Material Empire

Chapter 307: Urgent task

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After hearing Qin Hai's words, Ji Zhenrong shook his head and said, "It's too difficult. Whose design is this, it's too impractical."

"How is that?" Qin Hai was a little puzzled. This drawing was a combination of his previous experience, and he asked a professor from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Anhe Institute of Technology to estimate it. It is really that the strength of Anhe Institute of Technology's Chemical Engineering Department is not enough, and some complicated theoretical research cannot be done, so he went to Huaqing University for help. Of course, he also has another purpose, through this cooperation, to establish business relations with the Department of Chemical Engineering of Huaqing University, in order to turn this into an external brain in the future.

Ji Zhenrong said: "I didn't make it clear. I am not saying that the process route on this drawing is wrong, but the equipment it requires is not made by our country. Let ’s talk about ethylene equipment. Now our country has 300,000 tons of ethylene. The technology has not yet been broken, and you directly want 800,000 tons. How is that possible? "

Qin Hai thought for a while and said, "Professor Ji, my consideration is this. Part of the equipment, we can directly import from abroad, such as the most difficult ethylene compressor in the ethylene plant, etc .; for some equipment, we can come from abroad Imported raw materials are manufactured in China, such as vinyl ball tanks, which require some low-temperature resistant steel plates. We ca n’t solve them at the moment. We can consider importing steel plates from abroad. As for the equipment that can be produced in China, it is based on the domestic market. The overall design must be completed at home. This will also cultivate our country's own equipment manufacturing capabilities. What do you think? "

"Imported separately, integrated in the country?" Ji Zhenrong understood Qin Hai's thoughts somewhat. He tapped his finger on the table and lost his thoughts.

The design and construction of large-scale chemical equipment has always been a short board in Chinese industry. As a professor of Huaqing Chemical Engineering Department, Ji Zhenrong was also distressed. he knows. If you want to develop your design and construction capabilities, you must practice with actual projects instead of simply talking on paper. But how cautious is it to launch a large-scale chemical equipment in China? How can it be handed over to them to practice?

so far. Several large ethylene plants have been completed and are under construction in China. They are all imported from abroad, and domestically, they are used to make some supporting equipment. The core part does not allow domestic scholars and engineering technicians to intervene.

Hearing what Qin Hai meant, he planned to ask Huaqing University's Department of Chemical Engineering to do the overall design of this large-scale equipment, and based on domestic forces to build such a combined ethylene and propylene unit. If this idea can really be realized, then the professors in the chemical engineering department who do process control will get an extremely rare practical opportunity.

"Xiao Qin. Have you ever thought of the risks of doing this?" Ji Zhenrong felt a bit unreliable, and he was afraid that Qin Hai was just a whim.

Qin Hai smiled and said, "Someone has to take this risk. Professor Ji, I think that with so many chemical experts in our country, we should be able to solve these technical problems. There are really some thoughtless places, If you do n’t believe it, you ca n’t see it. Finally. After the design is complete, we can also ask a well-known foreign design institute to review it. They have such a business. ”

"The cost of reviewing drawings is not a small amount," Ji Zhenrong reminded.

Qin Haidao: "Compared to the investment in the entire installation. The cost of reviewing the drawings is nothing. Professor Ji, I came to ask for help in good faith, and you must help me."

Ji Zhenrong said: "Chairman Qin, you said the opposite. You asked us to undertake the process design, which provided us with an opportunity and helped us. However, it is up to us to design such a device The strength of the Department of Chemical Engineering is not enough. We have no problems in theory. However, the specific engineering experience is not as good as the engineers of the Chemical Design Institute. Therefore, we must invite them together and cooperate together at that time. "

"No problem, when you tell me who you want to invite, I'll go and ask." Qin Hai said happily.

"That's great! Um ... this design is really interesting. Put this drawing with me first, and I'll get everyone back together to discuss and discuss how to divide the work." Ji Zhenrong took Qin Hai The drawings look up and down, full of joy.

Qin Hai looked at Ji Zhenrong and asked with a smile: "Professor Ji, do you have any other questions to say?"

"Other problems?" Ji Zhenrong scratched his head. "No other problems."

"What about the costs?" Qin Hai was a little mad. Designing a large-scale chemical equipment cost tens of millions of dollars abroad. Ji Zhenrong seemed indifferent.

After listening to Qin Hai talking about expenses, Ji Zhenrong took a moment and said a little embarrassingly: "Huh, the fees ... definitely should be charged. To complete this design, I am afraid that it takes half a year or one year. Everyone reports occasionally. The cost of a mistaken meal ... and the cost of checking information, the cost of drawings ... "

"Yeah, I'll wait for you to make an offer." Qin Hai said with a smile.

Ji Zhenrong thought for a while, and looked at Qin Shan who was sitting beside him, and seemed a little embarrassed to speak. Qin Hai hastily encouraged him to say, "Professor Ji, although you say that I am a company and I need to spend money, I still understand it."

"Well, okay." Ji Zhenrong gritted his teeth and said timidly: "I think that this project will cost about 200,000."

"How much?" Qin Hai stared at the boss. Wouldn't the old gentleman know how to design a large-scale chemical equipment at a price of 200,000 yuan? Don't talk about the money, please ask a group of professors to work, you can't even ask the migrant workers for much?

Ji Zhenrong was misunderstood, thinking that Qin Hai thought he was asking too much. At that time, the salary of professors was a little higher than that of ordinary workers, which was more than 200 yuan a month, and 200,000 was indeed a very large number. He waved his hand and explained, "I just casually talked about it. I haven't calculated the specifics. How much does Chairman Qin feel appropriate?"

"I'll make two ... uh, two million." Qin Hai originally wanted to blurt out, saying that it was 20 million. When he reached his lips, he hesitated, and finally changed to two million. Since Ji Zhenrong ’s expected value is only 200,000, his out of 2 million should be completely unexpected for Ji Zhenrong. Lowering the price now, and increasing it if necessary in the future, is always a happy thing. If the appetite of these professors is expanded now, they may not cooperate well in the future.

"Two million? This ... this is too much." Ji Zhenrong said with a red face.

"It's not much." Qin Haidao, "To complete this design, our professors alone are definitely not enough. We must also mobilize young lecturers, teaching assistants, graduate students, and undergraduate students to participate. Even if it is work-study, We have to pay some labor costs to our department, right? After designing the whole set, I estimate that I have tens of thousands of drawings. By the way, does our department also introduce a set of CAD software to implement computer-aided mapping? "

"This can be considered, but the price of cad software is not cheap. We always dare not even think about it." Ji Zhenrong said with a smile. With Qin Hai's words, he has decided to accept the design fee of 2 million yuan. At this moment, he started to be a little bit eager to think about how much 2 million can be done in the department. As the head of the department, it is really a pain to have no money in his hand.

Qin Hai stood up and said, "I leave the drawings with you first. You can talk to the professors to see how to do this. Let's go back and discuss further. Otherwise, let's talk about it today. I leave first. "

Ji Zhenrong sent Qin Hai and Qin Shan out of the Civil Engineering Museum, watched them go away, and turned back. Instead of returning to his office, he pushed open the door of a laboratory and shouted to the students inside, "You guys, please inform Teacher Xiong, Teacher Li, and Teacher Ma in the process room immediately and let them arrive. When I came here for a meeting, I said that there was an urgent task.

Qin Hai had some sense of accomplishment by making the Department of Chemical Engineering overwhelmingly costly with 2 million yuan. After the two left the Civil Engineering Museum, Qin Shan went to the classroom for a class, and Qin Hai left the campus alone, called a taxi, went to the Iron and Steel Research Institute, and met his old friend Chen Heqian.

"Xiao Qin, you haven't come to me one day, I heard you have made a fortune recently." Chen Heqian said cheerfully when he saw Qin Hai.

In the past two years, in the name of assisting research projects, Qin Hai provided Chen Heqian with a lot of scientific research funding, which enabled Chen Heqian to obtain several results that have some international influence. Of course, Chen Heqian also relied on the peaches to make use of her social relations to help Qin Hai solve many difficulties in production and sales, and the friendship between the two became deeper and deeper.

Qin Hai sat down on the sofa in Chen Heqian's office and said with a smile: "In fashionable words, I'm so poor that I only have money left. This is not the case, this time I made a special trip to Beijing to find experts to help."

"Oh, what problems have you encountered again?" Chen Heqian asked with concern.

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "It's not a real problem ~ ~ It's just a plan, and I want to start some long-term projects. The material is a century-old plan. If we don't lay the foundation now, there will be no place in the future."

"There are too few people who have this idea of ​​you." Chen Heqian sat across from Qin Hai and said with emotion, "Now I say respect and knowledge and talents up and down, but the actual appropriation is very poor, but Can't do any good research. Especially in the material field, there are no short-term projects, and it is even more difficult to apply for funding. "

Qin Haidao: "What's the problem with Mr. Chen, even if you just tell me. I can't do research, I just have some bad money. How can I not let a university student like Mr. Chen fold for five buckets of rice?"

Chen Heqian shook his head and said, "I'm not talking about me. In the past few years, you have given me a lot of funding for this laboratory. Many people are jealous of death. What I am talking about is some of my colleagues, like the University of Technology. Sun Yuzhi, Yan Shuncheng of the Institute of Mechatronics, has now stopped and all the experiments have stopped. You know, the materials, if you ca n’t do the experiments, what else can you produce? A few young men under Yan Yan Assistant, it's all about going to sea now. "


Seems like a fever ...

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