Material Empire

Chapter 188: Is it down?

Practice has shown that Lu Xiaolin has done only the first four words of the five words "especially suffering." As for the last bitter word, she had vomited all the way with bile.

The first company to be investigated by the working group, named Jinnan Chemical Plant, is an old-fashioned enterprise specializing in the production of synthetic resins. As the name implies, Jinnan Chemical Plant is located in the south of Jintang City, but it is four to five hours away from Jintang City, and it is in a mountain.

There are four people in the working group, and the Jintang Economic Commission has also sent a few people to accompany it. There are as many as seven or eight people. The ordinary car can't sit, so the Jintang Economic Commission specially borrowed a subordinate company from which it can sit a dozen Small van, sent the working group to the Jinnan Chemical Plant for investigation.

This minivan is estimated to be a few years younger than Qin Hai. The shock-absorbing springs are no longer elastic. The engine is grunting as if it caused asthma. The driver sent by the subordinate company is even more amazing. The car is driven fast and slow, and the effect of driving on the mountain road can be achieved on the flat ground, and the effect of surfing on the sea can be driven on the mountain road. Lu Xiaolin was completely confused before she and her party got out of the road for 20 kilometers.

"Hey, Master, can you drive slowly?" Lu Xiaolin begged as she vomited.

"Okay, let me drive slowly." The unscrupulous driver replied perfunctoryly, but the throttle under his feet was not loose.

"Xiaolu, don't close your eyes, try to look out the window, as far as you can, to help eliminate motion sickness." Xia Yangjie, who was sitting in the same row as Lu Xiaolin, gave her a trick.

Lu Xiaolin tried to look out the window, but it had no effect. The car twisted, the scenery outside the window didn't feel stable at all, which only made Lu Xiaolin feel more dizzy.

"It really doesn't work ... if you don't mind, you can lean on my shoulders, it may be better." Xia Yangjie reluctantly said, he was not good at dealing with the opposite sex, but at this time, he can only exercise his power.

"Um. Thank you." Lu Xiaolin already wanted to borrow a shoulder to lean back, listened to Xia Yangjie's active invitation, and quickly leaned his head over. However, she was not on Xia Yangjie's shoulder. It was his chest that looked a little generous, which was a place where girls could feel safe in times of crisis.

"Uh ..." Xia Yangjie's face turned red all of a sudden, as if being rude by Lu Xiaolin. He didn't know where to put it with both hands. He put it here and there, and people who didn't know thought he was simulating the mechanism of fiber winding.

Qin Hai sat behind them and looked at the scene, only to find it funny. He turned to Zeng Zhiqiang, the head of the General Section of the Jintang Economic Commission, who was accompanying them in the seat next to him. "Zeng Chief, can you tell the driver. Let him drive slowly, you can't stand the path."

"This is the way we are here, there is no way ..." Zeng Zhiqiang explained, but Qin Hai spoke. He was also inconvenient and didn't respond, so he looked up and shouted to the front: "Xiao Zhao, your car is moving a little more stably. The leader on the car is motion sick."

"I've been driving very stably." The driver Xiao Zhao replied without looking back, but then a slam bang, the car jumped over a big pit, and the car's **** all left the seat. Xia Yangjie touched Lu Xiaolin's back quickly. Did not let her fly up with her.

"This kid is intentional!" The sunspot sitting on the other side of Qin Hai whispered to Qin Hai.

"You mean Lao Xia?" Qin Hai's eyes were staring at the two in front, thinking about various gossips in his heart. When he heard the words of Heizi, he directly substituted for Xia Yangjie.

Kuroko shook his head slightly and said, "I mean the driver whose last name is Zhao."

"Really?" Qin Hai froze, and he felt the car was driving weird. But he just thought about the driver's poor technology, but he didn't think about the driver's intention.

Intentionally ... Is this to give the working group a kick?

Qin Hai could not remember where the working group had offended Jintang City for a while, but the arrangements given to them by Jintang City were indeed somewhat unreasonable. For example, there are three chemical companies next to Jintang urban area. The Jintang Economic Commission does not need to let them go to the most remote Jinnan chemical plant first. Such a long distance, such a classic car, coupled with an ugly driver, clearly wanted to give the working group some embarrassment.

"You stop the car ... just say you want to go to the toilet." Kuroko whispered.

A tacit understanding has been formed between Qin Hai and the sunspot. Hearing the words of the sunspot, he shouted without hesitation: "Master Zhao, can you stop by the roadside, I will let go."

The driver cannot refuse such a request. The car stopped near a grove. Qin Haila drove the door, jumped out of the car, and ran into the grove for the convenience. Kuroko stood up and shouted to the whole car: "Everyone get out of the car and go to rest, Lao Xia, you Fuluo Secretary to stand down for a while and rest."

Lu Xiaolin did want to get off the bus and stand for a while. When she heard the suggestion from the sunspot, she stood up and groped to get out of the car. Xia Yangjie hurriedly reached out and helped her out of the car.

Several people in the working group got out of the car, and several of the escorts of the Economic Commission could no longer sit in the car, so they stepped out of the car one by one. Someone followed Qin Hai and ran into the woods to facilitate. Some people stood by the car, took out cigarettes, and talked about gossip about the weather and current affairs while swallowing clouds and fog.

The sunspot bypassed the crowd and came to the driver's side. Without the driver's consent, he opened the cab door, handed a cigarette, and said, "Master, come down and smoke a cigarette and rest."

"What's the rest? The road ahead is far away." The driver answered with a dark face, and didn't reach out to pick up the smoke from the sunspot, apparently he was unwilling to communicate.

"Brother, you still come down, I have something to tell you." Kuroko said with a smile.

"What can you do with me?" The driver muttered, but got out of the car.

"Come here, let's say it here." Kuroko reached out and embraced the driver's shoulder, regardless of how the driver struggled, and pushed him into the grove on the other side. Heizi has eaten well this year, and has done some physical work in the factory, and has gained some strength. The driver was shorter than Kuroko, and his body was obviously not as strong as Kuroko, so he had no ability to resist.

"Hey, what do you mean?" The driver said angrily, no matter who it was, he was pulled aside so strongly, and he would not feel good. He shook his shoulder desperately, trying to get Kuroko's hand away, while protesting angrily.

"I just ask you a word, can you drive?" Kuroko let go of the driver's shoulder and looked at the driver with a smiley expression.

As soon as the driver wanted to turn around and leave, he felt that it was not necessary to discuss this issue with Kuroko, and this place was not the place to discuss this issue.

Kuroko reached out and grabbed the driver's arm, grabbed him firmly, and stared at him again and asked, "I'll ask you again, will you drive!"

"What do you want to do?" The driver was a little scared. He didn't know if he should yell and ask others to save him, but in the broad daylight, one of his grandfathers called for help, which seemed a bit inappropriate. In a dilemma, his tone softened, and he said, "This road is so bad. What can I do?"

Kuroko stuck the driver's neck with one hand, pressed him against a tree, and drew the other hand into a fist, shaking it in front of the driver's eyes, and said, "You are so brave, you know the car Who is the woman who is on? Do you know who her father is? No matter who I tell you about the trouble, I only warn you, in the latter half, if you do n’t drive Lao Tzu well, after returning to Jintang, I Pinch you. "

When saying this, Kuroko's eyes showed a kind of indifference, which was the eyes he had cultivated when he put up a loan shark in Pingyuan County. The words he used to scare the driver were also carefully designed by him. He didn't know what background of Lu Xiaolin's family, but he believed that such words could scare the little driver in a small place.

Just now, he carefully observed the driver's words and deeds, knowing that this person is not a **** man, but a villain who is good at speculative camps. To deal with such villains, temptation and threat are the best ways, and threat is more effective.

The passengers in the car smoked and chatted on the right side of the car. Kuroko and the driver spoke in the grove on the left side of the car without attracting anyone's attention. After everyone returned to the car and the car restarted, everyone was surprised to find that the car was running smoothly, and there was no previous roller coaster-like feeling.

"It seems the car is tired, just rest for a while." Qin Hai said with a smile to Zeng Zhiqiang.

"Yeah, yeah, hehe, hehe." Zeng Zhiqiang responded with a smile.

"Okay, the car is stable, I don't have to rely on it, thank you." Lu Xiaolin sat up straight, and said to Xia Yangjie while she managed the messy hair on her head.

Xia Yangjie said stupidly: "This is a thank-you, it is the man's duty to protect women."

"I can't see, you nerd of science is kind of chivalry." Lu Xiaolin commented with a smile.

Xia Yangjie said positively: "I'm not a nerd ~ ~ Don't discriminate against those who study science."

"Oh, did I spit on you when I just vomited?" Lu Xiaolin looked at some stains on Xia Yangjie's pants and said sorry.

"It's okay, it's okay, you have no intention of living it." Xia Yangjie said.

Lu Xiaolin said, "After I'm done, I'll wash it for you."

"No, no, I can wash it myself."

"Help each other, you big man, why are you so stingy ..."

"I didn't hesitate ..."

"You'll be stunned ..."

"I do not……"

"Uh ..." Qin Hai sat in the back and couldn't help feeling some motion sickness. Come on, don't your relationship develop so fast, OK? This is a public place!

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