"Boy, it's too late for you to regret now. I can not kill you. After all, you are a talent. If you are willing to work for our Huangpu family, I can spare you from dying!" Huangpu Jiro looked at Qin Tian and said.

Huangpu family has a lot of talents. This Huangpu Jiro is the second son. He is the most powerful young generation in their Huangpu family. Most of their sons are business talents or some kind of learning bully. The expansion of their strength is largely the impact and occupation of ancient martial arts, and on the other hand, it is also the attack of brain storm!

This is the reason why the Huangpu family is so powerful with their swords. There is a reason, and it is not just a reason, because their commander-in-chief is so powerful that it is frightening to put it in front of them!

Today's Huangpu family and Bushido are almost more difficult to provoke, which makes Lei qianjue and Jiangfeng have some fear in their hearts!

At this time, they looked at Huangpu Jiro. They looked at his face as if there was no emotion. Their dark eyes were like swords, only with murderous spirit!

His aloofness is due to his strength, and his lack of emotion is due to his cruelty.

His strength is hidden very deep, almost unfathomable grandson, but Qin Tian found it after some observation!

Qin Tian looked at Huangpu Jilang and the three elders of Bushido, and saw a slight radian in the corner of his mouth. He thought it was still very interesting!

This Huangpu Jiro is not our human feelings, he is like a killing machine, it is frightening!

But the others are not different. He seems to have his own set of machines for this kind of killing machine. He seems to have figured out how to deal with this guy for a long time!

"Qin Tian, you should be careful. I heard that the people of Huangpu family are very terrible. These three Bushido people are also very powerful? Otherwise, don't give up on this site, and try to find a way later. I'm not in a hurry now! " Lin Xiaoyao reminds said.

This is reasonable, as the saying goes, take a step back, sea and sky, is not that what you say?

If the Huangpu family and Bushido people have settled down here and found enough people, they can all be wiped out. This is a way. There is no need to attack them at this time, at a relatively unexpected time, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

Lin Xiaoyao really doesn't want Qin Tian to have something, not just her, but Li Xinran and the baby who is about to be born!

"It's OK. Don't be afraid!" Qin Tian continued to smile, still did not respond positively to the meaning of Huangpu Jiro, but showed a brilliant smile to Lin Xiaoyao, very confident.

See Qin Tian unexpectedly still can smile out of the time, Huangpu Jiro on one side is a little gloomy, this guy is a person after all is a ghost? Isn't he in a hurry at this time?

"Qin Tian, can you listen to me and count me as begging you?" Lin Xiaoyao is worried. She has already stood up because he is sitting down. The woman really can't control the fear in her heart. This kind of fear makes her have to stand up to solve the problem and persuade Qin Tian to come down!

"It's OK, Xiaoyao. I know you're worried about me, but there's nothing wrong with it. Moreover, I'm very interested in this Huangpu Jiro. I want to try to see what his kung fu is and what kind of state he has reached." Qin Tian's tone is very relaxed, looking at Lin Xiaoyao with a smile.

In fact, there is a mental method in his mind, that is, the martial arts of Huangpu Jiro may be completely different from the martial arts he learned in books, because he is from overseas, so this is why he is interested!

He wants to see which one is more powerful, the ancient Chinese martial arts and the one to the East Island?

What's more strange is that he can also feel something more pure than true Qi in this Huangpu Jiro's body, which is somewhat similar to his own immortal Qi, which makes him feel that this guy is somewhat interesting.

According to the truth, so Qin Tian wanted to try to see if he was born with such pure Qi in his body. What is the reason? Is it really immortal?

Now he can't imagine it. This feeling is so terrible that it's so powerful!

After hearing the dialogue between Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao, after a period of translation, one of the elders of Bushido on one side could not help but become extremely sarcastic and playful: "boy, you still want to test master Huangpu's Kung Fu. I don't think you have such a chance! I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Can you compare the ancient martial arts of East island with that of China ancient martial arts

"That's right, boy. You want to die. Let alone whether you can pass the three of us, master Huangpu's strength is absolutely crushing on you. You don't need to be curious or try. You are doomed to die. You have no room to rebound, and you don't have any room for maneuver. You are just looking for death!

"Yes, this guy doesn't even deserve master Huangpu. You think you can deal with Bushido, but do you think you can fight against Huangpu family?" The three elders of Bushido look at Qin Tian in front of them seriously. They really don't know what hejiahuan is thinking about?I thought I could be lawless? He should see the gap between ancient Chinese and Eastern Island!

"You seem to be wrong? In ancient times, the ancient martial arts of Dongdao have been transferred and spread from China. When will you let your door so despise our ancient Chinese martial arts? I really look at myself as a superior person? " Qin Tian shook his head without words.

"Ha ha, there is an ancient saying in China that is said. It is better than blue. Although the ancient martial arts of our east island have been spread out of China, we have a stronger development. We are stronger than you now!"

"Remember our Deputy door master, too 15 Lang? He is the one who can crush you in your three city competition! " One of the elders said.

"Ha ha, I certainly remember, because I killed too 15 Lang and maten people by myself, you won't know?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

This said, the opposite three elders were speechless.

And the whole scene also looks at Qin Tian in front of him with shock. Nobody can imagine that Qin Tian was young enough to kill the vice leader of wushidao, too 15 Lang?

And Jin man long and Fang Hao also have a reckless look at each other, each other's heart is deep regret and pain!

Qin Tian on the arena is actually the genius of the three City Hui Wu Zhong. I can't imagine it was him!

No wonder the martial arts people come to call the Taoist name must kill Qin Tianye. It seems that there is no reason for this. The reason here is very simple!

"OK, don't waste it. You hurry up and take off the boy's head and play the ball!" "The middle-aged man of Bushido said.

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