In fact, many girls will like Ding Shao's wealth. This Ding Shao has also changed a lot of girlfriends. Who doesn't know who knows him?

But there are still some people envious of Meng Meiqi. She really found a good husband. For her, if she can join the powerful family, she will live a comfortable life in the future!

It's just that Meng Meiqi is very conservative. Unlike other girls, she can get her hands by the way, which makes Ding Shao have a hard time. So this time, you must take her out to have a look, show her strength and contacts, and let the girls win over themselves. This is the best thing!

If you just want to go to Panlong area, at least you have to spend the night there. Let Meng Meiqi and Ding Shaoyi sleep at that time. Then it will be a direct matter. Aren't all women good at this?

When Ke Yan looks at Ding Shao's actions and Meng Meiqi's posture, she smiles in her heart, because if Ding Shao catches up with Meng Meiqi, it will be her successful matchmaking. Ding Shao will give her a lot of money for this. So she will send her best friend to Ding Shao's arms at all costs, and her boyfriend Zhang Feng is also pretending Became Ding Shao's friend, together coax this Meng Meiqi, said that Ding Shao is a good man!

Zhang Feng thought of what, suddenly said: "Ding Shao love, this time we go to Panlong Town, it seems that we can see your gambling skills? You should take us to win more money. We are all ordinary people, and we expect Ding Shaoneng to help us make a fortune

Originally, Zhang Feng is a gambler. If you can follow Ding Shao, you really owe Meng Meiqi's blessing!

Hearing Zhang Feng mention this matter, Ding Shao is more elated, "don't worry, my gambling skills to win you more than 100000 is not a problem, it means that you don't need to sit in this year's work, you will have this income!"

As soon as they heard that they could win so much money, Ke Yan and Zhang Feng looked at each other with fierce sparks in their eyes!

Ke Yan also said with a smile: "then please Ding Shao. I lose money every time I go out to play mahjong. Where have I made money?"

"Don't worry, it's really not bad this time. I found 100000 yuan for this. This is all my family property. I must earn it back. If we can have more than one million yuan, we can make a down payment in Yancheng!

"I won't marry you without a house. You can do it by yourself. You can depend on whether you can succeed or not." Ke Yan deliberately embarrassed Zhang Feng said.

Ding Shao was more happy at this time, "don't worry, since you are my friends, how can I treat you unfairly? My friends have never lost money, never have been poor, you are also this When

heard this, Zhang Feng and Ke Yan were even more delighted. Then Ding Shaoyou looked at the fragrance, and Meng Meiqi said, "Meggie, did you bring any money?" I'll bet for you then, and I'll make sure you win a lot! Panlong area here gambling industry is developed, you did not play in the past is not very good! "

"I don't have money!" Meng Meiqi shook her head. Her meager salary, not to mention 100000, is 10000 can't be taken out!

Hearing this, Ding Shao seemed to have expected it. A sly look flashed through his eyes. "It doesn't matter if you don't take money. I'll give you 100000 Yuan directly. When I take you to win, you can pay me back. If you don't win, it will be given to you. Anyway, I don't need the 100000 yuan!"

Without waiting for Meng Meiqi to say anything, Ke Yan on one side directly exclaimed, "Maggie, you are so happy. What are you thinking about when such a man pursues you? If you win, you can think about it. You don't have to go to work there next week. How nice it would be if we opened a small shop together? "

Meng Meiqi is also a moment by Ke Yan such flowery words to say clearly, can only nod and say: "then I borrow first, see if can win money!"

The girl's heart instantly has a kind of sustenance and expectation to the rich second generation around her!

It seems that Mengding can be a fool to find out that he can be fooled in this way.

"Don't worry, this time I promise you'll have a good time and win a great victory." Ding Shao said deliberately pull the hand, will this Meng Meiqi toward their own body closer.

Meng Meiqi is not surprised. She is a little shy.

This scene let Ke Yan see in the eyes, can't help but frown and say: "Maggie, Ding Shao is so generous and talented, but this also takes care of you, what do you have to hesitate about? What's more, his money will be your money in the future

Ke Yan's words made Meng Meiqi blush. She was also a little bit pleased, because she knew that Ke Yan was right. This rich second generation can really change his fate.

"I just think it's too fast. Wait a minute. I can't worry about my feelings!" Meng Meiqi blushed with shyness.

Seeing Meng Meiqi's charming appearance, Ding Shao's heart itched directly, and said with a broad face: "Meiqi, don't worry, I'll give you everything you want, including your sense of security!""Thank you, Ding Shao!" Meng Meiqi said with a smile on her lips.

This kind of beautiful girl generally knows that her beauty can attract men's attention. Among so many men, she certainly wants a rich man, but what she needs most is that this man is a good man with sincerity.

Therefore, Ding Shao's material conditions have reached the standard. Now she is to observe whether the spiritual aspects of Ding Shao are appropriate or not. After all, it is women who are easy to be hurt in love!

The four of them were talking and laughing. Emperor Qin kept his eyes closed and listened to all their conversation quietly. He didn't expect that the four people would go to Panlong town to play gambling. What a wrong man!

At this time, Ke Yan looked at the people on the bus. There were not many people and they were not full. Ke Yan glanced at Qin Tian and immediately noticed Qin Tian. She seemed to have seen Qin Tian, but she couldn't remember it. Then she looked at it carefully.

"Ah, it's not!" Ke Yan made a surprised voice, and then said, "this is not Songshan, my aunt's son Qin Qin Tian? Aren't you a son-in-law? How did you come back to Yancheng? "

"I come to the capital for development. How about you? Are you a relative of my mother's family? " Qin Tian was speechless for a while. He could still meet his grandmother's relatives in such a place.

"Yes, I'm your cousin. I've graduated from Yancheng University for a year. We haven't seen each other for many years, but I know you!"

"Mm-hmm, I can't recognize you, cousin!" Qin Tian indifferent smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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