Material Empire

Chapter 395: A must-have for your home

A transaction of tens of millions of dollars a year is not a trivial matter. Qin Hai prides himself on his limited ability to understand commercial contracts. I'm afraid that Modiken and Schlosser could trick him into putting him in, but that would be troublesome. ~ 小 ~ 说 ~~ 3 ~ o With the help of Xiao Weihao, he invited a secretary who is proficient in contract law from the Chinese Embassy in the United States, and went to Downer with him. After a day's repeated consideration, finally The contract was signed.

According to the contract, Haijie will provide Downer exclusively with a new type of earphone diaphragm for a price of 380 US dollars. Downer promises to purchase no less than 100,000 units per year for a total contract period of 3 years. After the expiration, the two parties can re-sign a new cooperation agreement based on the development of the audio material technology at that time.

Of course, Modiken did not just listen to the sound effects of the headphones sent by Qin Hai and made such a big decision. Before the signing of the contract, he had organized a group of experts to perform the diaphragm provided by Qin Hai overnight. Identification. Among them, several audio experts, after listening to Downer's headphones assembled with a new type of diaphragm, agreed that this new type of diaphragm is more than 50% stronger than other existing diaphragms on the market. Has a good market application prospects.

Several other material experts conducted in-depth research on the material of this new type of diaphragm, and concluded that they only know that this type of diaphragm is woven from a new type of fiber material, but this fiber They simply cannot crack the chemical composition of the materials. According to their estimates, it will take at least three years for competitors to roll back their production processes with these diaphragms.

Signing is complete. The embassy secretary who came to help resolutely rejected Qin Hai's invitation to invite him to dinner, and rejected Qin Hai's $ 1,000 commission, which he then hurriedly left. Qin Hai had no choice but to figure out what benefits Xiao Weihao would give the embassy in the past, at least not to let anyone help himself for nothing.

Although the secretary of the embassy left, a banquet to celebrate the signing of the contract had to be held. In addition to Ning Mo and Yu Haitao from Qin Hai, Xiao Weihao and three others were also invited to participate. Downer's side was attended by Modiken, Schlosser, Wynant and several other related employees.

"Mr. Qin, can you tell me now, how did you come up with the development of such a charming diaphragm?" After three rounds of drinking, Modikin was holding Qin Hai desperately trying to get close.

Qin Hai smiled: "Our company is a professional material technology company. The diaphragm material also belongs to the material category. Of course we will be involved."

"You mean, as long as it is materials, your company will get involved?" Modiken heard a kind of confidence from Qin Hai's words, of course. It can also be said to be arrogant.

Qin Haidao: "As long as it is a material with market prospects. We will consider getting involved. The acoustic diaphragm is just a small product we have developed. The output value of tens of millions of dollars a year is only a relatively small amount of business for our group Small part. "

Qin Hai said this. At least for now, it's bragging. Daqin Group's current steel, chemical materials, ceramics and other businesses have a year's output value of about 300 million US dollars, and the acoustic diaphragm can achieve tens of millions. The Group's business is also very impressive. However, Qin Hai hopes that the group's future development scale can reach billions or even tens of billions of dollars. At that time, the diaphragm is indeed not a big product.

Modik was stunned by Qin Hai's words. He was silent for a while and asked, "Will you further develop better diaphragm materials in the future? You know, I am afraid that this diaphragm material is now You can only maintain a technical advantage for 2 to 3 years, and your competitors will soon be able to copy it. "

"I think we will continue to invest in the field of diaphragm materials." Qin Hai gave Modiken a positive answer.

The diaphragm material was able to sell for such a price, which was unexpected by Qin Hai. He had already planned it. After returning, let Haijie Company separate a specialized audio material research department and invest millions of dollars each year. Do research in this area. It really isn't working, and I will give some of the research content to Anhe Material College to do it. In short, in such a market, he does not intend to give up.

"Apart from the diaphragm material, what new materials do you have?" Asked Wyanant, interjecting.

Qin Haidao: "What we are currently researching is also the speaker shell material and audio wire material. If the research is successful, I believe it will also be a result that can make the audio industry eye-catching."

"Donald hopes to be the sole user of these results." Modiken said without hesitation. He saw Qin Hai's technical strength from this new type of diaphragm. He believes that if Qin Hai develops other audio materials, it will definitely be excellent.

"If you can give us a reasonable price, I think we are more willing to cooperate with old friends." Qin Hai said with a smile.

Qin Hai knew from Qiao Zihe that Downer is the top three high-end audio equipment manufacturers in the United States. If it can form a long-term cooperation with Downer, then the audio materials developed by Haijie will not worry No more sales. Compared to re-searching for a partner for each development, Qin Hai is more willing to identify a partner, so it may not be able to obtain the excess profit brought by the auction, but the transaction cost is lower and it can ensure a stable profit. source.

Thinking of the possibility of getting more audio materials from Qin Hai, so that Downer's product grades have reached a new level, Modiken was open to heart, and toasted Qin Hai frequently, only to imitate the Chinese His habit is aligned with Qin Hai's blood.

The guest and host drank for a while, and Schlosser pointed to Liang Rongjian and others at the same table and asked Qin Hai: "Mr. Qin, are they also employees of your company? How do I feel that they seem to have some military temperament. "

"Really?" Qin Hai couldn't help admiring Schlosser's eyesight secretly, but he wouldn't reveal the identity of Liang Rongjian and others, just covering up and saying: "They are my partners, not soldiers. As for them, The temperament of the military is that they are all veterans and they still have an army style. "

"That's the case. What business are they here for?" Schlosser asked again.

Qin Hai thought about it and felt that the business of body armor was not a matter of confidentiality, so he replied: "They are here to discuss the sale of body armor with the US side."

"Purchasing body armor from the US?" Schlosser clearly understood Qin Hai's meaning.

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "No, they want to sell a new type of body armor to the United States. This body armor uses a new material different from Kevlar."

Hearing the word material, Modiken remembered what Qin Hai said just now, and asked keenly, "Mr. Qin, if I'm not mistaken, this new material you said is also from your company?"

"That's right." Qin Hai smiled. "But we are just a manufacturer of a fiber material. As for what products they make with this fiber material, it has nothing to do with us. Our company does not deal with the military. "

Qin Hai must emphasize this issue. He knows that China and the United States will still have good friction in the next few decades, and the US government often investigates or sanctions some Chinese companies under the name "connected with the military." He did not allow the Daqin Group to get involved in the production of body armor, in order to avoid being involved in such troubles in the future. As for Liang Rongjian's Qilin Company, which was originally a purse company under the military's name, whether it will be subject to US sanctions in the future is not something that Qin Hai needs to care about.

"Mr. Modiken and Mr. Schlosser have any friends in the U.S.? Can you contact us?" Liang Rongjian listened to Qin Hai's chat next to him. Hearing the topic involved himself, he couldn't help asking questions. Already. He didn't know what the results would be over the Army Equipment Command, so he was anxious to find a new way to find a way to sell the body armor.

Schlosser shook his head and said, "I have nothing to do with the military. Military lawsuits have their own lawyers, and they usually don't ask us to serve them."

"Oh ... that's a shame," Liang Rongjian said wistfully.

"But ..." Schlosser turned his eyes and asked Liang Rongjian with a smile: "If Mr. Liang wants to sell bulletproof vests, why must he look for the military?"

Liang Rongjian asked for a moment, and then asked, "Who can you find without looking for the military?"

Schlosser said: "The Department of Justice, the FBI, and many other departments need to be equipped with body armor. They spend much more generously than the military. In addition, ~ ~ Americans also need body armor. Yes, you should know that the United States is a country that cannot help but guns ... "

"Oh, why didn't I think of it?" Liang Rongjian patted his head. The police also need bulletproof vests, which he can think of, but the American public ’s demand for bulletproof vests is actually very large. He is subject to the experience of living in China and has forgotten that the United States is a civilian with 200 million guns country. Isn't bulletproof clothing a must-have product for living at home in such a country?

"Mr. Schlosser, you are a lawyer. You should be familiar with the Ministry of Justice and the FBI, can you help Mr. Liang match?" Qin Hai asked for Liang Rongjian.

Schlosser pretended to be reserved, and said, "I do have some dealings with them, but there are still some difficulties in marketing bulletproof vests ..."

Qin Hai immediately understood Schlosser's suggestion and said, "Mr. Schlosser, we all know that these things are difficult. If you can help Mr. Liang to contact these departments, I think Mr. Liang should be very willing. You pay the commission. You see, is the 1.5% commission standard appropriate? "

"Since this is the case, let me try it first," Schlosser readily agreed. (To be continued ...)

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