Material Empire

Chapter 396: A burly friend

In an apartment on the outskirts of Washington, three Chinese girls are busy in the kitchen while chatting about gossip. All three of them have studied in the United States from Jingcheng University to study in the United States, and their relationships are extremely close. This apartment was rented by Zhang Weilin and Zhao Feiran who were studying in Washington. As for the third girl, Xu Xiaoqi who ran from Washington University to work in Washington. Every time she came to Washington, she was here with her companions. Overnight.

Since they each have their own studies and have to go out to work in their spare time, they usually do not have much time to cook together. At this meeting, there was a rare opportunity to chat, and Xu Xiaoqi told the female companions the story of the student who worked in the restaurant the day before yesterday.

"Weirin, fabulously, do you two remember that there is a quiet girl in our school at 87?" Xu Xiaoqi asked the two female companions.

"Remember, 87 aren't those little boys calling her the school flower?" Zhang Weilin said with a smile. It's not only boys who admire beautiful women, but girls also pay attention to the best of the same sex.

"What 87 little boys, the boys in our grade also applaud like this." Zhao Feiran also echoed.

Xu Xiaoqi said: "Do you know, I met his brother in the restaurant I was working the day before yesterday?"

"Really? How do you know it's his brother, do they look alike?" Zhang Weilin asked curiously.

Xu Xiaoqi shook her head: "They don't look like anything at all, and I remember that quietness is pretty good, her brother ... very burly."

Having said that, Xu Xiaoqi couldn't help grinning in his heart, using burly to describe Ningmu, how much of a bit of emotional points, objectively speaking, he clearly is a fat paper, OK? But ... thinking of the situation where Ning Mo Weifeng kept her behind, she couldn't help but think that fat paper has the cuteness of fat paper, at least it can block the wind?

"How did you meet him?" Zhao Feiran asked.

"It's like this ..." Xu Xiaoqi began to tell the female companions what happened in the restaurant to her companions. When talking about Ning Mo and Qin Hai stepping forward to protect her, Zhang Weilin and Zhao Feiran both exclaimed.

"Wow, isn't this the hero to save the beauty? Xiaoqi, do you have any idea of ​​which one of them intends to show your respect?" Zhang Weilin teased shamelessly.

"Yes, Xiaoqi, have you asked what work they are doing, is it a cadre in the organization?" Zhao Feiran is a more pragmatic girl. She is more concerned about the two heroes who save the beauty. Can it be worthy of Xu Xiaoqi.

"Well, they say they are business people in a company." Xu Xiaoqi replied.

In fact, Ning Mo's current status is the general manager of Jintang Chemical Materials Group Company. Yu Haitao also holds the title of deputy general manager at Haijie Company. As for Qin Hai, he has more reputation. However, Ning Mo was worried that the self-disclosure of identity would leave Xu Xiaoqi with a bad impression of a “mob”, so he concealed his identity and that of his two brothers. He only said that he was a salesman of the Chemical Materials Group and came to the United States Negotiating business.

"Salesman, that doesn't match us Xiaoqi." Zhao Fei murmured.

"Why isn't it worth it?" Xu Xiaoqi retorted, but forgot that this rebuttal had some self-confession.

Zhang Weilin caught the mystery of Xu Xiaoqi's words at once, and laughed: "The original Xiaoqi is really tempted? Let's talk about it, you are the one named Ning Mo or the one named Qin Hai ... 唔, I guess, it must be that Ning Mu, who is burly and has a manly temperament. "

"How can I ..." Xu Xiaoqi's face turned red immediately. "I just said it was wrong, I didn't say how I was ..."

"Hee hee, since nothing happened, why is your face red?" Zhang Weilin said, reaching out to touch Xu Xiaoqi's face, and then laughing out loud: "Oh, it's so hot, you can bake pizza."

"I killed you!" Xu Xiaoqi was ashamed and anxious, and wanted to chase Zhang Weilin.

"Wait, you listen, someone rings the doorbell." Zhao Feiran said.

The three girls all calmed down, and surely heard the doorbell of the apartment was ringing.

"Who is it?" Zhang Weilin came to the door and asked in English while she opened her cat's eyes.

"_A ..." The person outside the door staggered for a while in rigid English, and finally changed to Chinese: "Excuse me, does Xiaoxiao Xu live here?"

"Well?" Zhang Weilin was surprised, put her eyes in front of the cat's eyes, and looked out, and saw a person standing outside the door. The width of the body completely filled the sight of the cat's eyes. In Chinese, Zhang Weilin can judge that this is a person from China.

"Xiao Qi, I'm looking for you." Zhang Weilin shouted, seeing Xu Xiaoqi trot over, she made a face at Xu Xiaoqi, and whispered: "I suspect it's your burly."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xu Xiaoqi glared at Zhang Weilin, and then asked across the door: "Who is looking for me?"

"Is it Xiaoqi? I'm Ningmo." The person outside answered, a little excitement was evident in his voice.

Xu Xiaoqi's heart jumped inexplicably, she quickly took off the sleeves that she had just put on for cooking, and then closed her head as quickly as possible, finishing her clothes, and then opened the door, shy He said, "Brother Ning, why are you here?"

"Hmm ... yes ... Qin Hai asked me to come, no, I told Qin Hai to let me come, Qin Hai said, I want to ask you to help me, I wonder if you have time ... I think It's pretty good, just don't know if you want to accept it ... "Ningmo stood outside the door and said upside down.

"Brother Ning, come in quickly, Xiaoqi was still talking about you just now." Zhang Weilin poked her head behind Xu Xiaoqi and greeted loudly.

Ning Mo went into the apartment's living room timidly, sitting on the sand like a puppet, supported by Zhang Weilin. Three girls were lined up in front of her. With a look of her mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, he looked at him with his ordinary eyes.

"You ... I ..." Ning Mo had a sense of crisis like a sheep entering a wolf's lair.

"Wei Lin, mighty, what are you doing?" Xu Xiaoqi finally shivered, she pushed two female partners and motioned them to stop playing quietly.

"Haha, you talk, you talk, I'll cook for you." Zhang Weilin Gege smiled and ran back to the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah, Brother Ning, you can eat here with us. Xiaoqi, accompany your guests." Zhao Feiran also made a funny face to the two, followed Zhang Weilin and ran into the kitchen.

"From my countless experience of reading people, these two people must have been powered on." Zhang Weilin whispered to Zhao Feiran in the kitchen.

Zhao Feiran looked outside and lowered his voice, "I think they are a little unfit. How can a small salesman be worthy of a female student? Besides, this Ningmu looks like ..."

"Well, it's burly." Zhang Weilin laughed, covering her mouth.

"It's a little bit burly, why would Xiaoqi like him?" Zhao Feiran wondered.

Zhang Weilin said: "You don't understand. Calling things like this is simply unreasonable. Alas, I am now beginning to believe in love at first sight ..."

The two eight women muttered in the kitchen. Although Xu Xiaoqi couldn't hear it, they could guess what it was. To this day, she can't rush into the kitchen to clean up the two female companions, but can only take the ostrich mentality and pretend to know nothing. She pulled a chair and sat two meters away from Ning Mo, and asked, "Brother Ning, what did you say that Brother Qin had something to do, what is it?"

"Oh, yes, you look at this ..." Ning Mo just remembered the purpose of his trip, or rather, an excuse for this trip. He took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and handed it to Xu Xiaoqi, saying: "Look first, while you look, I'll explain to you."

Xu Xiaoqi took the few pieces of paper, and now there are some densely written things on it. Looking closely, it turned out to be some statements about the latest research progress of polymer materials.

"These are the new materials and new processes that our company is preparing to study in the future. Qin Hai said that the research in this area is still relatively backward in the country and needs to refer to the current status of research abroad. Aren't you studying chemical engineering? In the United States, help retrieve the latest research papers and related books in these areas, and help us make a review of these studies. "Ning Mo told Xu Xiaoqi according to the words explained by Qin Hai ~ ~.

"So much ..." Xu Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed. Ning Mo and Qin Hai helped her, and she should do something for them. However, there are more than a dozen research projects listed on these papers, each of which needs to be reviewed, and the time taken is considerable. If she spends her spare time doing this, there will be no time to work and her livelihood in the United States will be affected. But how could she tell that?

Ning Mo said: "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. Qin Hai said that these tasks will definitely take up a lot of your time, so we will pay you the necessary compensation. According to the research projects listed above, each The remuneration of the project is calculated in US dollars, and we are responsible for the cost of buying books and copying materials. What do you think? "

"Dollar?" Xu Xiaoqi was stupid. She serves plates in the restaurant and earns only $ 4 an hour. Even if she works full hours a week, she can only earn $. Ning Mo said casually that it was the remuneration of one dollar project. She has already calculated it, doing a literature review of these research projects, and doing it in her spare time, and can complete one in two weeks. Does this mean that she can earn dollars every month, which will make her a rich man among all the students studying in the United States. r1152

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