Wu Fei also angrily scolded Ding Hui and said to the people behind him.

"Yes Suddenly, there are several more powerful experts directly step up, and then looking at Ding Hui in front of him, he grabbed his arm and the bag full of money was also caught down!

Ding Hui looks extremely flustered at this time, full of fear, scared that is already at a loss.

Wu Hu also said with some helplessness: "boss Yang, your dealer is also an expert in gambling. According to the reason, I also want to see who the playing card is, or in order to give you a fair and just, do I also want to search your dealer's body in front of everyone?"

"Eh? So you're trying to keep this kid? Do you have to fight against me? " Boss Yang looked at the Wu Hu in front of him and said.

Wu Hu's mouth was crooked, and he said with a sneer: "boss Yang, I'm not a vegetarian either. You are a big man. I also have a big man, and my boss is who you know, bigger than you. So since you can search the body of the people I bring, why can't I search the body of your village?"

Boss Yang was about to get angry, but general Wu Fei said directly: "boss Yang, Wu Hu doesn't give up his heart? Let's just give him a hand search and see what he really wants

Wu Fei knows that his own people are cheaters, and this banker has no cheaters!

And even if there is a scam, the tricks of his own people have been perfect and extremely skilled. Even if Wu Hu searches himself, he can't see anything abnormal. There is absolutely no way to see the clues. He is absolutely confident!

Wu Fei said this, and then his eyes also looked in the direction of Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao, because they knew that Qin Tian in front of them also made a lot of money. They had already seen it in other venues, and they had come to another venue. This guy must have some problems!

However, after he saw Qin Tian, he soon noticed Lin Xiaoyao, a beautiful woman beside Qin Tian. He was also directly attracted to him, and his eyes suddenly glowed. What a beautiful woman!

He now has other ideas, that is to get the beauty, this sentence is not a cheat!

Wu Hu personally searched in front of this banker, and did not see anything, which made Wu Hu helpless!

"And one more? This guy needs to be searched too! " Boss Yang chuckled and asked those who caught Ding Hui to wait for a moment. "When the time comes, two people will clean up together. I will kill the chicken and frighten the monkey. You can see that there is absolutely no good fruit to eat in my field."

"Let me tell you, I don't know this person. Who he is has nothing to do with me. I don't know whether he is a cheat or not. I don't know this pot!" Wu Hu said.

"Go and search him!" Wu Fei said solemnly.

At this time, the banker went to Qin Tian again.

Qin Tian saw the banker coming, and immediately showed a funny smile. It's crazy to search his body!

After the dealer searched for a while, the passer-by didn't find anything on Qin Tian's body. This time he really wanted to plant and frame him up. He held a playing card in his palm, and then directly touched Qin Tian's pocket!

All of a sudden, he really felt his hand as if it was burned by fire. The playing cards on his palm burned into dust and smoke, and his hand was also stinging. He took his hand out of Qin Tian's pocket.

"Ah The banker stepped back two steps and looked at Qin Tian in front of him in horror. His eyes showed a trace of shock and surprise.

Wu Fei found something wrong and immediately said, "boy, who are you? You dare to hit my people? You cheat, don't you? "

I have to say that boss Yang's eyes have also noticed Lin Xiaoyao in front of him. His eyes have been attracted in. Qin Tian has no problems. He has to find something to do!

"Which eye of yours saw me cheat, and he searched my body by himself. What's wrong with him? What's the matter with me?" Qin Tian didn't have a good temper to say, look incomparably indifferent.

Wu Fei and boss Yang looked at each other. It was almost certain that Qin Tianyu didn't cheat. He had some skills. However, the beauty around you was so dazzling that we can't blame us!

In an instant, Wu Fei looked at Qin Tian with a gloomy face and said, "Wu Hu, is this guy your man? You have the courage to bring a guy who can cheat. He must be an expert to cover you, right? "

"I said, I didn't bring this guy?" Wu Hu also explained with some anger that his mentality was going to be blown up. He wanted to peel off the boy's skin. But boss Yang said that he brought this guy. Do you think it's irritating?

Wu Fei didn't speak. Boss Yang stood out and looked at Lin Xiaoyao's beautiful body. Then he said, "this beauty and this rich second generation are fighting together, right? I'm going to make an example today. I'll show you how serious it is to cheat and cheat in my fieldWith that, boss Yang also waved his big hand. In an instant, someone came down from the stairs. In a moment, there were several twenty or thirty people. All of them were dressed in black. Yidier looked ferocious. It's really hard to provoke!

These 20 or 30 people instantly surrounded Wu Hu and Qin Tian.

Wu Hu is now able to see clearly, a lot of things out of thin air, this boss Yang should clip in his own body, he is to eat him today?

It's obvious that the gamblers of several floors have not continued to gamble. They all stand up and look down at the places below. They all want to see if boss Yang is here. Can any moths come out?

Surrounded by 20 or 30 people like this, Ding Hui, even though he was standing still, couldn't help but shivering all over his body. He was almost frightened and could not stand out!

And Wu Hu is also gloomy, their people seem to have been unable to enter outside? This also did not have before the domineering temperament, became a bit ferocious.

Meng Meiqi, Ke Yan and Zhang Feng have already turned pale. They have never thought about it. It is the rhythm of medicine that smashes them to pieces when they meet the cruel and cruel boss Yang!

Qin Tian saw his cousin Ke Yan scared into this situation, but also indifferent to say: "cousin, don't be afraid, today I can protect you, you stand by your cousin's side!"

Ke Yan was a little confused. She didn't expect that it was this time. Qin Tian dared to speak and protect her?

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