At this time, not only raojun Tian, the God of gambling, but also the leaders of several Panlong areas who were present were also confused. It was really shocked that this technology was hard to find, because they had never seen it or imagined it!

But one man really can not help standing out, zhengse said: "Qin Zongshi, we have seen a lot of powerful masters in Panlong area, you are a strong person, but after all, it is hard to fight with two boxing, four hands, you are not enough alone!"

People who heard about the scene disdained, didn't they?

I want to come to Lei Qianyao and smile and say, "we are fighting for Tiange. The rest of the things will be done naturally. You will never treat you with confidence!"

The leader who heard the words also dare not say anything. They looked at Qin Tian's youth, but in fact, they felt a little bit of unreliable in their hearts, and raojutan was the same. But the moment ago, it has proved that Qin Tian's ancient martial power is very strong, which is absolutely not allowed to despise the existence.

Qin Tian picked up the tea slowly, and walked all the way to the dust, and indeed some thirsty, "this tea is good, but not hot enough!"

Then his hand waved, with the visible speed, press the teapot inside the tea directly boiling, and also white steam, less than two seconds into a hot pot of tea!

How deep is this ability to create such a level? Unexpectedly, they can surprise the tea pot to the inside of the tea, and steam and heat. If not for what they see with their own eyes, I can not believe such a fact, I believe that there are still people who can have such a function!

Lei Qianyao is shocked by some people who think they have great martial arts. Zhao Xiaogang, the instructor, is more like a river. Just now he wants to find Qin Tian to learn to see if it is really like the old man said, but when he saw Qin Tian's two hands, he was completely desperate.

This is the magic means that the great master can have the strength and can only show it.

His feet were shaking, his look was full of awe, and he said directly, "Mr. Qin, are you really a master above the peak of Dan Jin?"

Qin Tian is not in the category of ancient martial arts cultivation. In strict sense, he is the way of cultivating immortals. It is different from the general ancient martial arts, but it is originated from ancient martial arts. This is a matter of no doubt!

Zhao Xiaogang is the first expert beside Lei Qianyao. At this time, his feet are shaking, and he says, "Mr. Qin, isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't care about the level of these practices, and for me, it's nothing!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Seeing Qin Tian so indifferent, Zhao Xiaogang was able to understand, suddenly his eyes were wide, looking at such a young Qin Tian, even such a master, eyes wide open, shocked expression on the face.

How old is this young man? It is already legendary. He is a master above the peak of Dan Jin. It is a powerful man who can fly flowers and pick leaves to kill people, hunt for the wind for a knife and kill people in the air. So young people have such strength, which is the existence of evil level!

Raojuntian is a gambling master. Although he is not a level of cultivation, he talked with some ancient martial arts masters to know the division of ancient martial arts realm. The master above the peak of Dan Jin is a supreme strength. The great master is the master of Qi realm, that is, the h-strength above the peak of Dan strength!

Think about the horrible power of this. Is this the case with such a young age, and do you need help?

It is no wonder that Lei Qianyao has such a high regard for this young man. So much respect seems to be a person with his own strength. Otherwise, how can it be at this level?

Raojuntian finally understood that, at this time, when looking at Qin Tian, his face changed constantly, trembling, "Qin Zongshi's strength is really too strong, and I admire it again!"

"You are welcome! You don't have to be polite to me for your naive strength in gambling! " Qin Tian put his hand at hand, indicating that they didn't care about these red tape things like this!

Many of the experts on the scene are the blood-stricken ancient martial arts youth. They are many and even older than Qin Tian, but they have no strength of Qin Tian's hand. At this time, Qin Tian finally understands what talent is, such a person deserves respect from anyone. Qin Tian's appearance in a certain sense also stimulates their motivation to climb the ancient martial arts realm!

Because people can be so infinite, can be so powerful, it is like a hundred meters race, if Bolt you never know how the ability of ordinary people to race, this is a kind of confidence that people go to break the limit!

Lei qianyun said proudly at this time: "Mr. raojutan, where is the only way of Qin Zongshi? After today's gambling game begins, you can see his magical strength, which will make you fall short of sight! "

"I am very looking forward to Mr. Qin's strength. It's incredible. I want to see the magic of Qin Zongshi. After all, I believe many people want to see it, too?" Raojuntian said that he took out a business card of his own and handed it in to Qin heaven!"Master Qin, this is my contact information. To know Mr. Qin is definitely the greatest blessing and honor of Rao Juntian in my life. I am looking forward to cooperating with Mr. Qin! I have some strength on Hong Kong Island. If master Qin wants to come to Hong Kong Island, you can come to me. Or if it's convenient for me to find master Qin to solve the problem, and master Qin has time, I can do it! "

Qin Tian took the card and put it into his pocket at will. It was a flattery to Rao Juntian!

Rao Juntian saw that Qin Tian accepted the business card without disdain. He was very happy. After all, it was a very interesting thing for him to know such a master!

It's better to have such a master of Qi state to help yourself than to know a lot of underground magnates, earn a lot of money, and have won many honors. It's just that people will be courteous to do anything!

The other leaders of Panlong area looked at Qin Tian, and they also took out their business cards one after another, and then directly praised what Qin Tian said. Although they didn't quite understand what kind of strength a Qi State master was, they certainly knew that this person's strength was extraordinary!

They all want Qin Tian to get their contact information, but they don't see Qin Tian giving them contact information. For a moment, they are embarrassed, but they dare not say anything!

It is true that Qin Tian's strength is completely impossible to put these leaders in the eye, and they said Qin Tian was a man with two fists and four hands. Isn't this a face fight? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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