It’s so angry!

These three emperors are simply here to find fault!

In order to not want to let himself stop the battle between Mrs. Yin and Yuan Shi Tianzun.

A Da Luo realm, a saint.

If the mythical Da Luo can suppress the Heavenly Dao Saint, how terrifying will it be for the improvement of the luck of the human race?

It’s scary to think about him.

The Terrans, from beginning to end, calculated this move.

Therefore, the three emperors would spend their mental energy and directly teleport their spirit treasures.

It is to ~ guard against their own interference.

“Damn it!”

Taishang Laozi saw through all this, but he couldn’t stop it at all – he couldn’t stop it.

Fuxiqin controls people’s hearts, and Shennongding is even able to suppress life and death.

Xuanyuan Sword, too terrible.

It carries the supreme killing intent of the Terrans.

Once you do it, the consequences are simply too serious.

Even if he can suppress the momentum of the three emperors, the final consequences are not something he can bear.

Because, the Heavenly Dao Saint suppressed the Human Emperor.

This would lead to hostility of the entire Terran race towards themselves.

After all, the Three Emperors were the most holy beings of the Terran race.

You can even insult the current Renhuang, but you definitely can’t insult the Three Emperors.

The status of the three emperors is too high.

In the Terran race, it is so high that even a Heavenly Dao Saint needs to be feared.

Unless, the Heavenly Dao Saint did not want the luck of the Terran race, he would definitely not go to the enemy of the Three Emperors.

Now, Taishang Laozi has fallen into an absolute inferiority.

Facing the Three Emperors, he walked.

If she didn’t make a move, then Mrs. Yin would be able to suppress Yuan Shi Tianzun, and the luck of her Xuanmen would also be a suppression.

This…… The losses are too great.

At this time, Yuan Shi Tianzun also sensed something was wrong.

The three emperors have come out, this is obviously a bureau.

A bureau against oneself and making oneself lose the luck of the human race.

If he wins, he will have to face the questioning of the three emperors.

If he loses, then Xuanmen’s luck will be greatly reduced.

Even the luck offered by the Terrans will be directly reduced.

No matter what, it is an unbearable loss for his Xuanmen.

In particular, to teach yourself.

“You… Mrs. Yin, what a calculation! ”

At this time, Yuan Shi Tianzun’s face was livid, and there was even a trace of coldness in his gaze when he looked at Mrs. Yin.

If the Mother of Destiny kills herself, will she be able to bear the consequences?

At this time, Yuan Shi Tianzun was thinking about this question.

As a saint, how can he be calculated by others, and even if he is calculated, he must turn the entire chess game upside down with absolute strength.

Otherwise, the word saint is humiliation.

“Hmph… No matter how you calculate, it is not comparable to the first saint, who has forethought, and even directly calculates the unborn child of this seat. ”

“Destroy his life, take his destiny!”

“Yuanshi, you are so ruthless! My child, but I have offended you? Let you be so bullied. ”

Mrs. Yin roared lowly, and her voice spread throughout the flood wilderness.

For a while, Tai Yi’s real face was difficult to see the extreme.

This in itself is a secret, and now, it was directly torn by Mrs. Yin and shouted out.

The prestige and luck of self-interpretation would be a fatal blow.

Sure enough, after Mrs. Yin said these words, there was an uproar.

He looked in the direction of Yuan Shi Tianzun in disbelief.

For a time, there were some elderly people who spat at the immortals.

“Ahhhh Immortals, to do such a lack of morality, it is simply shameless. ”

“Hmph… What immortals? People are saints, under the saints are ants, people play us ants, there is no psychological burden at all. ”

“Even the unborn child calculates, step on the horse, if Lao Tzu worships you bastards again, let me thunder and thunder!”

“What, just this, still prides himself on being a moral man? And preach the world, I will go to your wilderness! ”

For a time, the voices of hundreds of people spread throughout the entire heaven and earth.

The resentment rushed to the sky, and even turned into an endless curse power, attached to the luck of this teaching.

For a time, the luck of the Interpretation Sect collapsed.

Even after Yuan Shi Tianzun felt it, his face changed.

Oops, this is a big trouble!

“Uncle Huang, help the Lone King pass on the order, let my entire Terran clan know the faces of these immortals, and let them all know the evil thoughts of these people towards my Terran clan!”

At this moment, the human emperor Xin Li stood on the Star Picking Tower and directly issued a decree.

Wei Ziqi was stunned, although he was a little reluctant in his heart, he still had to carry out the decree of the human emperor.

For a time, countless people’s imperial decrees set off from Chaoga City and spread to every corner of the Great Shang.

For a time, the entire Great Commerce Territory was in an uproar.

“This… Is this what the immortals do? ”

“Calculate an unborn child, and bully a woman with a rokuka!”

“Misty grass, I hate that Lao Tzu didn’t cultivate, otherwise, I would definitely make these immortals regret coming to this world.”

“Damn, bullying us as mortals, or really treating us like ants? Brothers, join me in smashing the temple of this immortal. ”

“It’s hateful that I don’t have a cultivation in my body, and I can’t fight the immortals with my emperor.”

“Didn’t fix it? Brother, don’t you know about the Stick God Palm Venerable! Chen Tangguan’s stick god is honored, as long as you concentrate on worship. ”

“You can get cultivation, and in that Chen Tang Pass, everyone is like a dragon, and everyone is a good practitioner, and they are no longer subject to the ups and downs of those immortals.”

“Believe in the master, stick god, cultivate in the body, and control your own destiny.”

“Brother, is this true? Where is the statue of the stick god? I’ll also invite one. ”

For a time, in the territory of Great Shang, hundreds of people knew about the existence of the stick god and the palm lord. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A group of people, quietly acting, walked the stick god and the statue of the palm god in the territory of Dashang.

It was sent to the homes of ordinary people.

For a time, Wu Bai opened the road of worship, and even directly smashed the immortal statue that had been enshrined.

Also worship the god of the palm and the stick.

“This stick is mighty and majestic, as a man, if you don’t worship it, you really can’t help yourself.”

“Hmph… I don’t know if it’s you men, even if we women, I hope that my man can be as powerful and majestic as a stick god. ”

For a while, the rumors about the stick god spread directly.

Many hesitant men and women did not hesitate at all and directly opened the path of worship.

Just kidding, the mighty power of the stick god, but whoever has passed the bar mitzvah, who does not understand?


In the territory of large merchants, incense is prosperous.

Qi luck longchang, originally separated by Xuanmen, this moment seems to be directly cut off, was cut off by the emperor.

Originally, Xuanmen cave sky, clouds steaming.

But after losing this part of the luck, the original Immortal Cave Mansion is now slowly manifesting.

At this time, Taishang Laozi’s face was gloomy to the extreme.

This man is the emperor, the bottom of the cauldron is drawn.

Damn it.

Seek fullness, seek self-determination.

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