Material Empire

Chapter 217: Rules of study

A ridicule made everyone relax completely, and Qin Hai explained the purchase of the car to the crowd, and it was said that a few people felt itchy and their hands were itchy.

Qin Haidao: "Actually, the sunspot was wrong. This car is not my car, but yours. After I return, I will definitely spend more time on business trips to other places. In Pujiang, you mainly use cars to compare. Many. When we first arrived, it was a private enterprise, which will inevitably make people despise. With a car, others will give it a high look. This is to give you a good look. "

"Filling the facade ... it will cost tens of thousands." Qin Rongqing muttered quietly, "Xiao Hai, I'm afraid it will cost 30,000 to 40,000 to buy this car?"

"Full 70,000." Qin Hai gestured with his hand and said to everyone.

"70,000 ... is not expensive." Ning Mo's vision really is much higher than Qin Rongqing. He and Yu Haitao and others took shares in Pingyuan Special Steel Plant. According to this year's production performance, they are named There are millions of bonuses, and 70,000 yuan can't really surprise him. Of course, these bonuses are not the money he actually received. According to Qin Hai's arrangement, most of the bonuses are not allocated for distribution, but are left in the enterprise to expand reproduction. Nonetheless, Ning Mo dares to say that he has seen big money.

"Qin Hai, so to speak, can we use this car?" Yu Haitao asked excitedly. He began to imagine a romantic scene: driving a car, waiting for a beautiful girl at the gate of the county, and then, a driver dressed like a black-social thug appeared in the sun ... oh oh, this is more shameful what.

"Haizi, where did you learn the car, is it difficult to learn?" Yu Haitao immediately thought of a way to crack it, that is, he should learn the car himself.

"Yeah, yeah, we have to learn to drive. We can't always let the sunspot be the driver." Ning Mo and Qin Rongqing also responded and demanded together.

Qin Hai smiled and waved. Dao: "I've thought about it. After you arrive in Pujiang, I will arrange for you to learn to drive a car. There is a perennial training school in Pujiang Automobile Factory, and the localization office will open a certificate. You can go to school. However, we must have something to say first, we must not do anything about driving a car to bully a man or a woman. "

"Haha, Qin Hai, you can rest assured!" Everyone laughed together, one by one the spirit was excited, and my heart was full of longing for the future life.

Kuroko drove into a narrow alley, and eventually stopped in front of a dilapidated three-story building. Such small buildings were very common in those days. It was the so-called tongzilou, and Qin Hai lived in Qingfeng Factory.

To come to Pujiang, Ning Mo and others first need to solve the problem of accommodation. In those days there were not so many rental houses, and it was difficult for outsiders to find a place to live.

This problem was finally solved by Lu Xiaolin. The girl usually looked a little proud. But the way is wild. She didn't know what the relationship was. She found two vacant rooms in the dormitory of a certain unit, which could be used to house Ning Mo and others.

Heizi took everyone into the Tongzilou, came to the second floor, knocked on the door of one of them, and shouted nicely: "Aunt Zhou, I'm Xiaofu."

The door opened. A middle-aged woman with scalded flowers on her head, wearing pajamas, and well-maintained skin appeared at the door. She looked at the sunspots, and Qin Hai and Ning Mo, who followed them, smiled stubbornly and said, "Come here?"

"Good Aunt Zhou!" Several young men cried unevenly. Heizi has already introduced them to them in advance. This middle-aged woman is their landlord, named Zhou Quanmei, an employee of a unit in Pujiang. As for how Zhou Quanmei could get two rentable rooms in Pujiang, where housing is so tight. This is not what Qin Hai needs to care about.

"Come with me." Zhou Quanmei held two keys in her hand and took Qin Hai to the end of the corridor. Then she used the keys to open the doors on both sides and said, "It's these two houses. Take your luggage in. Right. "

Ning Mo and others took their luggage into the room. Zhou Quanmei followed in, then closed the door, and began to give some young people a chapter n:

"You live in this house. Do n’t tell anyone that it ’s rented. It ’s because your unit has arranged it in. People in this building have very broken mouths. Some things will make them look like they ’re passed on. It's ... "

"On this wall, you do n’t want to mess with nails. If the wall is nailed, repainting is troublesome. Let me see, one, two, three, four, five ... There are already five nails, you If there is anything to hang, just hang on these five nails, don't nail any other nails, or people in the future won't be able to live ... "

"The place where you wash your clothes is in the bathroom. After you wash your clothes, you can dry them outside the window, but you have to dry the water beforehand. If you tick down, the people below will comment. You are now When you get to the city, you have to talk about social morality ... "

"There is a public kitchen at the corner of the stairs, which is shared by six families. If you go to the kitchen to cook at night, remember not to turn on the wrong lights of others, just turn on your own lights ..."

"What's your own lamp?" Yu Haitao finally couldn't help asking questions. He could understand the previous contents to some extent, but when it comes to the kitchen, don't turn on other people's lights. He really couldn't understand this.

Zhou Quanmei was too lazy to explain and took several people directly to the public kitchen. Everyone looked up and saw that there was a little kitchen over, no more, no less, there were exactly six light bulbs, each light bulb was connected to a separate pull switch, and a small sign was tied to each light cord, Write the corresponding room number.

"These two lamps are yours." Zhou Quanmei drew two cords and explained to everyone.

"But ... why is this?" Ning Mo felt really puzzled. Is it because Pujiang's supplies are so abundant that there are six lights in a kitchen and six switches?

Qin Hai knew the reason, he smiled, and patted Ningmo's shoulder, saying: "This involves the issue of sharing electricity bills, each with its own lamp cap, so there is not so much trouble."

"This guy is quite right, the neighbors are together, so be clear to avoid conflicts." Zhou Quanmei said with satisfaction, "Yes, you live here and live in harmony with your neighbors, our old neighbors. Everyone is doing just fine, don't be unhappy because you guys are doing it. "

After finally sending away Zhou Quanmei, Ningmu scratched her head and said to Qin Hai, "This is the big city where you have been bragging with us? Why do I think it is better than our Pingyuan?"

Qin Hai laughed: "That's because you lack a pair of discovered eyes. Just say this aunt Zhou, she is about the same age as Aunt Song, do you think she is more dressed than Aunt Song?"

"I don't think so." Yu Haitao shook her head. "She burned her head like a chicken nest. She must have been hot at a small shop. The official barber shop on Pingyuan Street would not be hot like this."

"Also, this house has a lamp holder, isn't it too care? Isn't it just a kitchen? It's enough for everyone to share the electricity bill. Is it so fine?" Qin Rongqing also mumbled and commented.

Qin Haidao: "Okay, every place has its own characteristics. Since we are here, we will go to the countryside as usual. You can do all these things that Aunt Zhou said just now? I do n’t want you to be just because of these trivial issues. Things are in conflict. "

"Qin Hai, rest assured, we are all adults, and these can be done." Yu Haitao responded.

There were two single beds in each of the two rooms, which made Ning Mo and the sunspots live separately. When allocating rooms, Ning Mo and Heizi chose to live in the same room, while Yu Haitao and Qin Rongqing lived in another room. To live for a long time, everyone still lacks tables, chairs, buckets, washbasins, etc. Qin Hai explained that the sunspots went back to buy them separately.

After picking up, the group went downstairs, ready to drive around Pujiang City, and find a place for lunch by the way. When they came downstairs, they found that Zhou Quanmei was carrying a vegetable basket, and the Pusang car around them was moving back and forth.

"Aunt Zhou, go shopping?" Qin Hai walked over and said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, yeah, why, Xiao Qin, this car ... are you driving?" Zhou Quanmei saw a few people walking towards the car, and asked in amazement. About Qin Hai's names, she had already asked them, so she could call them accurately.

"Yeah, this is ... our unit's car." Qin Hai finally did not dare to say that it was his own car, because it was too shocking.

Zhou Quanmei's eyes stared at the boss: "Oh--your unit is so good, there is such a good car. Xiaofu is driving for the leaders, right, your leaders trust you ~ ~ even allowed You drive the car yourself. "

"Oh, yeah, Xiao Fu is quite valued by the leaders. As for this car, it is not Xiao Fu who drove it out privately, but because we are going to run some business these days, and the leader allocated the car to us. Qin Hai said that for a gossip woman like Zhou Quanmei, it is better to give a reasonable explanation first.

"Well, amazing, the leaders have allocated the cars to you." Zhou Quanmei looked envious, and suddenly she looked at Qin Hai and others without a sense of superiority. .

Yu Haitao is a person who will come. Seeing this situation, he stepped forward and laughed: "Aunt Zhou, this car was allocated to us by the leader. Usually, if Aunt Zhou has anything to do with the car, just talk, as long as we The car is idle, isn't it just casual to run for you? "

"Okay, okay." Zhou Quanmei responded in unison, rolling words of praise in her mouth: "I see that you are quite capable, oh, so young, you can get the attention of leaders, and you can definitely do it in the future. A great cause. "

"Er ... Aunt Zhou, you're busy, let's go first." Qin Hai couldn't listen anymore. He quickly pushed everyone into the car, and then let the sunspots start the engine and fled.

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