"Is it dangerous?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Very dangerous, cousin, you'd better go back!" Ke Yan originally wanted to take Qin Tian with him, but when he saw that he had a quarrel with Ding Hui, there was no way. What else could be said?

"Cousin, when I go to Panlong District, I really have something to do, not for gambling. Don't worry. I will take care of myself and I hope you can pay attention to your safety." Qin Tian said with a smile.

Ke Yan thinks that Qin Tian should be a man with a very direct personality. He is so stubborn and does not give in. Knowing that he must be unable to persuade him, he has no choice but to lock in: "cousin, you are a visiting son-in-law. I really don't understand what important things you have to do. Since you insist on doing so, you can call me if you have any difficulties. This is my call!"

Qin Tian smiles and remembers his cousin's phone number politely. However, his politeness is regarded by Ding Hui as you are a useless son-in-law. You must be afraid. You are convinced!

Ning Shao said with a smile: "Ke Yan, you can let your cousin follow us, but you need him to apologize to me. Otherwise, why should I take a poor loser with me? I don't need to tell you more about my friends over there? But I have no responsibility to protect him. If he doesn't obey his orders or humiliate us, he will be in trouble later! "

"Why don't you apologize to Ding Shao, cousin. You shouldn't have spoken so aggressively just now!" Ke Yan said with Qin Tian.

"I apologize? Why should I apologize? " Qin Tian couldn't help laughing.

"You..." Ke Yan is speechless for a while. He has never seen such a bad guy. He doesn't apologize at this time. Does he really want to die?

When Ding Hui saw Qin Tian's smile, he was speechless. He said faintly, "I'll give you a chance. Don't say I'm stingy. If something happens in Panlong area, you can ask me, but it's one thing that I promise or not. It depends on your attitude."

"No, no, no, this should be what I said. If anything happens to you, I will only save Ke Yan and them. As for you, if you kneel down to me, I won't save you, because you deserve it and need to be punished!"

Qin Tian said with a smile.


Ding Hui didn't expect that Qin Tian could speak such words. The more he said, the more powerful he became. He couldn't help but stare at him. "Ke Yan, did you hear me? This kind of person who has no Zeeland is killed when he goes to Panlong. When the time comes, we'd better not take him, so as not to involve us! "

Can be said is also a tight frown, looking at Qin Tian zhengse said: "cousin, you go to Panlong area or low-key, the best not to mess, otherwise your consequences are very miserable! If others don't help you, I can help you. You must call me. I know some rules in Panlong District. After all, I have been here for four years! "

"OK, thank you, cousin!" Qin Tian said with a smile, the tone is very lazy, it sounds like some disapproval!

Can say just secretly sighed a sigh, Zhang Feng whispered in her ear: "you this cousin has been missing for so many years, what do you still care about him, what happened back, not implicate us?"

"I'm afraid he'll die. If he's disabled, it'll be bad. Understand? I don't care about him. I think about my aunt, you know Ke Yan snorted.

Ding Shao naturally heard this and couldn't help but continue to sarcastically say: "boy, you call your cousin, your cousin is not I want me to help you, ha ha, you are not asking me, ha ha, so ah, you think about it, then see what your attitude, I just want to see this matter!"

Ding Hui even thought about how Qin Tian would kneel down in front of him and beg for mercy. The picture was so wonderful!

Ding Hui's words did not hear Qin Tian's ears. Qin Tian still kept his eyes closed and even entered the sitting state of the old monk!

Seeing that Qin Tian is going to sleep, Ke Yan doesn't talk about him!

Ding Hui sees Qin Tian such a pair of arrogant appearance, the tone of cold hum a, a pair of you wait and see!

Meng Meiqi said at her side: "Ding Shao, don't pay attention to him. Let's talk about it at that time. We'll be safe."

"Mm-hmm, baby, I will never let anyone hurt you, no one can!" Ding Hui looks at the woman lovingly.

Meng Meiqi thinks that this guy is a gambler. He goes to gamble and hides from his wife. Like this kind of son-in-law, he wants to make more money, and then put money on his face. If a man has no money, it is very difficult!

So Qin Tian wants to make him rich by gambling!

Ding Hui even felt that it would be fun to crack down on Qin Tian, or to watch him being abused and beg for himself. In this way, his identity and image could be raised. Now Meng Meiqi is closer to him!

The coquettish appearance of the woman makes Ding Hui's heart itch. I live together in the hotel tonight. I don't know how cool it is!

Finally, after more than 40 minutes of the world, they came to a seemingly small station.Qin Tian was the last one to get off the bus. When he looked around, he found that the places around were really not so prosperous. It was just like a town in the city. The buildings around were quite old, just like the villages in the city.

Those who let him down from the capital dare to enter the countryside.

After finding the right direction, Qin Tian walked on the road of Panlong area, which is more than one kilometer away from the west of the city marked by Lei qianjue!

Ke Yan saw Qin Tian leave them to walk on their own, and it was one of their directions. She couldn't help shouting and said, "Qin Tian, you should be careful, don't fight with others!"

"Thank you for reminding me. You should also be careful. Call me if you have something to do." Qin Tian looked back and said with a smile, keep going!

Ding Shao directly hit a tricycle in the back, and then took the four of them together. All of a sudden, they surpassed Qin Tian. The four people kept looking at Qin Tian and laughing because their tricycle raised a cloud of dust. They were laughing at Qin Tian eating dust!

But the station is not so good, but when Qin Tian walks to this Lijiao Town, it's still good. It's very lively. All of them are tourists. Looking at their clothes and some talking temperament, you can see that these are all from big cities.

Of course, these people come in groups. Many people come here for gambling. After all, the gambling in Panlong area is very prosperous!

These rich people come with bodyguards, some of them are not just one, several people. Many people seem to have a big belly and wear gold and silver. Only Qin Tian is dressed like this, and a person seems to be a bit eye-catching.

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