
The bell chimed in bursts, and the cyan bell wave swept across the river of time.

Chaos rushed into the sky, and Pangu Banner stirred up billions of chaotic qi.

It’s terrible.

The two forces stirred in the river of time, and for a while, the entire flood world seemed to explode.

“Hmph… Do these two guys want to ruin the flood famine? ”

At this moment, an indifferent voice came down from the heavenly dome.

For a while, heaven and earth trembled.

Taijitu covered the sky and shrouded the past in the direction of Madam Yin and Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Too good a shot.

“Brother, what do you mean by this?”

At this moment, the Tongtian Sect Lord took a step forward, and the sky-rushing sword intent resisted the Taijitu.

For a while, Taishang Laozi’s face directly became difficult to see the extreme.

“Tong Tian, get out of the way! If they are allowed to mess around in this long river of time, I am afraid that even the flood will not be able to hold on. ”

“The origin collapses, and the flood will inevitably fall into the era of the last law.”

Taishang Laozi walked out with a dragon head crutch.

370’s eyes had a hint of coldness in them.

The breath on his body was surging, as if he wanted to completely annihilate the entire heaven and earth.


The Taijitu vibrates, fixing the ground, water, fire and wind.

For a while, the river of time that was originally boiling, at this moment, directly calmed down again.

However, the collision between the Chaos Bell and the Pangu Banner also became more and more ferocious.

If it’s just a Taijitu, it can’t suppress two innate treasures at all.


Seeing that the two were still dueling, two blazing rays of light burst out from Taishang Laozi’s eyes at this time.

Immediately after the power of merit rushed into the sky, for a time, a pagoda crashed down.

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

A pagoda that carries the merits of Pangu’s heaven-opening achievements.

The best innate merit is the treasure.

As soon as the pagoda appeared, the vast light of merit squeezed into the battlefield of the two.

One (ACFG) time, the light of golden merit shone brightly, and Sheng Sheng suppressed the momentum of both of them.


After seeing Taishang Laozi’s means, Mrs. Yin’s expression suddenly became a little solemn.

By fighting with Primordial Tianzun, she also knew her location.

The mythical Da Luo is definitely not weaker than the Heavenly Dao Saint.

It’s just that he doesn’t have as many innate spiritual treasures as the Heavenly Dao Saints.

Whether it is the Heavenly Qingyun of the Yuan Shi Tianzun, or the Pangu Banner, all of them are invincible existences.

The power of attack is invincible, and the power of defense is invincible.

If there is this kind of spirit treasure on the body, as Yuan Shi Tianzun said, it is innately undefeated.

It really made Mrs. Yin’s heart extremely humiliated.

It is clear that he is not weaker than the other party, but the other party’s resources far exceed his own.

You can’t beat each other yourself.

That’s holding back.

What’s more, there is now a Taishang Laozi, the Innate Taijitu, and the appearance of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

It made Mrs. Yin extremely stressed.

Even if he had the Chaos Bell in his hand, he would definitely not be able to defeat this Taishang Laozi and Yuan Shi Tianzun. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just when Mrs. Yin wanted to hold back.

Above the dome of the sky, an indifferent voice came over.

“Tai Shang, what are you trying to do? Yuan Shi Tianzun deceived my Terran to the most holy, now, you put a foot in the side, can it really deceive me that the human emperor has no one? ”

At this moment, the void broke.

The piano clangs.

A Yaoqin broke through the air, the strings vibrate, and each note was like a knife.

Sheng Sheng crashed towards Taishang Laozi’s Xuanhuang Pagoda.

“Fuxiqin? Fuxi, you are not in the Fire Cloud Cave, and now you dare to come out of the mountain? ”

Taishang Laozi was shocked in his heart, and directly spoke, and there was even a hint of questioning in his voice.

However, Fuxi’s voice came from the Fuxi qin.

“The main body is not out of the Fire Cloud Palace, but I can’t get used to you guys bullying my Terran Supreme Saint.”

“So, if you want to mix it up, if you are too interested in fighting the method, we three old guys, you can accompany you.”

“As for the Terran Supreme Saint’s side, let her solve her own affairs, I won’t interfere anymore!”

Fuxi’s voice had a hint of indifference.

For a while, even Taishang Laozi had an ugly face.


The void broke open, and Shennong Ding broke through the void and brazenly crashed in the direction of the Xuanhuang Pagoda.

“That’s right, if it’s a fighting method, our three old guys will accompany you, if you don’t dare to make a move, then just watch it directly!”

Earth Emperor Shennong spoke, with endless coldness in his voice.

Against these Heavenly Dao Saints, he had always been too lazy to speak.

After all, different ways do not conspire against each other.

When necessary, it’s done.

Laugh at……

The sword light broke through the air, and the human emperor Xuanyuan directly revealed his Xuanyuan sword.

Without saying a word, he pointed directly at Taishang Laozi.

“Three Emperors, do you want to trigger the battle of Immortal Fan?”

In the face of the three emperors’ move, even Taishang Laozi’s face was difficult to see the extreme.

“Immortal Fan War? Hey…… Aren’t you just trying to do something to our Terrans? Seal the gods and robbery, behead the emperor, hey… Why, just do you plan that we are not allowed to resist? ”

Renhuang Xuanyuan’s voice had a hint of playfulness in it.

The sword light rushed into the sky, tearing Qiankun.

Just waiting to tear the face, this sword was cut off.

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