How could Ding Hui not know such a thing? He blocked in front of these men and escorted Meng Meiqi to go in. The strength of her boyfriend and the sense of security also made Meng Meiqi have some happy feeling in her heart. This is what a boyfriend should look like!

At this time, she was still thinking that Qin Tian, Ke Yan's cousin, the kind of boy who likes to pretend to be forced, is absolutely not wanted. He just needs this kind of caring and caring boy. This is the boy she likes. Now it seems that Ding Hui is satisfied with 60% or 70%.

"Let's go. These are tiger brothers. Don't be afraid of anything, because they just won't move their own people!" Ding Hui said comfortingly.

Meng Meiqi, Ke Yan and Zhang Feng are actually worried and nervous. They finally enter the living room under the escort of Ding Hui!

But after entering the living room, they found that the situation did not make them feel much relieved.

Because there are already several young people sitting in the living room. The man in the middle is very tall and strong, and his eyes are sharp. Standing in the crowd is also the most conspicuous!

Ding Hui saw this tall and strong man, and said happily, "brother tiger, I've come to play with you!"

"Oh, isn't it Ning Shao? Yancheng is so close, you rich man finally come! Come and sit down Wu Hu knows that these must be Ding Hui's friends, come to play together, so there is no need to ask what.

After all, Ding Hui is a rich second generation. He usually gives the Wu Hu some advantages, especially when he is in Yancheng, where is his small territory. If you go outside, to tell the truth, you need a Ding Hui to take care of you. But when you come in here, it's his territory!

Of course, Wu Hu, a martial arts expert like Wu Hu, is willing to pay homage to Ding Hui, that is to say, whether his money can be transferred to his own pocket, that's all. There are not many other ideas!

After sitting down, Ding Hui complacently said to the three students, "this is my brother Wu Hu, please say hello to him."

"Hello, brother Hu!" The three people almost discussed the slogan. They said hello to Wu Hu in front of them. Their voices were neat and consistent, and they were very powerful!

"Mm-hmm, welcome to come and play!" Wu Hu is also smoking, squinting at the two girls.

Wu Hu's other brothers are also the same, one by one are looking at some color, with a strange light.

Because this is a gambler's paradise, there are few young girls coming here. All the young girls here will marry out. No one will stay in Panlong area. Many of the people who can stay here are old women or some children. That's all!

One of Wu Hu's younger brothers directly came up and poured tea for them. Then he said, "Ding Shao, how big are you going to play in our Panlong area this time?"

"Ha ha, play casually. I said I would take them to win more than 100000 yuan. With the help of tiger brother, maybe this number will double." Ding Hui said with a smile.

Said here, the three students are also looking at each other, each other think this thing is safe!

"Ha ha, as long as you have money to make sure you can make money, don't worry about it!" Wu Hu laughed.

"Well, have some tea and let's go out. I'll take you to the playground and have fun. Don't wait any longer! I'm tired of sitting in the living room! " Wu Hu got up carelessly and grinned wildly.

Ding Hui said that if you come here to win money, the more you win, the more care you will give to Wu Hu. So, of course, Wu Hu will receive him. No matter whether he wins or not, he is sure to make or not to lose.

"Brother tiger is refreshing. If you take us to play, that's great!" Ding Hui continued to praise.

If in Yancheng, this Wu Hu is not like a little brother in front of him?

But Panlong area is the territory of other people, which is hard to say. You have to be respectful to others?

"You're welcome. It's good to make money together. If I had the money like you, I would have unified the whole Panlong area and controlled the whole gambling house here. I don't know how much money I have to earn." Wu Hu said with a smile.

"Wow, how much power is it to unify here? I've heard that the authorities in Panlong are just nominal, and many things can't be dealt with! "

"That's for sure, so Panlong is a piece of fat. Many people are interested in the profits of the gambling industry here. They don't know how much money is wasted here every day? Just collecting dividends is tens of millions every day. How many billions a year? "

"It's terrible. It's really intentional, courageous and powerful. Otherwise, ordinary people can't take it down!" President Ding and even dare not think about it, because the things inside are absolutely terrible. How could he, a rich second generation, think of coming here to recover and govern here?

It's a good thing to come and play. I don't have such a big ambition!

After Wu Hu went outside, he said to their younger brothers, "come on, don't play any more. We're going to have a bigger battle. I'm going to gamble with my baizhuzi and his friends. You're all watching outside and on call. Do you understand?""Yes, brother tiger!" These people are also more than ten steps away from Wu Hu and Ding Hui. They don't disturb, but they are not far away.

Looking at the silk stockings of Ke Yan and Meng Meiqi and the figures wriggling behind them, one by one, they all drool. They all look greedy and talk about something in dialect.

And Ding Hui looks at more than ten big men in the back to follow, the mood is also very excited, there are such a group of people to protect, passing is a matter of peace of mind?!

But Zhang Feng also couldn't help laughing and said to Ke Yan, "look, you don't have to worry about it. They all say that following Ding Shao will definitely make money. There's no need to worry about anything!"

"Mm-hmm, if only my cousin was here, but it's a pity that this guy is too stubborn for me, and he won't be able to do anything safe!" Ke Yan said with some regret.

"That's it. He doesn't understand. Flatter Ding Shao. Who's to blame?" Zhang Feng is full of sarcastic smile.

Soon he went into an underground casino, and they were hanging around outside, one by one with their mobile phones, listening and calling at any time.

In fact, they seem to be looking around casually, looking at the casinos eagerly, because they also want to gamble, but there is no money, no way!

The scale of this casino is relatively small, and you can see all the movements in it at a glance. After all, this kind of casino doesn't need the door closed tightly. It's all directly open. You can see the movement and the bustle inside. A gambler's door is angry and red, or he is laughing wildly.

In front of one of the gambling tables, Qin Tian has already come here and looks at it with great interest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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