Qin Tian's words instantly let all people pass through the whine, one by one are directly stunned, this guy is bragging force?

"Ha ha, what a boy who doesn't know the sky and the earth is generous. It's a good idea if you don't lose all the hundreds of dollars. You have to bet with you. You're looking for death. Don't let your cousin die with you. You'll make people cry and go back to tell your mother and let you die!" Ding Hui Ninja dart sarcasm said.

"Does he look down on me? Dare you say the winning rate is higher than us? " Wu Hu instantly pointed to Qin Tian and said, "boy, you wait for me. My Wu Hu remembers you?"

This is not a word in Haicang, many people are a bit shocked, some people still know Wu Hu, know that he is not easy to provoke, one after another to make room for them to bet in the past!

Although Qin Tian had not seen this kind of baijiale before, he still knew how to play it after seeing it for a while, so he took out 300 yuan to bet at will!

Seeing Qin Tian's bet of only 300 yuan, Ding Hui couldn't help laughing at the side. He only bet 300 yuan at a time. He was a poor man!

He went down 10000 directly, which made many people cry out in an instant!

Meng Meiqi stood in front of Ding Hui, looking at the comparison of two cents, and instantly cast a contemptuous smile on Qin Tian. It was really people who scared people to death!

The cousin of Ke Yan's family is a son-in-law. He has no money. He just brings hundreds of money and thousands of yuan to Panlong area? Is it really fun or do you want to make money?

Ke Yan saw Qin Tian's bet and didn't say anything. He directly and Zhang Feng followed Ding Shao's bet and put in 3000 yuan respectively.

In fact, Qin Tian didn't want to make much money, just wanted to play around. After all, his eyesight can be much stronger than ordinary people, so it's not surprising that his winning rate is higher than others. It's relying on his own ability to eat. Other people can't say anything!

This time, the result came out. Ding Hui won, but only two thousand, and Ke Yan only had a few hundred. On the contrary, Qin Tian did get 3000. This moment made Ding Hui and Ke Yan and others dumbfounded!

Qin Tian smiles to him, and he is still at 300 every time. After several times, Qin Tian's winning rate is indeed the highest. Although Ding Hui and others are also good, they are far behind Qin Tian!

This time around gamblers will immediately focus on Qin Tian's body, rice and rice with him bet!

Then Ding Hui gradually began to lose money, which made Ke Yan and Zhang Feng secretly nervous, they found that this form is really gambling!

Ding Hui's face suddenly turned pale. He was very upset. In fact, he came to gamble today. In fact, it was secondary that he could win Meng Meiqi's heart and help them earn some money. He didn't care!

But now I see Qin Tian, his desire to win or lose suddenly rises. On this table, Qin Tian should have won tens of thousands, right? And they all won his money. How can he not get angry and get involved?

"Well, stinky boy, you're just lucky!" Ding Hui didn't have a good breath to make a mockery to say.

Seeing that Ding Hui was in a bad mood, Meng Meiqi had to persuade him to say, "it's not necessary to pay attention to the victory or defeat of soldiers. Although you are not as good as Ke Yan's cousin, you win a lot at a time, which is several times better than him. He is 300 at a time. How can you compare with your winning one hundred thousand?"

"Maggie, you're so smart. You're right!" After Ding Hui heard his beloved woman's words, his heart was directly excited and overjoyed. It seems that this little beauty is safe today, and there is nothing to say!

With that, he made a big bet of 50000 yuan this time. At this moment, many people surrounded him. Many people looked at the 50000 dollar bill and their eyes were shining.

"Maggie, come this time!" Ding Hui flattered said.

Although Meng Meiqi doesn't like gambling, she is still excited when she sees so much money. If she wins, how much money will she have? Her mind starts to calculate!

And the corner of Wu Hu's mouth is also a smile. Ding Hui is not here to win money, he is to pick up girls. He can see it!

It's good to be rich. You can play around with your sister like this, and you can open your feet at will. Is there anything more exciting than this?

His heart can not live some envy, raising a bunch of beautiful women is more interesting than having a group of subordinates. Who doesn't want to be a rich second generation, who wants to be an underground boss?

Wu Hu's heart can't help thinking, at the same time, his eyes are also looking at Qin Tian, this chest next to win nearly 50000, this if lost directly all vomit out!

What's more, if he wins by accident, should his own people find an excuse to rob him?

Wu Hu's bad heart is very common here. Many people look at Qin Tian as a person and win a lot. All of a sudden, they begin to covet Qin Tian.

There is no background here, no brothers, it's the best to come alone and not to die. If you want to win money back, it's just a dream!And it's not just other things. These people bet with Qin Tian one by one, which makes them a little surprised. How can one follow Qin Tian to win? A lot of the banker's face is not very good, because for them, this is really a bad feeling!

When looking at Qin Tian one by one, his eyes are burning. Does this guy really come to stir up the game?

One of the young men came over. The man was about thirty-eight years old. He was wearing a leather jacket. He looked very strong and strong. At first sight, he was not easy to offend. This kind of human temperament looked very cold!

After he came over, he said coldly, "Wu Hu, it seems that these people you brought are good at playing? Today, this is to empty my field of Wu Fei? It's really impressive under such circumstances! "

Wu Hu also said with a smile: "I don't know this boy, but this is Ding Shao from Yancheng. He has money. Of course, I want to take him here to play. Why, you can't afford to open a casino?"

Wu Hu and Wu Fei face each other in a split second. Their expressions are very cold and arrogant. They soon have a strong smell of gunpowder when they use them.

Wu Fei was very upset. He snorted coldly and said, "bring the rich second generation here? Well, Wu Fei, I have never been unable to afford to lose three words here. If you want to play more, I will accompany you to play, and I will accompany you at any time! "

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