Once in this small town, many people look at Qin Tian with bad intentions, because he is a person and may be robbed at any time.

However, when they saw Qin Tian's clothes and ordinary clothes, and there was no purse bulging on their bodies, they lost interest. Many people even think that this guy is poorer than them. Maybe he is a thief himself!

Qin Tian goes to the center of Lijiao town. According to Lei qianjue's address, she goes directly to a place that stands out from the rest of the world. There are so many luxurious foreign buildings here. It seems that only rich people can live here!

This was bought by Lei qianjue before. It cost a lot of money, and their people have been guarding here. Buying a villa in such a place is definitely not what ordinary rich people can buy. It must be money and power, because it is too troublesome for public opinion to be mixed here!

When Qin Tian went up, he found that there were western style buildings in other places. The three foreign-style buildings formed a kind of opposite situation. I think it should be the place where the boss of the other three regions occupied?

This is a place where there are many foreign buildings. It is occupied by four underground big men. Is this the so-called four countries' struggle for hegemony?

When Qin Tian stood in front of Lei qianjue's western style building, the doorman looked at his mobile phone and quickly recognized Qin Tian. But he also asked, "is Mr. Qin kissing?"

"It's me!" Qin Tian said coldly.

"Mr. Qin, please come in!" Seven or eight people at the gate quickly bowed to Qin Tian respectfully.

"Is Lei qianjue here?" Qin Tian could not help but ask.

"As soon as I got there, boss Lei has been waiting for Mr. Qin. You can go in!"

Qin Tian nodded and walked into the Western-style building. He saw dozens of people sitting in the living room on the first floor. They looked very solemn and serious. They were wearing strong clothes one by one. They were the kind of people who had a mission!

In this spacious living room, there are also some knives, which makes people feel scared at a glance. Moreover, not only these sitting people, but also a row of people standing in the corner, the whole spacious Western-style building is filled with more than 100 people!

On the sofa in the living room, Lei qianjue sits there, his face is very serious. He smokes and looks at his mobile phone. The people next to him report the situation of Panlong area!

Seeing Qin Tian go in, Lei qianjue quickly put down his work and quickly got up to meet him: "brother Tian, you are here at last!"

Other people who don't know Qin Tian can't help but wonder at their eldest brother's bowing and bowing to a young man. They are all embarrassed to watch!

Who the hell is this guy? Will you come to Panlong alone? And let their boss be so respectful, must be an ancient martial arts master?

"How is it going?" Qin Tian sat down and asked comfortably.

"There may be a lot of ancient martial arts experts, and many gambling experts have come. It's really more complicated than I thought. It's much more difficult for us to win this Panlong area!" Lei qianjue said positively.

Qin Tian just nodded slightly and then asked, "did you find a gambling expert?"

Qin Tian knows that he met a new king of gambler Gao Shengwang when he was in Yancheng. This guy has been beaten away. He can't come. I don't know who Lei qianjue is looking for?

At this time, a man came out of the room. He looked at Qin Tian and Lei qianjue respectfully. He stood still and did not dare to sit down.

Lei qianjue explained: "brother Tian, this is Rao Juntian from Hong Kong Island! These are the leaders of Panlong area I bought! This is my boss, my God. Please say hello to him

Hearing this, several leaders of Rao Juntian and Panlong area asked her to bow down and say hello.

Boss Lei is a very strong person in the emperor, otherwise he would not dare to go to Qin Tian in person, and his business ability is more powerful than many underground big men!

The emperor did not want Yancheng, there is no so-called the first underground big man, because the emperor is crouching tiger, hidden dragon, no one dares to claim that he is the first!

However, Lei qianjue's underground forces and personal commercial strength are indeed one of the best in this respect. They will never be worse than the underground big man Jiangfeng in Yancheng!

"I heard that Gao Shengwang is the new king of gambling? Is Mr. Rao Juntian familiar with him? How do you compare? " Qin Tian looked at a man in front of him who was about forty years old, with a big back and a serious standing.

"Rao gambling king, please sit down. You're welcome." Lei qianjue signals Rao Juntian to sit down quickly.

After sitting down, Rao Juntian said with a proud smile: "I didn't take part in the several times when Gao Shengwang participated in the king of gamblers competition and won the championship. In private, he didn't dare to compete with me. I think my strength must be better than his!"

Qin Tian nodded. His experience in the gambling industry is very important. Gao Shengwang is just a beginner. Rao Juntian is a lot of nagging!

"I heard that Mr. Qin is a master at the grand master level. I can't believe that he is so young. I'm really scared!" Rao Juntian is quite interested in looking at Qin Tian and says."Ha ha, that's for sure, Mr. Qin, but he is a genius who became famous in the first World War of martial arts competition in three cities. It's our destiny that we can do something for him!" Lei qianjue said with a smile, "Mr. Rao, if you have any trouble in the future, you can come to me or find Tiange. If you let us go, no one dares to move you on Hong Kong Island!"

"Yes, yes, I know that this time I must have tried my best!" Rao Juntian also smile, in front of the great master, even if he is old, are inferior!

"But I can't see that Mr. Qin is such a young man, and he is a master of Qi and strength with Dan's strength greater than that!" Rao Juntian said with a smile, the meaning of this word is that you show us a hand to see?

Several other leaders in Panlong area were also bribed. One looked at Qin Tian and looked puzzled.

After all, what is Lei qianjue said, they have never seen, such a young person, can really achieve the status of a great master?

Qin Tian laughed and knew what they were thinking. With a wave of his hand, a light of fire appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the fire directly burned a wooden garbage can opposite him to ashes!

This is a moment!

At this time, the whole audience could not help but send out a burst of exclamation voice, just one hand, all the people present have been deeply convinced.

With this kind of means, is it really difficult for the immortal?

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