Material Empire

Chapter 169: Ultra-high power electric furnace

After hearing Qin Hai's words, Zhu Shouhe stunned and replied subconsciously: "Yes, Osor showed us the production records. This is indeed the 1978 model."

"Is it a stock model in 1978?" Qin Hai said relentlessly.

"Xiao Qin, what do you mean?" Jiang Huanwen interjected. This time they came out, they aimed to introduce a set of electric furnaces and their continuous casting equipment that reached the technical level of Europe in the late 1970s.

When they went to Oso, they saw the electric furnace, which was said to be manufactured in 1978. According to Oso, the electric furnace has been stored in the warehouse since it was manufactured and is still brand new. The grilled blue eyes on the electric stove, each button reveals the beauty of European industry, making people feel pleasing. Compared with this electric furnace, the existing electric furnaces of Red Steel are almost all garbage.

However, such an electric stove that made Jiang Huanwen so favored was described by Qin Hai as a stock model in 1978. Speaking of which, Qin Hai's statement is also true. It is indeed a stock item, but the meaning in Qin Hai's dialect is clearly not the case.

"This is an rp electric furnace. Europe has stopped using rp electric furnaces since at least 1975." Qin Hai simply said.

The so-called rp, which is regular_ in English, means ordinary power. In contrast, it is ultra_, which means ultra-high power. The concept of ultra-high-power electric furnace was put forward by Americans in 1964, and has been practiced on 135-ton electric furnaces in the United States with good results. Since then, the major steel-producing countries in Europe have launched ultra-high-power electric furnaces. By the mid-1970s, Europe no longer built new ordinary-power electric furnaces, and all new electric furnaces were ultra-high-power electric furnaces.

Compared with ordinary power electric furnaces, the advantages of ultra-high power electric furnaces are that they can shorten the melting time, improve productivity, and improve thermal efficiency. And it is easy to connect with refining and continuous casting technology outside the furnace. In terms of smelting cycle, ordinary power electric furnace is about 160 minutes, while ultra-high power electric furnace can be shortened to 60 to 70 minutes, which greatly shortens the smelting time.

A word from Qin Hai. Woke up Zhu Shou and this dreamer. He also participated in the negotiations and the translation of materials. How could he not know that they were only talking about an ordinary electric furnace, but before Qin Hai reminded him, he did not realize the technical age of ordinary electric furnaces. He thought that the European 70s This is the last level.

In fact, this can not blame Zhu Shou and ignorance. The concept of ultra-high-power electric furnaces does seem too "tall" for Chinese domestic steel mills. Zhu Shouhe once saw this concept in some academic journals, and also knew that this type of electric furnace is more popular abroad, but he did not expect that the technology upgrade abroad could be so fast.

"You mean. This electric furnace could not have been made in 1978?" Zhu Shouhe asked hesitantly.

Qin Haidao: "Its manufacturing date may be 1978, or it may be earlier. Since they have produced the production records, they must be prepared to say this. We have no way to verify it. But its technical design is definitely Completed before 1975. Because it is not possible to manufacture ordinary electric furnaces in Europe after 1975. I guess this may be an electric furnace manufactured by Osso for other companies. Because of the backward technology, it was rejected by others. It's going to be sold to us. "

"Lao Zhu, is Xiao Qin true?" Jiang Huanwen's face became very ugly. He stared at Zhu Shouhe and asked seriously.

Zhu Shouhe was a little stunned. He insisted: "Xiao Qin said, it makes some sense. However, is it true that Europe will no longer produce ordinary power electric furnaces after 1975 ... I am also not sure. From the data I have read, the ultra-high power The electric furnace really represents the future development trend. If we introduce an ordinary electric furnace, it is likely that it will lag behind as soon as it is put into production. "

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Jiang Huanwen was annoyed. What kind of thing is this, the dignified technical section chief, the negotiation and the translation of the materials, even such a big flaw can not be seen, in the end, a little young man next to soy sauce reminded. Everyone is aware of this problem. In case young and young do not have such a word, can Red Steel spend so much energy, can it only buy back a device that is about to be eliminated?

Yao Guojie, the head of the finance section, played a round game next to him. He said, "Director Jiang, you can't blame Director Zhu. In fact, Oso also has more advanced equipment. Can't we not afford it? This electric furnace, although like Comrade Xiao Qin said that it is a bit backward, but it is considered advanced technology to take us back to China. At least it is much stronger than those classic goods in our workshop? We are developing countries. How can we compare with developed countries? "

"But ... we have to modernize, we can't always follow others!" Xiao Mengqin muttered with annoyance, she was so tired for so many days, not to mention sweat, even tears shed half a cylinder, if finally introduced It's too old to retire a piece of equipment.

Qin Hai couldn't bear looking at a person waiting for depression. He said: "Mr. Yao also said it makes sense. If this equipment is relatively cheap, it may not be possible to buy it back for a few years. After all, its automatic control system, oxygen blowing technology, etc. are better than our existing domestic The equipment must be advanced. May I ask, what is the price of this equipment? "

Instead, Qin Hai will definitely not answer this question. It is not how strong Honggang's sense of confidentiality is, but that everyone feels it unnecessary to let an outsider know about such a thing. However, after the discussion just now, everyone had a little trust in Qin Hai. Yao Guojie looked at Jiang Huanwen, got a positive look from Jiang Huanwen, and said to Qin Hai: "The full set of equipment, including electric furnace, transformer and continuous casting equipment That's $ 22 million. "

"Oso said that they now have two sets in stock. If we can win them together, the two sets will only cost $ 40 million." Zhu Shouhe added.

"You mean, there are two sets?" Qin Hai thought.

"Why, Xiao Qin, can you find another buyer?" Yao Guojie keenly noticed the fluctuations in Qin Hai's expression.

Since hearing the conditions from Osor, several of Honggang have been wondering if they can find another buyer. The two partners can buy back two sets of equipment, each of which can save $ 2 million. This is a lot of money. but. Since they are in Spain, they can't get in touch with their domestic counterparts, so the idea of ​​buying two sets at the same time can only be put on hold.

Qin Hai quickly calculated in his mind. Then he asked Jiang Huanwen, "Director Jiang, if you have no other choice, do you plan to buy this equipment for 22 million?"

Jiang Huanwen nodded and said: "Yes, we have applied for so much funding, and it is impossible to buy better equipment."

Qin Hai smiled, throwing out a new question that everyone had unexpected: "So, if you buy 22 sets of equipment for 22 million, would you be willing?"

"What!" Yao Guojie narrowed his eyes. "Xiao Qin. What are you kidding?"

Qin Haidao: "I can give it a try, maybe I can help you negotiate the price. But if you can talk about the price below 11 million, would you like to eat both sets of equipment?"

"But ... what are we going to do with two sets of equipment?" Zhu Shouhe scratched his scalp, and he couldn't turn this corner. As Technical Section Chief. Of course, he knew that only one set of such equipment was needed in the factory, and two sets of equipment were bought back. There was no place to put them and there was not so much business to do.

"You have one, I have one." Qin Hai finally showed his fangs. "Introduce yourself, I am from Beixi Iron and Steel Plant in Anhe Province. I do n’t need to elaborate on specific duties. We are also facing backward steelmaking equipment Outdated question, if Red Steel can buy two sets of such equipment, can we even give us one? "

"You mean, your Beixi Iron and Steel Plant and our Hongyuan Iron and Steel Plant purchased the two sets of equipment in an effort to keep the price down?" Jiang Huanwen asked with a calm face. Facing such a big change, as a factory manager, he must keep his mind steady. Can't let Qin Hai catch any flaws and pit them.

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "We ca n’t apply for the foreign exchange index of Beigang, and US $ 11 million is not a small amount. We ca n’t get it at the moment. I mean, Honggang bought both sets of equipment. Then one of them We transferred the equipment to Beigang, which can be regarded as a lease operation. We will pay the equipment to Honggang in the next three years ... well, plus some bank interest is also possible, what does the director Jiang think? "

"This is impossible." Jiang Huanwen said decisively, that he had paid for equipment and leased it to other factories. He had never heard of such a thing, let alone did it himself.

Qin Hai smiled, handed the information in Xiao Mengqin, and said, "Since this is the case, then I will not disturb you. Xiao Gong, if the translation work is busy, I can help you translate some at night."

After all, he stood up, carrying the empty food plate, and went out.

"Ah ..." Zhu Shouhe shouted subconsciously, and when he just said, he saw Jiang Huanwen's dark face again, and quickly swallowed the words back. The group watched Qin Hai keep the plate open, and then took Chen Hongcheng to his feet.

"Director Jiang, I think this guy's proposal is feasible." Yao Guojie said in a low voice. "Anyway, we also plan to spend 22 million. Buying one is buying, buying two is also buying. Isn't he talking about leasing? It is equivalent to us falling 11 million US dollars in white ~ ~ Jiang Huanwen looked at the restaurant door without Qin Hai's back and said, "Do you think this boy is reliable? "

"I think it's reliable," Yao Guojie said. "Even if it's unreliable, why don't you let him try it? Is there no loss to us?"

Zhu Shouhe said: "I'll check the information today to see if what he said is true. If the two sets of equipment are really outdated technology, then Ossur must be anxious to sell. Let's talk about the price. One thing, it should be possible. "

Jiang Huanwen said: "This is exactly what I mean. Since he can talk, we can talk too, why should we be subject to him?"


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