Material Empire

Chapter 343: Full staff assessment

Bringing by Ning Mo is a team of nearly 20 people. Yu Kezhen sent two jeep and a minibus from the factory, and pulled these people from Jintang Railway Station back to Jinnan Chemical Factory, and arranged for them to live separately. After scheduling the stop, Qin Hai, Yu Kezhen, and Ning Mo all came to the room where engineer Zhou Dongyi lived.

"General Qin is here, please sit down." Zhou Qiaoyi's wife, Jiang Qiaoyun, was busy packing up the house. When Qin Hai and his party arrived, they quickly made room for them and poured tea. Thanks to the ingenuity of the Pujiang woman, after a while, Jiang Qiaoyun has picked up a temporary room and made it refreshing and ready for hospitality.

"The director Yu also came. I was inconvenient to get up and was rude." Zhou Dongyi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, owed himself to Yu Kezhen and greeted him warmly.

Jinnan Chemical Factory has cooperated with Dongyao Plastic Factory in the past few years, so Yu Kezhen and Zhou Dongyi knew each other. He took two steps and came to Zhou Dongyi. He extended his hand and held a hand with Zhou Dongyi, and greeted: "Zhou Worker, is this a hard way? I'm sorry to have you travel thousands of miles to our Jintang. "

Zhou Dongyi laughed: "Director Yu, don't say that, we will be one family in the future, so we don't need to say such two things."

Yu Kezhen also smiled and said, "That's what it is, we are indeed a family. However, in Jintang, I am a local, after all, you are all my guests. By the way, Zhou Gong and my siblings are both Pujiang people, used to staying in big cities, come to our small place in Jintang. I'm afraid it won't suit me, right? "

"No way, Jintang is a place with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery, much better than our Pujiang environment." Jiang Qiaoyun replied with a smile.

Everyone laughed a few more words. Then I entered the topic. Qin Hai pointed to Ning Mo and Zhou Dongyi, and said to Ke Yi: "Director Yu, to rectify the Jinnan Chemical Plant, you alone are not enough, and you have to worry about some relationships, and some things are not Easy to do. I invited Ning Mo and Zhou Gong to help you. In the future, the three of you will stir the spoon together. "

"Where and where, I should assist Ning Zong and Zhou Gong. Now you are the boss of the factory, and I also work." Yu Kezhen half-jokingly and half-correctly corrected. He knows that Ning Mo is a buddy of Qin Hai, and Zhou Dongyi is a partner of Dongyao Plastic Factory, which is a member of the management of the acquisition of Jinnan Chemical Plant. Of these people, only he has nothing.

Zhou Dongyi waved his hand and said, "Which boss or part-time job do we all want to do well in the factory? When it comes to the management of chemical plants, Xiaoning and I must not be as experienced as the factory director, so the future will definitely be based on The director is mainly the factory director. As for me, I am mainly responsible for some technical work. It would be nice to cooperate with Chief Yu. "

Ning Mo also spoke in a stern voice: "Director Yu, you are about the same age as my dad. You are all experienced people. Qin Hai already told me when I called, and I am your assistant. Yes, you sing a red face. I sing a black face, I will offend people. Also, do n’t call him Ning, just call me Xiao Ning, or just like Qin Hai, let me be a fat man. ”

When Qin Hai knew Ning Mo. Ning Mo is a fat man weighing 200 pounds. Ning Mo's body slightly reduced, but also went up 180 pounds, the nickname "fat" has never been removed. However, as a fat man, Ning Mo also got a lot of convenience, that is, he can often give people a loyal and honest first impression. Generally speaking, people's most negative evaluation of fat people is stupid, without using insidious and cruel words.

Yu Kezhen admired Ning Mo's statement very much. He smiled and patted Ning Mo's shoulder, and said, "Okay, I will call you Xiao Ning in the future. However, I heard President Qin said, you My father is the director of the Qingfeng Agricultural Machinery Factory, but it is a big factory with an annual output value of hundreds of millions. My level can not be compared with the director of Ning. Where can I do poorly in the future, Xiaoning, despite your criticism. "

Qin Hai heard that the three of them had exchanged opinions with each other, and then said: "The director Yu and Zhou Gong were right just now. We will all be one family in the future. We need to work together to get the Jinnan chemical plant right. Now the top priority is, It is to comprehensively rectify the cadres and workers in the factory, select the skilled workers and start production. Those workers who are not skilled need to be trained. If the training is not qualified, they will all be converted to service personnel, and the wages and benefits will be reduced. The same is true for cadres in the government agencies. Those who are capable can get on the job, and those who can't do it can stand on the sidelines. The general principle is to let the Jinnan Chemical Plant regain vitality as soon as possible in order to achieve greater development. "

"I understand." Yu Keji said, "Many things at Jinnan Factory were difficult to return in the past. Now, with the spring breeze of President Qin, we can just rectify it. However, we must all be prepared for it. The resistance to rectification will definitely be very huge."

On the third day when the foreign management team entered the Jinnan Chemical Plant, the factory department officially issued a notice of appraisal for all employees, which opened the prelude to the consolidation of the entire factory's workforce.

"Have you heard that all people have to take the exam? Only after passing the exam can they get a job!" Around the factory, the employees gathered together in twos and threes, and began to talk about this change with different expressions.

"Good, what kind of test to take, and not a child to college." Someone who was unknown started to mumble.

"This is worse than the university entrance exam. The factory's notice said that if the exam fails, they must be transferred to a labor service company," a source said.

"Labor service company? Isn't that a place for family workers?"

"Isn't it? I just let you do the work of family workers. I heard that you can only get wages according to the standards of family workers."

"Why, I've been in the factory for more than 20 years, why can't I let him do it?"

"Who are you? I don't know if the factory has been sold to a private owner. Now we are all grandchildren, OK?"

"I don't care, whoever makes Lao Tzu laid off, Lao Tzu kills him!"

"Deadly? Easy to say ..."

Those old workers who have attended the symposium for retired workers have begun to speak. They are also surprised at the introduction of such strict policies in the factory. But after thinking about it, this seems to be the idea that these old people gave to President Qin at the symposium. Now they have started to rectify according to their own wishes. I don't think I can say anything blunt.

As a result, these elderly people worked for their nephews, apprentices, etc., telling them the good intentions of strict management in the factory, urging them to rush back to training materials in order to meet the assessment in the factory.

In a disturbed atmosphere, the skills assessment of the employees of Jinnan Chemical Plant began. Each of the more than 400 employees in the factory received a note stating the time and place to participate in the assessment. All assessments are conducted by way of individual interviews. There are more than 20 examination rooms set up in the factory, and the entire assessment time will last for a full three days.

"Talk about your job."

"I'm a reactor operator."

"All right, talk about your job responsibilities."

"According to the process documents, feed the reactor; monitor the pressure gauge of the reactor, operate the exhaust valve, steam valve, air pressure valve ..."

"I ask you what are the key points to prevent fires in production?"

"... Can't smoke ... And, use a fire extinguisher, uh ..." The young workers in the interview started sweating on the forehead. It seemed that they had learned this when they entered the factory, but now they have forgotten it. Went outside Jiuxiaoyun.

"Fool!" Anger appeared on the face of the retired worker who was the special interviewer: "Remember, there are five rules: first, control combustibles and prevent the formation of explosive media; second, control combustion-supporting materials; Eliminate sources of ignition; fourth, ... "

Qing Gong nodded: "Yes, Master Chen, I remembered the moment you said ... You see, am I not stupid? I can't remember."

"I ask you again, what is the difference between fire-extinguishing methods when a water-soluble solvent and a non-water-soluble solvent break out?"


"Well, this is your grade, wait for the factory arrangement."

The scorched young worker came out of the examination room, and people outside stepped forward to ask the question, the poor young worker desperately patted his head, but couldn't think of what he had been asked just now. It is because his memory is not good. It is because these questions are not in his common sense. He doesn't even know what the examiner asked, so how to remember?

The operators of chemical plants usually do very simple work ~ ~ It is nothing more than patrolling the equipment back and forth, pressing the keys and opening and closing some valves. But in fact, the skill requirements of operators are more complicated than those of turners and millers in machine shops. The production process of a chemical plant is a reaction of various chemical substances, and anomalies such as leakage, overheating, combustion and even explosion may occur if you pay little attention.

As an operator, he must be familiar with emergency treatment methods under various abnormal conditions. These methods may not be used once in his entire career, but he wants to let these methods become familiar in his own mind. It can be used without error at any time as it has been experienced thousands of times.

In order to achieve this goal, operators need to receive frequent training and perform a lot of simulation exercises. The old generation of workers in the Jinnan Chemical Plant are honed in this way. Among the new generation of workers, some are diligent in learning technology and have a good grasp of these operations, but others are somewhat lax. In front of the assessment can only be open-mouthed, one question and three wonder.

Qin Hai's assessment for all employees is to screen out those unskilled workers, or get them re-trained, or clear them out of operating posts. In fact, Yu Keji always wanted to do this, but in the past few years, the internal management of the company has become increasingly chaotic. Yu Keji has this heart and has no power. In the end, it can only be left behind. (To be continued)

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