Material Empire

Chapter 306: Burning crane


Wang Zheyi laughed and said to Qin Hai: "To import chemical equipment, and the investment is so large, I am afraid that it needs the approval of the State Planning Commission? Do you have a channel to contact the Planning Commission?"

Qin Haidao: "There is no direct relationship, but my business scale has not been small in the past few years. The State Economic Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade have visited our factory. I have had a few meetings with several directors. Ask them to help. After all, I use my own money and don't involve state investment. It should be simpler. "

"What about foreign exchange? How do you solve it?" Wang Zheyi asked.

Qin Hai smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I still have some preparation."

As early as a few years ago when exporting special steel, Qin Hai adopted the method of repairing the plank roads and secretly crossing the Chen warehouse to intercept a part of the foreign exchange and keep it in the accounts of overseas branches. He exported the thermal sprayer in the past two years, and he repeated his old tricks. He still divided the income into two parts, one part was left abroad, and the other part was recovered in accordance with normal procedures. Of course, the foreign exchange recovered in China must be handed over to the country and converted into RMB.

Qin Hai is not a person who doesn't care about the overall situation. In the case of a severe shortage of foreign exchange in the country, his company turned over two or three hundred million US dollars of foreign exchange to the country in one year, which is also a contribution to the country. As for retaining part of himself, it is only because he has his own considerations that he does not want the foreign exchange link to become an obstacle to his personal plan.

When Wang Zheyi worked in the Spanish embassy in the past, he had investigated the transaction between Qin Hai and Spanish steel distributor Leonardo, and he knew Qin Hai's operation. At this time, when she saw Qin Hai's calm face, she could not help but stare at Qin Hai severely, and said, "I know you have been doing ghosts, and you are not afraid of things being revealed. Trouble for the country to find you?"

Qin Hai dangled his neck and said, "What trouble is the country looking for me? I did n’t steal, I did n’t rob, and I was doing a fair business. It also created hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign exchange income for the country in one year. It ’s true. I kept these foreign exchanges privately. In fact, the leaders in our province are also clear, just open one eye and close one eye. Which company does not have such a reputation? "

"I don't talk poorly with you." Wang Zheyi snorted. Said. She knows what Qin Hai said is true. There are policies and countermeasures, not to mention that Qin Hai is a private enterprise, even a state-owned enterprise. There are also ways to keep some foreign exchange as a small treasury abroad. This kind of thing is an open secret. As long as you don't do too much, the general leaders will not go into it.

"If you can solve foreign exchange matters yourself, I can also help you with the State Planning Commission." Wang Zheyi no longer entangles the previous things and promised Qin Hai.

Qin Hai smiled and said, "What. You have a relationship with the State Planning Commission?"

Wang Zheyi said in a secretive voice: "Always know a few people. However, I can only ask you a question first, and I can't guarantee it. You have other channels, and you still have to go."

"That's for sure. You can help and ask. It has helped me a lot. Alas, it seems that it would be very beneficial to invite you to eat a few more meals." Qin Hai was happy and said Then it will be a great sight.

"Brother, what are you talking about!" Qin Shan knocked at the table with chopsticks and warned Qin Hai, "Sister Zhe Yi helped you, how can you say that to others?"

"Ignore him, that's how he is. If he fiddles with a crane, and I care about him, I'm already mad." Wang Zheyi said with a smile. For Qin Hai, she really has a feeling of helplessness. This guy sometimes seems very mature and sometimes naive, especially when it comes to dealing with girls, she really doesn't understand the style.

After having lunch, Wang Zheyi hurriedly left because she had to go to work in the afternoon. Before leaving, she also told Qin Hai to write a plan to do, so that she could help hand it over to the relevant staff of the Planning Commission.

Qin Hai brought tranquility and Qin Shan sent Wang Zheyi out of Huaqing's school. Watching the bus she was taking away gradually, Qin Hai turned around, but faced the secret eyes of the two girls.

"What do you mean?" Qin Hai asked in amazement.

"Your soul has gone with others?" Asked quietly and quietly.

"People? Which one?" Qin Hai couldn't touch his head for a moment.

"Huh, you know it," Quiet retorted.

Qin Shan quickly calmed Tranquility: "Xiao Jing, don't talk nonsense, my brother doesn't have that idea."

"Did you mean Wang Zheyi?" Qin Hai just took a look back and quickly declared: "I and her, that is a very pure **** relationship, don't get me wrong. By the way, this time I forgot to ask Did she find her boyfriend? I feel she's getting older too, and she will be left behind if she drags on. "

"I'm about to become a leftover girl. Why don't you care?" Protested quietly. Qin Hai's words made her feel very satisfied, but this did not prevent her from selling.

"You?" Qin Haihai looked at tranquility three times, and said, "I really forgot. Before going out, Lao Ning specifically told me to warn you that you are not allowed to fall in love during college, otherwise Lao Ning Let family law be engaged in ... "

"Qin Hai, you are too much. You dare to call my dad Lao Ning! Wait for me to write a letter to tell you about it, and see who of us will take my dad's family law first!" Serenity protested with a skipping foot .

The three chatted a little more, and Tranquil took the bus back to school. She had lessons in the afternoon and did not dare to be absent.

Sending away tranquility, Qin Hai and Qin Shan brothers and sisters walked side by side to the campus. Qin Shan asked: "Brother, do you really mean nothing to Zhe Yi?"

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "We have a big gap. She seems to be a second-generation official. I am a bun, how can I be worth her?"

"I think she treats you well." Qin Shan said.

Qin Hai thought about it and said, "The relationship between me and her may be the kind of" buddy "relationship. She is a few years older than me, and I have never thought about that. I feel that she also No such idea. "

Qin Shan shook her head and said, "I think she might really have such an idea, otherwise why would she be so enthusiastic about helping you, and she is very good to me and Xiaojing."

Qin Haidao: "The people in Beijing are very enthusiastic. Wang Zheyi and I are relatively good friends. She is kind to me and to you, and it is normal."

"Well, maybe it is." Qin Shan nodded, and then suddenly asked, "What about Xiaojing, what do you think of her?"

"No, my sister, why are you suddenly so concerned about my girlfriend?" Qin Hai interrupted with a smile.

"Parents are thinking about you getting married early, they all want to hug their grandson." Qin Shan also said with a smile. When Qin Hai said this, she also felt that she was too gossip. Although the university no longer banned students from falling in love at that time, the atmosphere of love was generally not strong. Qin Shan felt that it was awkward to talk about such topics.

Qin Hai came to Huaqing University for more than just visiting Qin Shan. As at Beijing University, he also asked Qin Shan to have an appointment with her department head, and it was almost time for the appointment.

The office of the Department of Chemical Engineering is located in the Civil Engineering Hall. This is a small red brick building built in the 1920s and 1930s, which looks quite simple and elegant. Qin Shan took Qin Hai directly to the department head Ji Zhenrong's office. Ji Zhenrong was waiting for them in the room.

"Professor Ji, hello, this is Qin Hai from Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory in Anhe Province." Qin Hai still introduced himself with his usual opening remarks. Speaking of which, he has many identities, but the most formal one is the chairman of Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory. Due to the large number of thermal sprayers exported, Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory has become a well-known foreign trade production company in China. Many people can tell when they say they are out.

"Chairman Qin, please sit down, please sit down. By the way, I heard that you are Qin Shan's elder brother, is it a pro-brother?" Ji Zhenrong asked a bit of gossip while giving a seat to Qin Hai. .

Qin Hai nodded with a smile: "Yes, we are a mother and a compatriot. Xiaoshan is studying in Huaqing, and Professor Domengji takes care of me. I have never had the opportunity to come to express my gratitude. It is so rude. . "

"Where to say that it is the school's responsibility to care for and care for the students. How can it be worthy of the word thank?" Ji Zhenrong waved his hands again and again, then took out a cigarette from his pocket and gestured to Qin Hai. Seeing Qin Hai shaking his head and giving thanks, he took out one himself, took a light breath, and asked, "Chairman Qin, should you come back to Huaqing for a special trip to thank us?" ? "

"Thanks are also an important reason." Qin Hai laughed. "However, in addition to the thanks, I still have some things. I would like to ask our chemical department to help ~ ~ I do n’t know if Professor Ji is interested."

"Please." Ji Zhenrong said.

Qin Hai took a folded blueprint from his carry bag and spread it out on his legs in the direction of Ji Zhenrong, saying, "Professor Ji, look at this."

Ji Zhenrong took the reading glasses from his desk and put them on. He looked at the probe and saw that there were densely drawn graphics on the blueprint. The arrows in the middle of the different graphics formed an extremely large system.

As an expert in the chemical industry, of course, Ji Zhenrong can see that the various types of chemical reactors, cooling towers, dissolution tanks and other containers represented by the oblong graphics on the drawings. The small circular things represent various Pump, and the arrows represent the pipelines between the various equipment. He looked at the whole picture carefully and thought about it, saying, "You are a set of basic organic chemical equipment. It looks like it should include methane, ethylene and propylene products. You take this Show me a picture, what do you mean? "

Qin Haidao: "We are planning to invest in the construction of a large chemical plant with ethylene as the mainstay while taking into account products such as methane and propylene. This picture is a preliminary production process that we have considered. If possible, I would like to ask the Department of Chemical Engineering of Huaqing University Complete the entire process design for us. "

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