Material Empire

Chapter 393: Give me this money is not enough

"Mr. Garrod, it was these two men who harassed me before they had such a thing."

The girl stood up bravely and said to the restaurant manager. She knew in her heart that today it is hard to be good at this matter. She will definitely lose her job in the restaurant. Now all she needs to worry about is how much the restaurant will make her compensate. She was too late to think if she could afford such compensation. What she was thinking about now was that she couldn't let the three kind-hearted hometown people be affected by her affairs.

"Xu, do you have any evidence that these two gentlemen are harassing you? As a waiter, your duty is to serve the guests, not to attack your guests with your Chinese compatriots." Garrod didn't care about Chinese girls at all. Explain, but reprimand her loudly.

The Chinese girl named Xu Xiaoqi knew that Garrod was a person with a slight racist tendency. Garode would not allow her to work in this restaurant unless it was because her salary was relatively low. The conflict was born between the Chinese and Americans, and Garrodt naturally sat on the American side. As for the relationship between the waiter and the guests, it is just a guise. Qin Hai is also a guest, but in the heart of Garrod, Chinese guests ca n’t have a higher status than American guests.

Qin Hai also heard the mystery in Garold's words, and he emphasized that Qin Hai and others are Xu Xiaoqi's compatriots, and they have been classified as a group a priori. Qin Hai knew that due to the backwardness of the Chinese economy, Westerners naturally felt superior in front of the Chinese and felt that the Chinese were bullying. Unfortunately. This judgment does not apply to Qin Hai. He never felt that white skin could be superior to his yellow skin, at least. Haven't all the monkey hair on your body faded, what civilized person to pretend in front of Lao Tzu?

"Mr. Garrod, you should see where the conflict is. Why did these two men leave their tables and ran here? Everyone in the restaurant can see that these two hooligans are chasing after this. A beautiful girl, when a hooligan chases your sister, would you persuade your sister to fulfill the obligation to be happy with the hooligan? "Qin Hai opened his mouth. He greeted the women in Garrod's family.

"Maybe ... they're just joking with Miss Xu?" Garrod's face couldn't help anymore. Xu Xiaoqi knocked over the dinner plate, and this kind of thing was not much responsibility. The key to the entire conflict lies in Qin Hai and Ning Mo's confrontation with the two white men. The location of the conflict, as Qin Hai said, was not at the table of the two people, even if the police came. Those two people also have to explain why they went to Qin Hai's table to fight?

"Did your restaurant call this kind of behavior a joke?" Qin Haixi laughed. "In the civilized places I've been to, this behavior is called harassment and is legally responsible."

The two white men had already risen from the ground at this time, and they scolded, but did not take any specific action. They couldn't remember how they were brought down, only to know that the fall had been miserable. Looking at Qin Hai and Ning Mo's sneer on their faces, they couldn't help but think of some legends about Chinese martial arts, and borrowed their courage. Did not dare to step forward again.

"Two gentlemen, what do you think?" Garrod asked the two, turning back, and he failed to frighten Qin Hai and his party. I can only listen to the attitude of the other party.

"We want to complain to you! We want to report to the police!" The two white men shouted shyly.

"Please, please." Qin Hai also broke out. He didn't know if the American police would pull the bias, but at this time he obviously couldn't be softened, otherwise he might fall into his own prestige and maybe make Xu Xiaoqi suffer. He enclave in his head thinking about what relationship he can find to settle the matter, which is really impossible. Just spend money on Taiping and go to the police station to pay a fine.

"Two sirs. Are you sure you want to call the police?" A somewhat thankful American stepped forward and said coldly to the two white men.

"Yes, what do you have?" The two white hooligans said with their necks tied. In fact, they didn't think about whether to call the police. They couldn't be sure that the police would be on their side, so the police had no certainty to win. But you can't beat again. If you don't want to walk away dimly, you can only use the alarm to scare people.

Xie Dingke walked in front of Qin Hai, handed a business card, and said, "Sir, I am a lawyer of Lip Law Firm, my name is Schlosser. If you need a lawyer service, I am willing to work for you."

Having said that, he took out a tape recorder from his arms and said with a smile: "Here are the sounds of these two **** harassing this beautiful lady and expressing racial discrimination against you. If you give this tape To the court, I am certain that they will pay not less than $ 20,000 in spiritual compensation. "

All the people in the restaurant were stunned by the reversal. The two white hooligan stared at each other, then suddenly turned around and ran away. Before everyone responded, they had rushed out of the restaurant and escaped without a trace.

"It's a pity that you have lost an opportunity to make a compensation of $ 20,000." Schlosser shrugged to Qin Hai and his party and said half-jokingly. The two hooligans did not leave names, and Schlosser could not find the object of the lawsuit, so it can be said that they lost a lot of money in vain. Of course, he also understood that if the two hooligans did not continue to be entangled, Qin Hai would not have brought this matter to court. Lawsuits are easy to say, but they are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and not something a foreigner can afford.

"Nevertheless, I will pay for your lawyer's fees." Qin Hai responded with a smile. People do n’t know him and can come out to help themselves at this time. Qin Hai will not hesitate to pay a small fee .

"I'm looking forward to it," Schlosser said, and then he turned to look at Garrod again and asked, "Mr. Garrod, what do you think of this matter? I plan to continue to investigate my Chinese client's Is it responsible? "

Garrod was not a fool. How could he say anything at this time? He shrugged and said, "Since the matter between the guests has been settled by ourselves, we will have no opinion on the restaurant."

"Mr. Garrod, I ..." Xu Xiaoqi lowered her head and walked to Garrod, not knowing how to speak. After all, it was because of her that Garode could not hold Qin Hai accountable for them, but would not remain indifferent to her.

"Miss Xu, I'm sorry, I don't think you are suitable for a job like a restaurant waiter, do you think?" Garrod said.

Xu Xiaoqi froze, and immediately understood Garod's meaning, and nodded, "I see, Mr. Garrod, I ask for resignation, and I ask for your approval ..."

At this point, her voice was choked, and tears of tears dripped from her face in disappointment.

"Xiao Xu, don't be afraid, there is us." Ning Mo couldn't see girls crying. He patted Xu Xiaoqi's arm and said, "Such a broken restaurant, don't do it here as soon as possible. I let our buddies Introducing you to another job is more powerful than getting them here. "

Ning Mo said buddy, naturally refers to Qin Hai. In Ning Mo's mind, Qin Hai is an omnipotent person. To help Xu Xiaoqi, it should be a hand. Ning Mo himself could certainly use the money to subsidize Xu Xiaoqi, but he didn't know whether this was appropriate. And if Qin Hai can help Xu Xiaoqi find another job through his relationship, this help will be more acceptable.

Xu Xiaoqi turned to look at Ning Mo, and suddenly felt that this fat man's words were so warm. She nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you, thank you brother."

Qin Hai said a few words to Garrod, then beat him away, and then said to Xu Xiaoqi: "Xiao Xu, you sit with us first, I say a few words with this lawyer and then we go out and discuss other Things. "

Xu Xiaoqi sat down, Qin Hai went to Schlosser, took out two hundred dollar denominations, handed them forward, and said, "Mr. Schlosser, thank you very much for your help. Although we did not invite you in the end Help with the lawsuit, but you have actually helped us a lot. Be careful, please accept it. "

Schlosser haha ​​smiled, waved his hand, and said, "Give me this money is not enough. I hope that the money I make from you should be at least twice that."

"What do you mean?" Qin Hai was a little puzzled. The other party had helped them before ~ ​​ ~ But with these two sentences, it was already good to be able to get the thanks in US dollars. He said that he hopes to make double the money, that is, ten thousand dollars. What can he rely on to make so much money for himself?

Before waiting for Qin Hai to understand, another person came along, and he took Schlosser to Qin Hai and said, "Mr. Qin, what a coincidence. Let me introduce you. Mr. Schlosser is my lawyer. This time, I'm going to ask him to sign the contract between us. Shouldn't it be expensive to pay Mr. Schlosser a commission of ten thousand dollars per year? "

Qin Hai took a closer look. It turned out that the person who spoke was Downer's boss Modiken, with a smile on his face, a gloating expression. Qin Hai then realized that Schlosser was helping them in the first place, not by Bethune's soul, but by the role of Modicon in the back. Presumably, Modiken took Schlosser to this restaurant for dinner, and encountered Qin Hai's conflict with two hooligans, so he asked Schlosser to come and help.

As for the tapes in Schlosser's hands, they may have been made up. Modikon was engaged in audio, and it was not surprising to go out with a small tape recorder. He must not have had such a prophecy, and could record the relevant evidence before the conflict.

However, the authenticity of the tape is really irrelevant. It is enough to scare the two hooligans back. (To be continued)

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