Material Empire

Chapter 344: I am the boss

Qin Hai cannot develop organic polymer materials without a chemical plant. To build a chemical plant, only equipment and technology are not enough. It also requires personnel who understand chemical plant management and a large number of skilled workers. He and Liu Yaozhong came to Jintang and spent a lot of energy merging old state-owned factories such as Jinnan Chemical Plant and Hongguang Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics Plant. It is precisely the original management system and workers of these plants that are the core resources that don't change money.

The factory managers Liu Jie and Yu Kezhen still have quite a set of internal management, especially to understand the production process and management characteristics of chemical plants. This is a skill that Ning Zhongying does not possess. The shortcomings of these plant managers are that they do not adapt to the modern market economic environment and do not know how to do a good job in market management, so that they are making the company increasingly decline. Qin Hai merged these factories, leaving the factory managers for internal management, and setting up a marketing operation team, which can achieve the effect of complementing each other.

As for the workers in various factories, the quality is generally good, but specific to each person, there are some good and bad. Especially in the big pot rice system, the technical level is good or bad, and the work attitude is good or bad. Eventually, a bad currency is expelled from the good currency, and the overall level has started to decline.

What Qin Hai has to do now is to pick out those workers who don't have the skills to learn, and spend their days in the sky, forcing them to return to the furnace to learn technology, or to do the work that suits them. As for what kind of bounce will result from doing so, he is also fully prepared.

"I want to find the director! I don't agree!"

The expected conflict really happened. Outside the factory building, several men shouted menacingly. Behind them, they followed nearly a hundred of the lively employees, and many of them were eager to try and intend to join those few men. people. Several members of the Security Section stopped them at the door of the office building. Doing the work in a low voice, but the voices of several people were shouting louder and louder, apparently trying to make things bigger.

"Don't stop them." Ning Mo appeared behind the cadres of the Security Section and ordered calmly.

Everyone knows Ning Mu, who knows his identity as the new deputy director of the factory, and knows that he is actually Yu Kezhen's deputy. However, he is the representative of the management and has a higher status than Yu Kezhen. Several security section cadres put down their hands and stepped aside, and the hustlesome man stopped for a moment, watching Ning Mo, waiting for him to speak.

"Several masters, the director of the factory went to the city for a meeting. I'm in charge of things in the factory for the time being. If you have any things, you can talk to my office. You can also talk here." Ning silently looked at the couple. Personally, said blankly.

After several years of hard work in Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant and Haijie Company, Ning Mo is no longer the ignorant and reckless young worker in the past. He has inherited the character of Ning Zhongying and is imitating Ning Zhongying's work. The fact that there are already a few leaders of the company. This time Qin Hai transferred him to Jintang, and also wanted him to have a more comprehensive exposure to the practice of factory management, anyway, if something goes wrong. And Yu Kezheng and others can clean him up later.

The few men who came to trouble were the workers who were eliminated from the workshop. They are all in their early 30s. It was the educated youth returning to the city in the early 1980s. Because I spent some time in the countryside and felt that I had seen through the society, I went to the factory to hang myself and never learn the technology with my heart. This time they were evaluated by all staff, and they ranked at the bottom. You have been notified to leave your current post and go to a service company for a post. When they got the news, several of them were connected in series, ready to come to the factory to make a big noise.

"You are the factory manager Ning, my name is Xu Yongde. It is the operator of the conversion section. Just now the section manager informed me that the factory asked me to wait for a job at the company. I want to ask, why!" A black-faced man took the lead Already.

"Where is your section leader?" Ning Mo stood on the steps and asked calmly.

"It's me." Someone in the crowd behind the crowd raised his hand and said, "Director Ning, I'm Li Jiaqing, the head of the conversion section. I just sent the factory's notice to Xu Yongde."

Ning Mo said: "Li Duanchang, did the factory department explain why Xu Yongde was asked to serve at the company?"

"The explanation was because he failed the assessment. He should not know all about the compressor and converter operation, so the factory department said that he was not suitable to work in the conversion section." Li Jiaqing replied.

Ning Mo looked at Xu Yongde and asked: "Master Xu, Li Duanchang, do you hear me?"

"I don't agree!" Xu Yongde said with a stern neck. "This assessment is a sudden attack. If we say hello in advance and give us some time to prepare, we won't be able to answer anything."

Ningmo smiled and asked, "Master Xu, how long have you been working in the conversion section?"

"It has been 10 years since I entered the factory and I was in the conversion section." Xu Yongde replied proudly.

Ning Moo said, "In 10 years, you haven't memorized these know-hows, and you have to wait until someone tells you to do it?"

"No one normally tests me." Xu Yongde said.

Ning Mo said: "I don't understand the production of polyvinyl chloride, but I have also heard from the master of the factory these days that during the production of polyvinyl chloride, various abnormal situations may occur at any time. Operators must master It should be known that most of them deal with this special situation. If Master Xu has an abnormality when you are on duty, do you still have time to check the books? "

"Director Ning, don't tell me these principles." Xu Yongde actually knew that he had a loss. In the past, he had made improper handling of abnormal situations. It was only when there were other operators around him at the time that he corrected his mistakes in time and did not cause any major accidents. Because of these mistakes, he was deducted from the factory salary, but after the deduction, he still got the job, because no one can arrange him to go to other positions. This time, the factory moved the real thing, only to make him feel the crisis. He said:

"I admit that I do n’t understand these things, but I do n’t have to blame me. Our generation is hungry when we are born, we suspend classes as soon as we go to school, and go to the countryside after graduating from junior high school. They belong to the delayed generation. It should be known that all letters are chemical, and I have not attended high school. How can I understand chemistry?

He was righteous in this remark, but he stopped Ning silent. Ning Mo stunned for a few seconds and turned to Li Jiaqing and asked, "Li Duanchang, you should know in the process, you must understand chemistry?"

Li Jiaqing hesitated, nodded, and said, "It does have some chemical knowledge. What raw materials react when they meet water, and what raw materials react when they generate heat, all are chemical knowledge."

"Then the old workers in our factory are said to be less educated. How do they master them?" Ning Mo asked again.

Li Jiaqing sighed and said, "What else can I do, rote memorization. I only have junior high school culture, and my master is even worse, that is, the literacy that I learned only after liberation. How did I learn chemistry? It's just for the technician to write those chemical formulas in Chinese characters, and then die back, that bitterness. "

Ning Mo pointed at Xu Yongde with his hand and said, "Have you ever seen those Chinese characters written by Master Xu?"

Li Jiaqing said: "Of course I have seen that when they were apprentices, we uniformly distributed these materials, and also required them to be familiar. Alas, unfortunately this requirement was not implemented. At that time, the production tasks in the factory were tight and the management It's less strict. "

"Li Duanchang, are those things memorized?" Xu Yongde countered, "These things don't make sense, we don't understand what they mean, how to memorize them."

Li Jiaqing opened his mouth and wanted to say something. Ning silently waved his hand and stopped him. Then he smiled and said to Xu Yongde, "Master Xu, you do n’t know what those data mean. The factory will give you a chance. Let you stay in the service company to realize it slowly. When did you understand and when did you ask Li Duanchang to ask to go back, what do you think? "

"You don't come here!" Xu Yongde sank his face. "Director Ning, I asked you, I heard that people who serve the company have their wages halved. Is that true?"

Ning Mo shook his head: "Not all. Half the first three months, depending on the work situation in the future, if the work is not good, only 20%, and stay home."

"Why are you!" Xu Yongde was irritated by Ningmo's attitude. "I have been working at the Jinnan Plant for 10 years. You are the oldest and dare to let my son stay home!"

Ning Mo smiled coldly: "Master Xu, now the director is away, I am the boss. As the deputy director in charge of the work, I have the right to decide who to place in which position. The factory policy is transparent and capable Get on the job and have no ability to stay on the job ~ ~ Give everyone three months. If you cannot improve your ability within three months, then I'm sorry, Jinnan Chemical Plant does not raise waste. "

"Don't you speak so nicely, I don't know yet, you are private companies, seeing those of us who are not pleasing to the eye, want to get rid of baggage, and also deliberately get a full staff assessment, who to lie to?" Xu Yongde shouted.

"Yes, it is deceiving people. What assessment is actually meant to cut people!" The other men also shouted, and they waved their fists one after another, like shouting slogans, but also showing off the force.

Ningmo folded her hands on her chest and replied leisurely: "You're right, we paid for running a business, and of course we don't want to carry any burdens. If you don't want to be thrown away, don't be a burden. If you guys I have the skills and the ability to work. I will ask you to do something in the factory. I agree to any conditions you ask. Unfortunately, who do you blame for not having this ability? "

When he said these words, Ningmo's eyes were full of calmness, and he didn't care about the fierce expressions of these people. He remembers that Ning Zhongying taught him that in order to deal with such deceitful workers, he must be better than the other side. As long as you have your own reason, don't worry about any rogue.

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