Dinghui also can not help but scold at the side, "Qin days you still blow what cattle force ah? It's time for you to admit that you are going to kill us? "

"Ha ha, I don't know who killed who, obviously you are out of the thousands, let my cousin they fell into a dilemma, I did not out of the thousands, how on the contrary, I hurt you?" Qin Tian said with a laugh.

"You..." Dinghui was ashamed for a while, and did not know what to say. Because Qin Tian, this guy even said it was reasonable, and he was dumb.

"Boy, you don't think of yourself as a character for a reason?" Wu Hu also looks at Qin Tian with a sneer. Now they all need to protect themselves. But this guy even said they can protect them? You don't mean it's better than my tiger?

"I want to see, what kind of character are you brother tiger?" Qin asked coldly.

Ding Shao was also said by Qin Tian for a while without words. He has now concentrated all his hopes on Wu Hu. But now, facing the bullying of boss Yang and Wu Fei, even Fang Hao, the big man from Jinmen behind him, is there any room for maneuver?

It's really too hard. These people are super big guys. How can ordinary people fight them?

So Dinghui thinks that even Wu Hu is still in a dilemma today. It is possible to protect them?

Seeing Wu Fei, he was about to let people do it. Wu Hu said with a sneer: "slow, boss Yang, I am now the right assistant under boss Dou. You are sure you want to move me?"

"You're also taken by the guy with Dou's name?" Smell the word Yang boss face a surprise, and squint at all this Jinmen big guy Fang Hao, also face a little surprise.

This boss Dou is the back of many people in Panlong area, and one of them is one of boss Yang's. what their family does is coal mine business, which is just the kind of rich in oil!

A month ago, the boss Dou came to Panlong, talked with some big guys about the idea of establishing a casino, and then he took some share dividends. Many people were willing to cooperate with him. Because of his outstanding skills, Wu Hu was hired by boss Dou to protect his personal bodyguards and assistants!

So although boss Dou has no manpower, he has financial resources. As long as he wants, many people can do things for him. He has shares in many casinos. This is a powerful force and a character that boss Yang dare not provoke.

And this city of boss Dou is not one of the four nearby cities. They are far from northwest. What happens here will not be connected to his basic business. This is a very interesting question!

Wu Hu saw some changes in the face of boss Yang and said directly: "boss Dou will cover me if we help him to fight for a day. So you say, you want to move me, that means you want to lose strong support for him. Do you want to understand this problem?"

Boss Yang's face is cloudy and uncertain. If they teach Wu Hu in front of these people, it is a question that boss Dou will blame. However, if he let go of Wu Hu like this, the previous bedding will not be wasted? And that's a shame!

However, when boss Yang had not made a decision, a loud noise came out of his mind. The younger brother of Wu Hu was looking at it badly. He went to invite him directly. Today, he was also coming to fight the challenge arena boss Dou!

Today is destined to have big things happen, so many people come. It is impossible for Dou boss Dou who has created many basic industries here to miss this event. There are also more than ten of his masters, all of them are senior ancient martial arts masters. No one knows what level it is!

And boss Dou is typical of money on the kind, his body is obviously wearing gold and silver, even the mouth has big gold teeth, and is still rich and bold!

When others saw him come out with more than ten people, they all can see that these are all ancient martial arts masters, all of them are undesired guys. Boss Dou has a strong momentum. When looking at the whole scene, many people unconsciously lowered their heads, or stepped back two steps, so they were afraid that they were stared at, which was terrible. After all, the strength of this guy is really too top!

Dou boss looked at boss Yang and Wu Hu in front of him, and said with a smile: "what happened? I heard that Wu Hu won with people. You must kill him if you have a little money? Can't a casino of this size win a little more? We still have this kind of air! "

"Boss Dou, you are rich, mainly because this person is out of thousands, so we can't be so generous, right?" Boss Yang also a face of the heap of laughter explained that today is impossible to target Wu Hu, that pile of fake laughter looks really a little sincerity is not ah!

What he didn't expect was that boss Dou said it was right. Is Wu Hu and his relationship very close, which is beyond the imagination!

In this place, boss Dou has not many shares, even inferior to Wu Fei. But no one dare to despise his power, and has brought so many ancient wuga hands. It is the suppression of red fruit fruit. You can't accept it!Boss Dou nodded, then looked at Wu Hu and said, "isn't it a million? I've heard about it. I'll pay you two million. How about releasing them? Well, Wu Hu, you should also have a long memory. Next time, don't bring some scams to play. After all, everyone wants to do business. You mean to make everyone feel bad

"Yes, yes, yes!" Wu Hu nodded, and then walked toward boss Dou's side. He took a proud look at Wu Fei. Wu Fei was so angry that he was gnashing his teeth. There was a feeling that he didn't know what to say!

"This is my friend. Just let them lose money later. Don't use boss Dou!" Wu Hu looks at Ding Hui and says.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will. I will give you two million!" Ding Hui said quickly.

"That's the best way. You should have a long memory when you are young. Don't come to the scene casually. Do you think you have Wu Hu's help? Don't you know what special day it is? " Dou boss just glanced at Ding Hui and others, light said.

Hearing this, Ding Hui is relieved. Compared with being disabled, he is still willing to hand over the million yuan. After all, money can't buy health!

His heart a burst of gratitude, Wu Hu is more reliable, his brother worship is the right, follow such a backer, in Panlong area is the largest casino owner can do nothing about him!

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