Material Empire

Chapter 397: Do not like to eat alone

"If you think the pay is too low, otherwise, I'll talk to Qin Hai again."

Ning Mo looked at Xu Xiaoqi hesitantly, thinking that Qin Hai's price was too low. Under the influence of Qin Hai, several of them spent a lot of money in the United States. They went to a restaurant of a certain grade and lived in a four-star hotel, so he felt that the cost of living in the United States should be high. $ 500 may not be of much use at all.

It turned out that after seeing Xu Xiaoqi lose her job as a restaurant waiter, Ning Mo begged Qin Hai to help Xu Xiaoqi get a new job. In fact, it would not be difficult for Yi Ningmo to pay a few thousand dollars to subsidize Xu Xiaoqi's studies, but they are definitely not suitable because of their relatives.

Qin Hai pondered for a moment and felt that he had no particularly suitable relationship in the United States. It was really difficult to help Xu Xiaoqi find a part-time job in a hurry. What's more, if Ning Mo really meant something to Xu Xiaoqi, and then let Xu Xiaoqi go to the restaurant to wash dishes and serve dishes, I'm afraid Ning Mo can't accept it.

In a hurry, Qin Hai thought of such a way to help Xu Xiaoqi, that is, to ask her to do some scientific research-related work, and then pay her corresponding compensation under this name. At that time, there were no various electronic databases, and many foreign journals could not be found in Chinese libraries at all. Qin Hai always hoped that someone could help find some materials abroad and provide them to domestic researchers. This idea came into being long before he met Xu Xiaoqi, but it has not been put into practice.

While chatting with Xu Xiaoqi. Qin Hai knew she was studying chemical engineering, so she made a list of more urgently used chemical material research topics for Ning Mo to show to Xu Xiaoqi. If Xu Xiaoqi can do the literature retrieval of these topics. Then Qin Hai can pay her a relatively generous remuneration from the company, which will help her but will not make her feel unacceptable.

"No, no." Xu Xiaoqi waved his hands again and again, "I think this pay is too high. For a review like this, I only need two weeks to complete it. And I took a look. Many research topics and I am studying in the same direction, and the process of checking the information is also learning. It will not delay much time. So ... I think ... "

Having said that, Xu Xiaoqi had some doubts. At a reasonable pay scale, she thought it would be almost $ 200 for a review. But she also faintly expected to earn a little more, such as $ 250, or $ 300. The price of $ 500 made her feel ashamed. But it was more appropriate to drop to a certain level.

"That was the case." Ning Mo was relieved, and he grinned, "If you don't think the pay is low, then it's fine. The price Qin Hai said is definitely suitable, and you just follow this. By the way, Qin Hai also said, you just need to help us find and copy the information. It is enough to write a simple context, and you don't need to be as serious as writing a paper. "

"Then I can't charge you so much money." Xu Xiaoqi said, "If you don't need to write a complete summary. Just checking the information, it will not take much time. In fact, I usually check the information in school, these fields I will see the journals, and I will be able to copy the relevant articles. "

"Whatever you do, we don't care. In short, as long as you can complete these tasks. We will pay you according to the task. As for the standard of compensation, Qin Hai set it. You can rest assured to accept it." Ning Silently said.

Xu Xiaoqi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked, "Why, is Brother Qin your leader? How can he have such great power?"

"Yeah, he is our leader, and he can completely decide this matter." Ning Mo replied.

Xu Xiaoqi shook her head and said, "I know you are doing it for me, but I do n’t want you to embarrass me. If this information is really what your company needs, then I will check it for you. In terms of compensation, really Do n’t need so much, you have set your pay too high, and Brother Qin will be criticized when he returns. ”

"Haha, those who dare to criticize him have not been born yet." Ning said proudly, he completely forgot that his dad was a man who dared to criticize Qin Hai. Then again, who remembers the beauty? Daddy.

"Xiao Qi, don't quit. Qin Hai said that these materials are very important for the development of our company. If you have a complete set of information that can help us break through these technical difficulties, the money we can earn, at least It is 10,000 times the reward given to you. If you think about it, what do you dare not accept? ”Ning Mo continued to encourage.

"10,000 times, wouldn't it mean that you could make $ 5 million?" Zhang Weilin did not know when it had been drilled out of the kitchen, and she could not help but interjected in surprise when she heard what Ning Mo said.

Ning Mo said: "Xiao Qi should remember that when we were at the restaurant the day before yesterday, two Americans came out to help us talk, one of them was a lawyer and the other was the general manager of a company."

Xu Xiaoqi nodded and said, "I remember, Brother Qin talked to them for a while."

Ning Mo said: "Yes, we went to their company yesterday and signed a contract to sell them a new product developed by our company. Guess how much did we sell?"

"How much?" The three girls asked in unison.

"38 million!" Ning Mo gestured with his finger, and then added in the expressions of the girls' stunned expressions: "This is the annual amount, and the contract is a total of 3 years."

"That's ... $ 114 million!" Zhao Feiran calculated very quickly and reported the result directly. She pinched her finger to calculate the scale of this number for a long time, then asked with wide eyes. " Brother Ning, what does your company do and how can it be so large? "

"Hey, we're working on materials." Ning Mo only found out that he said a little too much, contrary to the low-key principle considered earlier. He insisted: "Actually, we still have a lot of projects, so check the information, Xiaoqi, you can do it well."

"Brother Ning, I want to ask Wei Lin and Fei Ran to help me check the information together, and the remuneration is divided equally between the three of us, can you see it?" Xu Xiaoqi held Zhang Weilin in one hand and Zhao Feiran in one hand and asked Ning Mo.

Xu Xiaoqi has not always been a girl who likes to eat alone. She knows that these two female companions are of ordinary working family background. She lives very frugally in the United States and must work outside her to maintain her life in her spare time. Such a good opportunity, she would feel guilty if she didn't do it with her partner. Of course, she also thought that if the dozen or so projects listed by Qin Hai were distributed to three people, she would only be able to get one third of the money herself, but even so, she would not regret it. .

In fact, Xu Xiaoqi had such an idea and did not need to obtain the silent consent. Anyway, Qin Hai paid for the inspection. As for who checked the information, Qin Hai didn't care. However, Xu Xiaoqi felt that Ning Mo and Qin Hai were so generous to themselves. If they did not clarify this matter in advance, they would feel a little frank.

After hearing Xu Xiaoqi's words, Ning Mu gave a moment's silence, and immediately laughed: "Of course, it is up to you, and you are willing to do it with your classmates. It is quite possible for us to have a lot of research projects, and we are afraid to find There are not enough people to help, you two classmates are willing to help, we are in desperation. "

"Xiao Qi, let's not participate, this is the job that Brother Ning helped you find." Zhao Feiran said with some insincerity. Ning Mo told Xu Xiaoqi about the conditions just now, and she and Zhang Weilin both listened to them. They are envious of this kind of work that can make a lot of money without going to the restaurant owner's bad face. But when Xu Xiaoqi wanted to share this opportunity with them, they felt ashamed. After all, this was the job Ning Mo found for Xu Xiaoqi.

Ning Mo said: "The two students are wrong. This is not the job I helped Xiaoqi, but we are asking Xiaoqi to help us. If you have time and can participate, we are very welcome. I am bringing the first batch of requirements now. If you do well, there will be a second batch and a third batch later. I am afraid that you will be tired and unwilling to do it. "

"How is that possible!" Zhang Weilin said with a smile, "How can we not do such a good thing. However, we all know ~ ~ We are Xiaoqi's light, who let Xiaoqi There is a kind and kind brother like you, right, Xiaoqi. "

"You're going to die!" Xu Xiaoqi listened to Zhang Weilin's words and became more ridiculous, and couldn't help but want to pounce on Zhang Weilin's mouth, but saw Ning Mo sitting in front of her, she finally held back, and now it is indeed not showing her violent side when.

"Brother Ning ... Do you say your company needs someone to help find information, is it true?" Zhao Feiran asked in a low voice.

Ningmo nodded: "Yes, our company is a research company and has been doing various scientific research, so many people need help. Of course, for those who help us, we also have to choose."

The latter sentence was added by Ning Mo's inspiration. From Zhao Feiran's words, he heard some other meanings. Finding someone in the United States to look up information is indeed something the company is going to do, but after all, this kind of thing cannot be handed over to some cats and dogs, right?

"Xiao Qi, can you please ask Brother Ning and ask him to help find something like this for Dr. Liu ... It's too difficult for the two of them." Zhao Feiran pushed Xu Xiaoqi and whispered. When it came to the last sentence, her tone was a little dark. (To be continued)

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