Ding Hui couldn't stop thinking in his heart, these can be very shady means ah, his eyes a tight, now no matter how good luck, also can't casually earn other people's money here.

And there are two beauties around me. What's the matter? If it goes on like this, it will certainly not work, because he has no shelter here, all the means are in front of the Wu Hu's hand!

"Brother tiger, I didn't cheat. I won by regular means. Please believe me!" Ding Hui is also not dumb, quickly to one side of the Wu Hu called up!

"Who knows, now my eldest brother Yang is asking me. What do you think I should do?" Wu Hu is also a little annoyed. Looking at Ding Hui in front of him, he didn't want to be angry, but now there is no way. He wants to be the means of self-protection, that is to let the mechanism have the ability to protect itself. That's all!

If there is no self-protection ability, it will be miserable because of Ding Hui. This is the reality and result that he is not willing to accept! So when Wu Hu looked at Ding Hui, he decided to sell it and said, "you don't have a scam. How can you earn so much?"? But if you bring so many girls with you confidently, there must be something wrong with you. I can't ask for your money. You can do it yourself! "

"Brother tiger!" Ding Hui's face turned pale. I don't know what to build. Now the result is totally unexpected. It's too cruel!

Yang Feng and Ke Yan, who won two or three hundred thousand, are also a little embarrassed. They want to win a million dollars. Now they have only completed one fifth of this. But now that the boss of the family comes, do they have any chance? This is no chance!

Meng Meiqi also won more than 100000 yuan. Now looking at these battles, the money in the bag is heavy, as if it is a thousand gold, so that she can't take it down. This feeling is really terrible, and there is nothing more painful than this?

Boss Yang looked at Wu Hu in front of him with a smile and said, "if you don't have your support, he doesn't dare to come. You take them to the casinos one by one. You think you will be OK. Do you want money? You think too much? The next time I bring a scamp, I say I don't know he's cheating, and all of them pour dirty water on others. You're really good

"Boss Yang, I really dare not, I really don't know that they are like this, because they don't know each other well. They just met in Yancheng. Who knows it will be such a result? If I know I dare not bring them here, I promise I will never step here again Wu Hu said helplessly.

Seeing Wu Hu's advice, Wu Fei could not help laughing and said, "just now in my field, you didn't say that. You just turn around and forget what you are doing. It's so terrible!"

"Wu Fei, you..." Wu Hu is also a little annoyed in his heart. This guy is actually falling into the ground. He is really damned. Is he really a fool?

"Stop talking nonsense and search me!" Wu Fei waved his hand and let them go up and surrounded Ding Hui and Wu Hu!

One of the makers, this is obviously the person of the gambling house. He walked to Ding Hui with a gloomy face and wanted to reach out!

Ding Hui immediately exclaimed, "Tuo, etc., don't worry. Don't worry. Why do you search my body? Do you have no rules here?"

"Ha ha, you cheated so much money here. Have you ever respected our rules?" The banker said angrily.

"I I'm really wronged. I just didn't do anything. Why should I do this? " Ding Hui is a little nervous, now the eyes of the front court are all on his body, but he dare not that what!

, "what has I been telling you?" I am the rule. Whatever I say has the final say, do you understand this? Boss Yang said with a gloomy face, even with a trace of smile on his cheek.

Seeing the boss's arrogance, Ding Hui was also a little flustered. He looked at Wu Hu with a kind of help seeking eyes and said, "brother tiger, have something to say?"

Wu Hu's face was a little angry at this time and said: "Ding Shao, if you're OK, let him search directly. If you really don't, I'll help you talk!"

Ding Hui saw Wu Hu say so, but also can only let this dealer begin to thin.

Ke Yan, Zhang Feng and Meng Meiqi are also nervous. They should have won money. They didn't expect that the owner of the casino would appear suddenly. They were speechless. Now they don't know what to do. This kind of situation is safe that they didn't expect. It's really hard. There's no way out of this result!

After searching for a few seconds, Ding Hui thought that the banker was finished. He was ready to breathe a sigh of relief and touch his wallet. However, such subtle movements immediately attracted the attention of the banker!

The dealer immediately put his hand on his wallet. After An'an, he took it out directly and opened a nail in his wallet. There were all playing cards in it. What money was there?Seeing this scene, all the people exclaimed in surprise, and the banker seemed to take it for granted. Then he looked at his back and said respectfully, "boss, I have found it!"

Said that the dealer will directly put this thing in front of boss Yang, this once completely no words!

Boss Yang couldn't help humming coldly. He looked at Ding Hui in front of him with an unbelievable look and said, "good boy, you are really vicious. What can you say now? Do you still tell me the rules?"

Wu Hu also can't believe it. He was cheated into it. He thought Ding Hui was powerful and didn't want to. He didn't want to be like this. It's embarrassing. I don't know what to say!

Because this matter has been a matter of no debate, what else to say?

Caught face to face, Ding Hui also tightly lowered his head. He did not dare to raise his head to look at people. His face was so red that his dignity would fall on the ground!

"Ding Shao, do you want to explain it? Who dares to take you to the casinos when you're playing like this? Don't you kill me Wu Hu looked at Ding Hui angrily and asked, I'm afraid his reputation in Panlong area was defeated by this guy. Is there anything more painful than this?

Ding Hui said anxiously, "this wallet is not mine. I don't know who put it on me all of a sudden! I was set up

Ding Hui suddenly thought of this method, can not help but say.

"Well, do you mean our people set you up?" The banker looked at Ding Hui in front of him.

"Good boy, you dare to be so arrogant and slandered. It seems that you don't know where this is if you don't break your leg!" Wu Fei yelled angrily, "throw it out!"

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