Material Empire

: Grand recommendation of Chen Fengxiao's new work "Mad Fairy"

As evidenced by the poem:

I do n’t know Chen Taizhong, and I read all the official texts.

At that time, Chen Fengxiao's "Government Fairy" created a great miracle in official texts. From the beginning of the book in 2008 to the completion of the book in 14 years, it lasted six years, and 7000 words per day were never changed. With 14 million words, the official court is warm and cold. During the update, it has always been in the top 10 of the monthly monthly ticket list and has a group of **** fans.

For some reason, Fengxiao's new book has chosen the theme of Xianxia, ​​the title of which is "Mad Fairy", which was launched earlier this month and now has 500,000 words.

Orange has never looked at fantasy and fairy tales. Without it, he is older and has less imagination. But this "Fantastic Fairy" by Feng Xiao, Orange has always followed. The writing of the Great God is guaranteed for writing, conception, and renewal. As always, the protagonist and the current disadvantages of the past are clearly a fairyland version of "The Official Fairy", which makes people unable to stop reading.

Finally, I have to say one thing: In addition to being the reader of Fengxiao Boss, Orange was also carried by Fengxiao that year. At that time, the industrial overlord was still a new book. He didn't know me, and when he saw this book by chance, he offered a chapter push, which made the oranges increase by 2,000 collections in three days, and Fang had the opportunity to enter the room. (To be continued ...)

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