"Unexpectedly, answer me, you and your wife have also come to the imperial capital? I know you went to be a son-in-law. It seems that she didn't dare to go back in those three years, for fear that everyone would laugh at you! So, of course, you don't know me! " Ke Yan said with a smile. She seems to be a careless girl.

"Yes, I'm my son-in-law. I'm coming to the imperial capital with my wife to develop medicine. I'm going to play in Panlong today." Qin Tian is also a light smile.

This kind of relative is indeed many years did not contact, over time the feeling is really a little more than the stranger, not too many ideas!

After hearing Qin Tian say this, Ke Yan frowned and said, "you, wait for your wife to go to Panlong to gamble. Then you will be finished. It's one thing to win or lose. It's very dangerous there. Why don't you follow us?"

"No, no, no, I have friends over there. You can play by yourself. I can't get along with you young people!" Qin Tian knew Ke Yan's good intentions, shook his head and refused to say.

Seeing Qin Tian smiling, Ke Yan looked at Qin Tian with a smile and a look of examination. He seemed to have some doubts. She immediately felt that he was totally unscheduled. Some reproached Qin Tian and said, "seriously, you'd better not be cheated. As a kind-hearted relative, you should remind you!"

"Don't worry, I'm such a big man, I won't be cheated by others at will!" Qin Tian finds it interesting. It seems that the people in my grandmother's family don't know him. It seems that he is still in the stage of being a loser and a son-in-law. This is interesting!

Qin Tian's grandmother has three daughters and a son. This research is one of his sister-in-law's daughter-in-law. The family still has a little money, so she tries every means to send her scientific research to a junior college here, hoping that scientific research can broaden her horizons.

In fact, there are many interesting places in Yancheng. Ke Yan came here and played everywhere. He didn't want to learn anything. He didn't come out of College for three years, that is to say, he mixed up with unreliable men. If the family knew about this, it would be a disaster!

Qin Tian doesn't want to guess or inquire about Ke Yan's situation, because everyone has his own life, and you have no right to interfere in others' life!

However, Ke Yan didn't seem to despise Qin Tian as a son-in-law, which showed that the girl was broad-minded and careless. She was just young and sometimes she couldn't see clearly whether she was right or wrong!

So, many times around is like this, not all relatives will treat people coldly, Qin Tian is also a little sympathetic to this cousin, if necessary, it seems that she can help, after all, she is still young, some mistakes can be made, the important thing is that you have to let them understand where the mistakes are and know how to correct them!

Keyan's boyfriend also laughed and said hello to Qin Tian. Qin Tian said he didn't want to smoke in the car. Then Zhang Feng changed to Keyan and said, "what a coincidence. You said you can meet relatives on the bus. If we become, this will be my cousin."

"You're beautiful. Try your best, cousin. He's a programmer in the company. He likes gambling, and then he likes stocks. In short, he likes to take risks. He doesn't save any money in a year!" Ke Yan complains without being angry.

Qin Tian nodded and said: "gambling this kind of thing, less contact is good, the stock is OK, but don't lose everything!"

Hearing Qin Tian's words, Zhang Feng just disdained to smile, thinking in his heart, if you were not my girlfriend's big cousin, I must have ridiculed you. What do you know as a visiting son-in-law?

But Zhang Feng thought of what then asked: "that cousin, you also bet?"

"I bet once and I won't!" Qin Tian said.

"Then you must have lost that time!" Zhang Feng finished and everyone laughed.

Qin Tian doesn't say anything. Ding Shao, on one side, sees that Qin Tian turns a blind eye to a young master like him and doesn't want to know him. His expression is a little displeased. Naturally, he can't take the initiative to say hello, but continues to hold Meng Meiqi.

His heart disdain is not good, a door-to-door son-in-law, really have what ability to dare to go to Panlong area to play? It's shameless to pretend to be forced to educate Ke Yan and Zhang Feng!

However, Meng Meiqi is very polite to Qin Tian: "so you are Ke Yan's cousin ah, I have not heard of you, we are from a university!"

"Er, er, so ah, look at you so simple, don't be spoiled by Ke Yan!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, cousin? I'm simple, OK?" Ke Yan reached out and slapped Qin Tian's arm. They were just joking.

And this Ding Shao is very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

He couldn't bear to see Qin Tian. At this time, he directly said, "you don't want us to be two or three years older. You're like giving advice. I don't want to eat you. How can Maggie be corrupted? Do you understand

"Who doesn't do what can make money? I don't know what to say about you. You're a son-in-law. It's better to do your own things and do laundry and cooking at home. "

Ding Shao said very impolitely, which made the atmosphere suddenly a little frozen and embarrassed. Ke Yan and Zhang Feng did not dare to contradict Ding Ding Shao, and they were silent at this time!"I just think her appearance is very good-looking and simple. She is not a good match for a dandy like you. In my opinion, the good things you do are the bad things. If you are close to the red, you will get black. You can't understand this truth?" Qin Tian also said impolitely.

"Don't you envy me and Maggie when you say that? Aren't you just jealous that my future girlfriend is beautiful? I know you hate the rich. Poor losers are all like this. The visiting son-in-law has no human rights at home, and it's even more human rights to go out and shrink China. Accept this reality! " Ding Hui continued sarcastically.

In fact, Qin Tian didn't mean to be envious at all, because for this beautiful girl, she couldn't compare with anyone he had loved. Lin Xiaoyao couldn't do it, Jiao Jie couldn't compare with Zhu Yu.

Have entered the society for a year, or so green appearance, can not derive a higher temperament.

But such a girl is already very popular in the society, so Qin Tian doesn't belittle Meng Meiqi's beauty, but also absolutely not from the beginning!

"Ke Yan's cousin, I'm not as vulnerable as you said. I'm just a friend and a villain. Thank you for your concern!" Meng Meiqi also said with a smile.

"My woman is not your turn to care!" Ding Hui's domineering shout, this kind of poor loser is also willing to give directions.

"Ha ha, I don't care about you. I just talk about it casually. It doesn't matter what you do to me, OK?" Qin tianlengleng response way.

Ding Shao thought that Qin Tian still wanted face, so he even more disdained to say: "Ke Yan, I see your cousin is very cow, he went to Panlong alone, it seems that he is a man who does not know the height of heaven and earth!"

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