Ding Hui thought of this, and pointed to Qin Tian on one side and said, "boss Dou, this man is not our group. You don't need to protect him when he is out of the thousands!"

"Yes, this guy is a little bit attached to me. Boss Yang just now said that this man was ours, but he was angry with me. It was not my brother but my brother..." Wu Hu some helpless looking at boss Yang bitterly smile and.

Indeed, boss Dou's eyes were focused on Qin Tian. He was young and dressed in no special way. He should not be like a rich man. But his eyes soon focused on Lin Xiaoyao, and was attracted by such a beautiful woman.

"Tut, this sister can!" Boss Dou laughed directly, and seemed to be very open, so reckless, such a blatant.

Wu Hu immediately smiled and said, "boy, you give your girlfriend to boss Dou. We can still make you a living way, or do you know who you are going to die in this scene today?"

Qin Tian looks at them as if they are looking at a group of fools, nothing to say, this moment let Dinghui and Wu Hu have some looks bad!

"Beauty, your boyfriend is unknowingly evil, you can not follow the fragrance and loss, so you still come to us, we can protect you, but your boyfriend is not good to say!" Ding Hui also laughed and said, no longer have the feeling of being humiliated, but become extremely confident!

"Yes, come here. We can protect you, Miss Qianjin!" Wu Hu also said with bad eyes.

But Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao did not care about their threat. Even if they didn't even look at them, Qin Tians, who were not only dead and alive, could not ignore them. You a beautiful woman turned a blind eye to our protection. You don't want to find death?

Lin Xiaoyao really has nothing to fear. Looking at these battles in front of her, she is not even changing her face. She has no hurry at all. Even the people of boss Yang and the master brought by boss Dou are blind. She is standing behind Qin Tian, and it seems very calm.

What is a sense of security, so it is a sense of security.

But Ke Yan and Zhang Feng are different. They just follow Dinghui, and they dare not look at Qin Tian. They are afraid that Qin Tian says that he is her cousin. So they can not tell. Isn't it a family member?

Seeing such a posture, Dinghui was very dissatisfied, took out 2 million checks to boss Yang, and then apologized, and this is to leave!

"Slow!" Boss Yang hum coldly, "you can go, but girls must stay. There are three beauties in the whole scene. Today, we are just serving us, and I will let you go again!"

Boss Yang's eyes fell on Ke Yan and mengmeiqi, full of the grim color.

"I think boss Dou is the same idea, right? I can Yang Feng can not move your martial tiger, but these sisters are different! " Boss Yang shouted coldly, their people will be the export to block in a moment!

That moment, Dinghui was in a panic, he did not know what to do, the whole person stood in place as if the chicken.

And Meng Meiqi around him has been panicked, do not know what to say, the whole people stand in place quietly, a little despair.

"Dinghui, what do you do? Please ask for more, I don't want to stay here! " Meng Meiqi said with a red eye.

"Don't be afraid, I'm giving some money..." Ding Hui took out another 2 million checks and said with a begging attitude: "boss Yang, this is my girlfriend. Please let us go!"

Yang, with a wave of his hand, took the check and smiled, "yes, you can take your girlfriend away, but it doesn't matter to you?"

"He?" Dinghui looked at Keyan and shook his head and said, "just college students, how can I possibly give her 2 million? And this woman is still the cousin of the dead guy over there. They are together! "

"You..." Cowan looked at Dinghui want to die of heart, they unexpectedly follow a white eye wolf, really drunk!

"Ding Shao, can't you really help me?" Zhang Feng was also in a hurry, and sent Ke Yan's hand, and asked nervously.

"I can't have two million for her, and you heard it, just let her stay with her for one night. You can do it yourself!" Ding Hui said with a face of refusal.

"I I can't help you, Cowan! " Zhang Feng said that he stood directly behind Ding Hui.

Ha ha ha!

Seeing this scene, many people began to laugh at one side, saying that each one flew in the face of a big disaster. Maybe this is the portrait of lovers!

And at this time, Meng Meiqi is also secretly fortunate in the heart, fortunately Dinghui really likes himself, otherwise, I really don't know what will happen, it is just unthinkable!

At this time, she took the initiative to hold her hand on Dinghui. It made Dinghui's heart very happy. Millions of people could buy a sister. That was also good. Anyway, he had money. Just a few years ago!"Beast, coward, not man!" Ke Yan immediately hurt, looking at Zhang Feng can't help scolding up, she found that she was actually the most miserable woman in the audience!

"Cousin, come to my brother!"

At this time, a voice made Ke Yan's cry stop suddenly. She turned her head and looked at Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao behind her. She didn't know why. She saw from their faces and a kind of absolute self-confidence and strength made her step a little bit straight past!

"It's OK. There are few reliable men. You'll have to look for your cousin in the future." Lin Xiaoyao said comfortingly, holding Ke Yan.

Ke Yan nodded dully. She felt aggrieved to the extreme. She didn't know what to say. She didn't think Qin Tian could escape this disaster. But when she was most miserable, she was Qin Tian's voice to help. This heart is enough!

"Boy, we want both of you beauties!" Boss Yang looked at Qin Tian and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, but I still want to say that I'm going to take your casino!" Qin Tianzheng said with a smile.


All of a sudden directly covered circle, as if looking at what, looking at Qin Tian in front of him, who does this kid think he is? The three owners of this casino are here, Wu Fei, Yang Feng and Dou boss. How dare he directly say that he wants this place?

I've never seen such a shameless pretender!

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