Qin Tian saw that the gambling table was playing baccarat, but he seldom saw this scene. It was really interesting!

Ding Hui proposed the first project is Baijiali. When they arrived here, they soon found Qin Tian's figure!

At this time, Ke Yan couldn't help frowning. This cousin said that he didn't gamble. He said he came to have a look. He said that he had friends. But he was smiling and watching all by himself?

Ke Yan walked up in a bad mood, and then directly said in a tone of lesson: "cousin, how can you come here to gamble without telling your wife? What's more, my aunt knows how many sang Xin it is? She used to say that you are a bad boy. I think you are two faced with three swords! "

After saying this, Zhang Feng and Meng Meiqi also couldn't help but smile, with a kind of irony and expose each other's funny inside!

Qin Tian looked at Ke Yan and said with great interest: "cousin, I have my own sense of propriety. Don't tell me, I won hundreds of crickets today!"

"Hundreds?" Zhang Feng really couldn't help laughing this time. He didn't know what to say.

Ke Yan continued to curse: "cousin, how much does your son-in-law pay for a month? You don't have a decent job. You shouldn't have come here to try your luck, understand? "

"We also have a team led by Ding Shao. Unlike you, if you come alone, blind cats and mice will be killed. There is no way to die!"

"Listen to my advice and go back quickly. Otherwise, I will tell my aunt!"

"No, you can't tell my aunt that I really have my own sense of propriety." Qin Tian is also speechless to say, how does this cousin still move true to oneself?

"Are you going to ruin your fortune here?" Ke Yan couldn't help asking.

"No, no, no, no, I'm just making a little fuss. I can't do anything that is impossible. My wife has everything. Where can I play?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Seeing Qin Tian's appearance, Ding Hui couldn't help laughing and said, "you're so poor. You dare to come in here and gamble with me. You're really brave and too fat!"

"What's your business when I come in?" Qin Tiansi said rudely that Ding Hui took himself seriously? Really let him is also a little tired, if in satire go on, Qin Tiansi does not mind will teach him a lesson!

Hearing Qin Tian's words, Ning Shao's face changed instantly. With a trace of anger in his eyes, he said, "you're so crazy. If you're killed, it's none of my business!"

"Ha ha, I should have said that. Your family is very honest. It's boring to rob me?" Qin Tian said speechless.

One side of Wu Hu saw that Qin Tian, a man who was dressed very ordinary, dared not respect Ding Hui and said: "who is this boy? Do you need me to teach him a lesson?"

"He's my cousin, brother tiger. Don't be impulsive!" Ke Yan said quickly.

"It's OK, swallow. We tiger brother is a big man. There's no need to feel bad about this kind of little gangster. We won't see him all the same. Today we're here to win money. This is the most important thing!" Ding Hui was also an explosive temper, but now as long as he can hold back his anger.

Since then, the book that asks this tiger brother to hand out needs to appear on the stage fee. Secondly, Ke Yan is not good to start with, and he doesn't want to start with the words in front of her beloved woman. When the time comes, there will be no good impression when you print it. It is definitely a bad behavior!

Although men are not bad, women do not love, but girls do not like this kind of direct violence, although Qin Tian is very hateful, but the time to clean him up, but now is not the time!

Wu Hu originally wanted to charge a fee, but when he heard Ding Hui say so, he had to give up!

Looking at Qin Tian, Ke Yan's heart is full of worry. Her cousin is really pitiful. Such a son-in-law will be looked down upon wherever he goes. However, he doesn't try his best. He degenerates out to gamble. Even if he gambles, he doesn't follow them and makes trouble. This is hopeless!

So when you look at Qin Tian, you really don't know what to say!

One side of Zhang Feng is also holding Ke Yan's small waist, said: "swallow, you don't care about your form, let's follow Ding Shao to play, don't care about him or anything. Anyway, he's such a big man, you need a cousin to take care of him, he always has to learn to grow up!"

Qin Tian on one side almost didn't laugh directly when he heard this. This is really interesting. Is there anything more interesting than this?

So, ah, this is the case now. The more low-key, the more interesting, the more low-key, the more fun. Otherwise, you will not realize the joy of life when you come out in a roar, and you will not be able to write this book

Ke Yan nodded helplessly, and then suddenly thought of something. She said to Qin Tian, "cousin, since you want to bet, you can bet with me. We can certainly win money and help you earn more!"

"No, besides, you follow Ding Shao. I and your family despise me more? Don't let me follow you, do you? " Qin Tian said with a smile, the expression with a meaning of unknown smile.Ding Hui a listen, immediately is directly full of displeasure, cold face said: "you also know I don't give you with, I just won't take you to win money, you see to do it yourself!"

"Don't, Ding Shao. We just follow you. We are good friends. There's no need to hurt our feelings for an outsider. What a bad thing?" Wu Hu said with a smile.

Today, without Ding Hui's belt, they could not have won money. Even without the Wu tiger around Ding Hui, they would have been even worse. So Ke Yan knew this very well, and immediately did not dare to help Qin Tian speak. Otherwise, Ding Hui would be ruined if he offended him!

After all, she also brought tens of thousands of yuan with her. She couldn't double and earn hundreds of thousands of yuan. She didn't dare to come to such a place. Now the opportunity is in front of her. Maybe she gave up her chance to make money because of this loser's son-in-law!

Therefore, Ke Yan was silent. She actually wanted to help Qin Tian, but now she dare not speak out!

So Ke Yan can only worry about looking at Qin Tian, which means to say, you can do it yourself. I can only keep myself!

In fact, Qin Tian didn't know this cousin very well. She was so surprised that she could take care of herself and care for him. So she directly said with a smile, "cousin, if you can trust your cousin, you can buy from me. I guarantee that the winning rate will be higher than others!"

Qin Tian didn't say it was Ding Shao, but the words had made them several people stunned. They looked at Qin Tian in front of him one by one.

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