Material Empire

Chapter 394: Ning Mo is really willing to pay for it

"So, Mr. Modiken has promised to sign a contract with us?" Qin Hai heard the meaning of Modiken and asked with a smile.

Modiken pointed his finger at Schlosser and laughed: "Even if I don't agree, this old friend of mine will force me to agree. He is completely fascinated by your headphones."

"Indeed, that's the best headphones I've heard," Schlosser said unabashedly.

It turned out that Schlosser was not only a well-known lawyer, but also a top music enthusiast. His friendship with Modiken was made because of audio equipment. Modiken is both his client and his friend. Just after Qin Hai left Downer's company, Modiken called Schlosser to discuss with him how to sign a contract with Qin Hai. After listening to Qin Hai's headphones they brought, Schlosser completely stood on the side of Qin Hai, insisting that Modiken fully accept Qin Hai's conditions, claiming that this is a responsible one for all music enthusiasts. Kind of behavior.

In fact, Schlosser does not need to say that Modiken also intends to sign an exclusive purchase agreement with Qin Hai. Such an excellent diaphragm, coupled with Downer's audio manufacturing technology, can definitely produce the best headphones in the world. It is not difficult to sell 100,000 pairs a year. Besides, even if Downer's sales volume is less than 100,000 because of the price, Modiken would rather smash the excess diaphragms into his hands instead of letting them fall into the hands of competitors.

After discussing this matter with Schlosser, Modicen went out to eat together. Just sat down for a while at the restaurant. Just when Qin Hai encountered their clash with two white hooligans, Modiken asked Schlosser to come and settle. As a veteran scepter, Schlosser had many ways to deal with such a hooligan. As soon as he took the shot, the problem was solved smoothly.

All these things cannot be explained in detail in this effort. Modicon talked briefly with Qin Hai, made an appointment to sign a contract with the company the next day, and then returned to Schlosser's own dining table. Qin Hai sat back to his place and saw Ning Mo diligently helping Xu Xiaoqi cut steak, Xu Xiaoqi and Ning Mo sitting side by side. Looking at Ningmo's busy appearance, his face was a little shy and cramped.

"Brother Qin. Thank you." Xu Xiaoqi hurriedly thanked Qin Hai as she sat down opposite. At that meeting, she had already thanked Ning Mo and Yu Haitao, but had not had time to say this to Qin Hai.

Qin Hai waved his hand and said, "You're welcome. It's all from our hometown. This is what we should do. By the way, Xiao Xu, what's your name and where is it from?"

"Her name is Xiao Qi, and her family is from Hanping County, Tongjiang Province. Her parents are officials of the county government. By the way, she graduated from Jingcheng University, one term higher than Xiao Jing." Ning Mo is like the name of the dish Fluently answered for Xiaoqi Xu.

Xu Xiaoqi blushed. He whispered, "I just realized that Brother Ning was a brother of tranquility. Although tranquility is lower than our term. But it is also very famous in our school. I know the name."

"So much time, you actually talked about so many things?" Qin Hai was quite surprised. He felt that he just talked with Modik and they just talked. Ningmo and Xu Xiaoqi actually talked about their family backgrounds. It's over. He twisted his face and looked at Yu Haitao sitting next to him. Yu Haitao passed him an innocent look. It means that this matter has nothing to do with them. The two guys were talking hot just now. There is no room for Yu Haitao to interject at all.

Are these two sparks coming out? Qin Hai thought it was funny in his heart.

In the restaurant, there are some things that cannot be communicated in depth, and everyone just talks casually. Qin Hai saw Ning Mo's mind, so naturally he left Ning Mo the opportunity to talk with Xu Xiaoqi, and only murmured with Yu Haitao.

After eating, four people walked out of the restaurant together. After walking a while, Qin Hai stood still and said to Xu Xiaoqi, "Xiao Qi, you can't do the work of this restaurant. Don't say the manager won't keep you, even if he agrees to come back, maybe the two An **** will find a chance to get revenge on you, and for security reasons, you should not do the job again. "

"I know." Xu Xiaoqi nodded her head slightly. "I'll just work in Charlottesville. I won't be in Washington."

Charlottesville is home to the University of Virginia, more than a hundred kilometers from Washington. Due to the small population and not many opportunities to work, Xu Xiaoqi came to Washington to work when she was not in class. Now that she is in trouble here, she can only find things to do in Charlottesville. She is a little worried that if she can't find a suitable job, her living expenses will not be settled.

"Qin Hai, you must have a way to help Xiao Qi find a better job, aren't they?" Ning Mo said while trying to wink at Qin Hai.

"This ..." Qin Hai pretended not to see Ning Mu's hint, dragging his long voice to express hesitation.

Xu Xiaoqi felt the embarrassment of Qin Hai and said quickly: "Forget it, Brother Ning, Brother Qin, don't bother you. You are also on a business trip, you are not familiar with your place of life, and you do n’t understand the situation in the United States. I solve the problem myself All right."

Qin Haidao: "I know a few customers in the United States and may be able to help you find some employment opportunities. It is convenient or inconvenient for you to leave your contact method to us. Once there is news, we can inform you in time."

"Well, okay." Xu Xiaoqi also doubted Qin Hai's words. When she wanted to come, Qin Hai and others were just a few salesmen sent by a domestic company to the United States on business. At their age, I am afraid it would be good to be a middle-level cadre. In this capacity, I want to help in the United States. It was impossible for her to find a job.

However, after all, Ning Mo and Qin Hai were kind, and she was not able to refute their face, so she took out a piece of paper from her bag and wrote down the place where she stayed in Washington and the address of her residence at the University of Virginia. Handed it over to Qin Hai.

"Okay, we'll notify you as soon as we have the news." Qin Hai put away Xu Xiaoqi's address and said, looking at the sky, he asked, "It's night now. Is it safe for you to go back to your place alone?"

"Safe, I live not far from here, there are buses directly. It used to be late, but I went back by myself." Xu Xiaoqi replied.

"All right, let's take you to the bus station first." Qin Hai said.

Several people accompanied Xu Xiaoqi to the bus station. Xu Xiaoqi hopped on the bus and waved his hand to everyone across the glass: "Brother Ning, Brother Qin, Brother Yu, goodbye."

"Goodbye!" The three boys waved their hands together, watching the bus leave the platform and heading away.

Qin Hai turned her head and saw that Ning Mo's hand was still waving, her eyes were straight, it seemed that her soul had been taken away by the Yi people. Qin Hai was so angry and funny, he patted Ning Mo's back and said, "Fat, you lost your soul!"

"Huh?" Ning Mo just came back to God. He put down his hand, looked at Qin Hai, and looked at Yu Haitao. He asked in a condescending manner: "What's wrong with you, why do you look at me like that?"

"You can't see it, fat man, your vision is quite high. I said that when you were in Pujiang, Peng Tingting and they introduced you to your girlfriend and you dismissed it. Your goal was to find an international student." Yu Haitao 揶揄Road.

"How can I ..." Ning Mo was awkwardly embarrassed. "I ... I just think she's not easy. I just remember her when I saw her. By the way, Qin Hai, tell me Is there any way you can help her find a place to work? "

"Where can I find it?" Qin Hai smirked on the floor, "I didn't know that I had such a great ability. You'd better, just help me advertise directly. I knew McCanes and Modiken, let's just say, which Xiaoqi is more suitable for you to work? "

"Qin Hai ... you can't see death. You are not my brother, and the brother has to be cut off, isn't it?" Ning Murai went to Qin Hai, and a fat paper was sold for adorable. Some of the meanings moving the earth make Qin Hai and Yu Haitao feel numb and unbearable.

"It's nothing, I don't have a brother like you." While shaking the goosebumps on his body, Qin Hai categorically broke off with Ningmo.

"You are my boss, and the boss has to care about the employees' lives, right?" Ning Mo continued to find reasons to coerce Qin Hai.

"I will fire you immediately. I don't have an employee like you." Qin Hai said with a dark face.

Ning Mo gritted her teeth, and her heart was sloppy, she made a special move: "You ... you are my brother-in-law, can you?"

"You are cruel!"

Qin Hai didn't spit out old blood ~ ~ Even Ning Zhongying was embarrassed to rush to marry her daughter. In order to make the girls happy, Ning Mu offered her own sisters at all. It's really a blood loss. Having said that, Qin Hai was really embarrassed to tease him, anyway, this is also a matter of his own cheap big sister-in-law.

"You take this address, and go to see your Xiaoqi tomorrow, and you tell her ..." Qin Hai shoved the address written by Xu Xiaoqi into Ning Mo's hands, and then gave him a proper opportunity. In fact, Qin Hai had already figured out how to help Xu Xiaoqi. He didn't tell Xu Xiaoqi just now, just to leave this opportunity to Ning Mo. Unexpectedly, Ning Mu could not hold his breath, in order to ask him for help, he threw all the exercises.

Listening to Qin Hai's explanation, Ning Mo was a little stunned at first. Listening to it, flowers bloomed on her face, and she couldn't help holding Qin Hai's hand and said, "Brother, you are really my good brother."

"You two ... don't talk about knowing me in the future, I will assassinate you both!" Yu Haitao pointed at the two and scolded him in a bad temper. (To be continued)

ps: Uh ... the last chapter was anxious, a number was wrong. I'm sorry for the PE teacher ...

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