Material Empire

Chapter 189: God in which temple

Because he didn't know the origin of the sunspots, and the thing he was doing was really unreasonable, the driver finally did not dare to rectify any monster moths, and drove the car to Jinnan Chemical Factory.

When it arrived at the Jinnan Plant, it was already dark. Regardless of the interest of the working group, the secretary and director of the Jinnan plant came to the door to meet them in person, and then enthusiastically led the crowd to the small cafeteria in the plant, where there was already a rich table and pottery utensils. Inside are all kinds of wild game in the mountains, and the indulgent aroma of the Baoji wine made from the soil.

"Welcome the leaders of the Ministry of Machinery to our Jinnan factory to guide us. This place in Jintang is very poor, and there is nothing good to entertain the leaders. A few simple side dishes, please express our wishes. I propose that everyone toast To pay tribute to the leaders of the Ministry of Machinery. "Factory director Yu Kezhen raised his glass and began to pay tribute.

Qin Hai's top name is the Automotive Materials Localization Working Group, and the group leader is concurrently served by Deputy Minister of Machinery Su Chengying, so in the eyes of others, this is the organization sent by the Ministry of Machinery. Officials of the central ministries and commissions go to the place, regardless of the size of the official posts, they are considered leaders, at least the other party must be called verbally.

After Yu Kezhen had finished speaking, Qin Hai stood up and thanked the representative on behalf of the working group, among which were nothing but polite words learned from local enterprises. These words should have been said by Lu Xiaolin, but because of motion sickness and poor condition, she could only do it for Qin Hai. After Qin Hai finished speaking, the people at the table raised their glasses together, and the banquet began.

After a lively and extraordinary toast and retribution, everyone's faces glowed with some red light. After Yu Kezhen clinking with Qin Hai again, he started to arrange for them drunkly:

"Secretary Qin, Secretary Lu, you have come all the way to our place, it's hard. Our place is very poor, but the scenery is pretty good. From our factory to the mountains, there is an ancient temple of the Song Dynasty, or Very good. Last time, a director of the Chemical Industry Department came over. We went with him for a while, and he said that the temple had some origins, but I do n’t know much, Xiao Liu of our propaganda department knew this. I will arrange a car tomorrow. Let Xiao Liu accompany you to see. "

"Uh ..." Qin Hai was speechless. "Director Yu, the matter of this ancient temple is not urgent, we mainly come to investigate the production of PVC."

Yu Kejun waved his hands with a smile, and said disapprovingly: "Research is definitely done. I will arrange the technical department and production department to report together once, and you will understand. Our factory specializes in the production of polyvinyl chloride. There are five varieties. I don't need those in the technical department. I can finish it for you in ten minutes.

Are you here all the way? Have fun and relax. In addition, our bacon is a specialty, but we can only get the most authentic ones in the mountains. I've let the office arrange it, and they can find it. "

"We don't need bacon ..." Qin Hai really took Yu Kezhen. "Director Yu, we don't care about these things that we play and eat. We mainly want to know the production situation of our factory, including the equipment, research strength, production potential, etc. This is what we are most concerned about."

"I understand, I understand. We have all these materials. Tomorrow I will let the office prepare a set for you, and you can take it back and take a look slowly." Yu Kezhen showed a confident smile to Qin Hai.

"Okay ..." Qin Hai believes that this will tell Yu Kezhen again that everything is nothing. He has been in the car for a long time, and he is really lacking. So he held up the wine glass and said, "Yu, the director, we will talk about the investigation tomorrow. Now I will use the flowers to worship the Buddha. I thank the director for the hospitality. I also wish our cooperation a complete success."

"Well, I wish you success!" Yu Kezhen raised his glass, touched Qin Hai, drank it, and greeted the dish on the table: "Come, Secretary Qin, try this, this It's a wild boar slogan, but it's a rare thing you can't eat elsewhere ... "

A banquet ate after nearly two hours, Yu Kezhen personally took the office director and sent Qin Hai and his party to the factory's guest house, arranged for them to stay, and urged the waiter's staff to provide the most thoughtful service. After finishing the settlement, he left Qin Hai and left the guest house. Zeng Zhiqiang quietly followed.

The two of them had a spirit in their hearts, walked silently, and stood in a quiet place. Yu Kezhen took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Zeng Zhiqiang. Zeng Zhiqiang quickly took over, and at the same time pressed the lighter, and gave Yu Kezhen and himself a cigarette.

"Lao Zeng, where did these little hair children come from?" Yu Kezhen asked, smoking a cigarette, frowning, his words could not find the humility at the banquet just now.

Zeng Zhiqiang took a breath and said, "I don't know, it seems to be quite big. Before they came, the State Planning Commission and the Ministry of Chemical Industry jointly issued a letter to our Jintang Economic Commission asking us to provide practical cooperation. Director Wang also Didn't figure out which temple in the end they were. "

Yu Ke snorted and said, "It doesn't matter which temple he is in, but he has been staying on for a long time, and there is no oil and water in his stomach, so let's fight against the autumn wind. The little young man named Qin also pretended to research and say, we are production Polyvinyl chloride, what is there to investigate? "

"This surname Qin is not simple." Zeng Zhiqiang said, "Looking at the 20-year-old looks, talking and doing things are not tender at all, eyes are poisoned. Older, you also pay a little attention, maybe they came to find fault , Let's not give them any handles. "

"Find faults?" Yu Kezhen sneered. "Find faults, I'm older than others, I dare not say, I'm not afraid to find faults. I will arrange them tomorrow and let them go to the ancient temple. If they insist on going to see Equipment, then I will take them personally. As soon as our equipment is turned on, we will be furious and I will not scare them. "

"It's really hard to say." Zeng Zhiqiang said, "In fact, we have already rectified them once today. Director Wang specially arranged for them to come to the Jinnan Factory, and returned the most broken car to find the crazy Zhao Become a driver, and they will be a few of them all the way ... "

"Haha, I heard that Director Wang arranged for them to come to the Jinnan Plant, and I knew it was broken. You are too embarrassed by the Economic Commission. People who are not good at it will greet us and co-author with us. The Jinnan factory is equivalent to labor reform, isn't it? "Yu Keji haha ​​said with a smile.

Zeng Zhiqiang said: "Clean them up and they will stop. However, Director Wang also said that what can't be done is too obvious. After all, they have something to do, and we can't afford to offend."

"Of course I understand." Yu Kezheng said, "arrange them to go out for two days for fun, and leave 20 kilos of bacon for one person, and that's it. All these years, have we seen fewer gods?"

"Well, nothing." Zeng Zhiqiang sighed.

While Yu Kezhen and Zeng Zhiqiang sighed outside, several members of the working group were in Qin Hai's room, discussing the situation they were facing.

"Xiaolu, is it better?" Qin Hai looked at Lu Xiaolin, who was still pale, and asked with concern.

Lu Xiaolin nodded and said, "It's much better. Thank you, Xiao Fu, for blocking so much wine for me, or I'll really lie down after drinking those wines."

The cadres at the Jinnan factory toasted at the banquet adopted an indiscriminate attack method, which bombarded each of the working group in turn. Qin Hai can drink a little, but he can handle it. Xia Yangjie's alcohol was poor, and Lu Xiaolin had just fainted, and did not dare to drink more. In the end, the sunspots stood up, blocked the wine for both of them, and singled out the Jintang officials on the table. This made Lu Xiaolin finally discover the role of sunspots.

Qin Hai laughed: "Xiaolu, you really have to thank the sunspots, but not because of blocking the wine, but because of something else."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xiaolin frowned.

Qin Hai asked: "Xiaolu, do you think that the driver feels different in the first half and the second half on the way we are coming today?"

"Of course I feel it," Xia Yangjie said. "It was after a short break in the middle that the driver suddenly became stable while driving, or the road secretary had to continue motion sickness."

Lu Xiaolin said: "Yeah, in the first half, how did the driver drive the car! In fact, I usually don't get motion sick, that is, the driver drove the car in a mess, it was more upside than riding a sea liner. However, in the second half, He's driving steady, and he doesn't know what's going on. "

"You let the sunspots talk." Qin Hai said.

Kuroko simply said that he threatened the driver. Lu Xiaolin listened, and Liu Yemei almost erected: "What, you mean, the driver intentionally drove like this!"

"It should be like this." Qin Hai said.

"I don't ... I ..." Lu Xiaolin blurted out directly with the words of the country. After she finished speaking, she found out that she didn't match her own lady's image. She quickly put it away and sank for a while before saying: He's sick! When did I offend him! "

Xia Yangjie thought farther away ~ ~ he frowned and said, "According to this, people in Jintang don't welcome us to come?"

Qin Haidao: "It looks like this. There are obviously several companies next to Jintang City, but Wang Song'an arranged us to the Jinnan Factory, the furthest from the city. This arrangement is a little strange. The driver drove the car for no reason. The bumps and turns are obviously given by others. I guess it is Wang Song'an.

At today's banquet, Yu Kezhen kept his mouth shut on production, but he was busy arranging games and gifts for us. All these things add up to the impression that Jintang is not interested in us. "

"To be honest, if I am not a member of this working group, I don't like the leaders from above." Xia Yangjie said, "Every time I take a look around, can't solve any practical problems, add chaos to the following, Who doesn't hate such working groups? "


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Don't scold oranges, they are cute.

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