Qin tianben wanted to let Jiangfeng give him a car directly, but it seemed that he had enough time. He had not taken a bus for a long time. He simply took a whim and directly absorbed such things as taking a bus.

He took out his mobile phone and inquired where to take the bus to Panlong area, because Yancheng seems to be closer to Panlong area than the imperial capital, so Qin Tian must be in front of Lei qianjue, so he can take a bus directly!

When the time comes, they will take Lei qianjue's car back to the imperial capital, so as to save yourself driving, because Qin Tian doesn't think driving is a lot of fun.

Qin Tian arrived at a certain station, then bought a ticket to get on the bus directly, found his own seat and sat down!

This is a small medium-sized bus with ordinary people on it. Panlong area is not so developed after all. Most of the people who travel to Yancheng are ordinary people. As for the rich people, they must have driven for a long time!

Looking at these people, Qin Tian's heart can not help but emerge a touch of close feeling, which is a little bit of his youth feeling.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoyao, who has already reached the intersection of the highway, suddenly stops at the gas station. Zhang Nan is puzzled and asks, "how did Xiaoyao stop?"

"I'm sorry, some of you need to go back to the car in case of emergency." Zhang Nan said to the three girls.

The three girls are speechless for a moment. They have five tastes in their hearts. Don't think they all know that Lin Xiaoyao is going to find Qin Tian?

How dare they have any opinions? They can only get off the bus and then go back by bus. After all, they don't want the Lin family to be equipped with such a luxurious car when they go to school. They are too embarrassed to drive ordinary cars for these vain girls!

"Well, I'll give you a taxi back!" Looking at a taxi at the gas station, Lin Xiaoyao immediately walked past.

Money enough to say anything, and then Zhang Nan and they can only wave to Lin Xiaoyao, each other in the car to discuss.

"Wow, how do I feel that Xiaoyao seems to love Qin Tian more deeply? But I'm so naive about Qin Yao? "

"What can I do? You don't see what Qin Tian is capable of. If he looks up to me, I will like him!" Zhang Nan said speechless.

"That's not what you said before!"

"Can't I change my mind? Women are fickle

Lin Xiaoyao of course did not know what they were talking about. After filling up the car, he directly navigated in the direction of Panlong area.


Qin Tian was sitting on the minibus and was thinking about when to drive. At this time, a man and a woman came up. They looked like lovers, because they held hands and their clothes were very fashionable. It was not cheap!

But how can these people come back and take the minibus?

Qin Tian couldn't help but look at it curiously. He saw one of the boys dressed up in bright and beautiful clothes. He also had a watch by Jiang shidanton on on his wrist. He was a rich second generation. His eyes do not live on the girl's body to scan, a look is full of evil.

The girl was dressed in ordinary clothes. She was not from a rich family background. Her appearance was very beautiful. In this group of people, she could be regarded as a beautiful woman.

In addition, there is a man and a woman who seem to be a pair with them, and their dress is relatively ordinary. It is reasonable to see four people riding the minibus together. After all, the rich second generation may also rely on the beautiful women around them, and they don't come up with any ideas.

After they came up, they found a seat and sat down. The rich and young couple sat on the opposite side of Qin Tian. After sitting down, the girl looked a little awkward, but the rich young man had a smile on his mouth and didn't know what he was thinking.

Another pair of ordinary lovers sat behind the rich and young lovers, and then excitedly said to the rich second generation young master in front of them: "Ding Shao, it's up to you to turn back!"

"Yes, with Ding Shao there, we can make any arrangement. We can definitely rest assured when we go to Panlong area this time."

The rich second generation named Ding Shao had a proud look on his face and said: "Zhang Feng, Ke Yan, this time I'll take you to see my brothers who worship in Panlong area, national level Sanda champion Wu Hu!"

"And our little beauties, Meng Meiqi and Ding Shao, you should protect her The girl said with a smile.

The girl named Meng Meiqi, sitting next to the rich second generation, could not help but feel embarrassed and said in a low voice, "I heard that the underground is very chaotic and there are a lot of things happening every year. I'm afraid of it!"

"Maggie, don't be afraid!"

Ding Shao directly hung his arm on the girl's shoulder, and then confidently said: "don't worry, I'm here. Even if something happens to me, I can't let you have anything happen to you!"

"Wow, Ding Shao is so infatuated with a man, so manly!" The girl who called Ke Yan stirred up the flames, and outsiders all felt fake."Besides, what can I do? Wu Hu, my friend, is extremely powerful. One person can deal with more than a dozen of them. In Panlong area, he is a role that can not be provoked by water. We are absolutely safe when we go there."

Ding Shao boasted that it was extravagant. In fact, he did not dare to drive to Panlong area, mainly because the luxury cars there were robbed every year, so his cars could not be driven, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

Therefore, the vehicles entering and leaving Panlong area are mainly over 100000, and even domestic cars. If the cars are too expensive, hundreds of thousands of them are dangerous. You don't know when these people will stop your car in a frenzy!

As a rich second generation of Yancheng, Ding Shao can only take the bus to Panlong area in the face of this pressure.

Meng Meiqi slightly resists this Ding Shao's arm. Seeing that she can't break free and avoid embarrassment, she simply has to accept it in silence.

She knew that this time Ding Shao took them to the Panlong area to see a play, and would take the opportunity to soak her up!

It's said that there are some interesting competitions in recent years, so a group of young lovers want to take their younger sister to have a look and look for excitement!

Meng Meiqi's family background is very ordinary. After graduation, she just worked as a small editor in the company. Her salary was only four or five thousand, which was not enough to buy cosmetics and daily necessities.

Because life is difficult, so she still hopes to find a rich boyfriend, so she quietly accepts Ding Shao's pursuit, to see if this man is reliable or not!

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