a tradition of learning in this area." Qin Hai laughed, remembering that when he first arrived in Qu Wu, Chen Hongcheng's men, Su Yabo, were reading novels in bed.

For three days in a row, Chen Hongcheng spent this kind of suffering. For him, only living in the hotel in the morning and evening is valuable, because he can use his communication skills to deal with officials in the delegation. When he went out with Qin Hai together, he became a self-propelled humanoid prop, and could only stand beside Qin Hai, listening to Qin Hai and different people talking about words that he did not understand at all.

"Xiao Qin, Madrid's schools and research institutes, we seem to be running almost, right? Don't forget, we come out to sell steel, but also buy the coal and iron ore you want, let's not give the business Forgot. "At breakfast on the fifth day, Chen Hongcheng finally could not help but remind Qin Hai.

"Relax, everything is under control." Qin Hai said to Chen Hongcheng heartlessly.

"Okay, anyway, I'll listen to you when I say it's good." Chen Hongcheng really couldn't help Qin Hai, but could only run on his plate and chat with other people.

Qin Hai took a sip of milk, chewed a few slices of bread, raised his eyes, and saw some people from the Hongyuan Iron and Steel Factory rushing in from the outside. The faces of everyone were very serious, especially Xiao Mengqin, looking tired. Unbearable, bloodshot eyes.

"Director Jiang, sit here." Qin Haiyang greeted him.

Jiang Huanwen saw Qin Hai, nodded, and came over with a plate filled with food. Several of his subordinates also followed, sitting silently with Qin Hai at a table and using breakfast.

"How's it going? How about the project?" Qinhaiguan asked intently.

Jiang Huanwen turned his head to look at Zhu Shouhe and Xiao Mengqin, the heads of the technical section, and sighed, silent. Zhu Shouhe looked at Qin Hai, smiled reluctantly, and said, "Well, some materials are still being translated. Xiaoxiao has been working overtime these days."

Hearing Zhu Shouhe mentioning himself, Xiao Mengqin didn't look up, but Qin Hai clearly noticed a drop of tears in the corner of her eye and fell on the plate in front of her.

"Why, is it difficult?" Qin Hai couldn't bear it anymore, listening to the people on the other tables talking about what places of interest and luxury were luxurious, and then seeing the frowning faces in front of them, Qin Hai was furious There was a trace of unevenness.

"There are too many materials to translate, but if we do n’t understand, we dare not talk about the introduced things at all. Now among us, Xiao Xiao ’s English level is not bad. I learned it in the past and now I pick it up Get up, you have to look up the dictionary for translation ... So much information, when will the translation be finished? It costs one day to live here, and the factory director is almost sad. "Zhu Shouhe said with a long sigh. .

"Why not find a few more people?" Qin Hai asked.

"Who is anyone?" Yao Guojie, the finance chief on the side, said angrily. "We originally said that we had brought a few more engineers. As a result, we didn't know which one was being squeezed."

"Uh ..." Qin Hai was speechless, as if occupying the Red Steel quota, including his own bastard. He wanted to say that he was shot for no reason, because their costs were borne by him and had nothing to do with Red Steel, but how could this kind of thing be explained clearly? Let's continue, I'm afraid it will become more and more dark. Besides, Yao Guojie's words are not necessarily directed at Qin Hai, because there are also a group of idlers on the table over there.

"In such a case, find a few international students to help." Qin Hai suggested, "As far as I know, our country has international students in Spain. Although the number is not large, it should be enough to find a few. "

Zhu Shouhe shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this won't work. We are going to translate professional materials. We can't do it without a professional background."

"Oh?" Qin Hai nodded and said, "Otherwise, I'm going out to work during the day and nothing will happen after I return at night. If you can trust me, I can help you translate some. Right is better than nothing?"

"You?" Xiao Mengqin finally raised her head. She looked at Qin Hai and asked strangely: "What the **** do you do, you know Osor, and dare to translate the materials for us, are you also technical?"

Qin Hai laughed: "Of course I'm engaged in technology. I came to Europe with Mr. Chen ~ ~ to talk about special steel. I know something about metallurgy and I know a little In English, if Xiao Gong doesn't believe me, he can take a few materials for me to translate. I won't know if I try. "

"I have a copy here, please take a look." Xiao Mengqin also said that he could do it. As soon as he reached out, he took out a document from his bag and handed it to Qin Hai. It is estimated that the girl was also underwhelmed by the job of translating. She even took the information with her when she came down for dinner, and was ready to take a few glances.

Qin Hai took the information and looked at it in ten lines. Metallurgy originally belongs to the field of materials. At this time, Qin Hai was mainly engaged in steelmaking, and he paid more attention to steel equipment. How difficult is it to see such information?

He turned a few pages, his eyebrows frowned. He patted the data with his hand, and asked Zhu Shouhe, "Chairman Zhu, is this the equipment you want to introduce? Osor really tells you that this is the equivalent of European equipment in the late 1970s?"


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