The elder who can command three can only be at the fifty levels of the Lord!

Qin Tian squints at the middle-aged man in front of him. He is surprised. I wonder that the master of martial arts is not the strongest, but it is strange to him!

However, it is also normal that the level of the door leader should be a leader of managers and suggestions. It is not necessarily the most powerful power. This is different from the ancient Chinese martial arts school, but it is certain that their three elders have strong strength, and this kind of strong strength is the reason why they have come here!

"Well, since the Lord of your martial arts and the three elders have come to solve you, I am very glad that the martial arts Taoism is completely destroyed!" Qin Tian smiled and deliberately said the word "Xinran", because he knew that, at his most critical time, his wife's name was his biggest incentive!

The three fifty elders were good at making them jump up the arena with sharp swords like tigers and wolves, and each face was fierce and fierce.

"Lin Xiaoyao, you come here, don't get close to it is very dangerous!" Lei Qianyao quickly pulls Lin Xiaoyao back to their camp, and he and Jiangfeng protect her behind her, and can not let her take risks.

Because these three martial arts strong people are very terrible, who if close, absolutely no good fruit to eat. And they just want to protect Lin Xiaoyao. Whether they can live in sunny days, they should protect the miss of the forest family, otherwise they will definitely not live Qin Tian's efforts!

At this time, the middle-aged man, the 50 door leader, sneered coldly: "our three big Zhang is actually the strongest fighting force of our Bushido, which is about equal to two too 15 lang. you must die today!"

The three elder in legend are the super strong people who grew up in martial arts. They were trained the most strictly since childhood, and then assisted with a kind of precious medicine. From inside, they were all in place. The face was a kind of steel body!

This is the same as the former maten people, but they are elders, so the strength of the body is more frightening. It is definitely not the existence of ordinary people. Therefore, zolang has absolute funds to believe that Qin Tian is really the existence of the end of the day!

"When they were 30, they could have been able to fight hundreds of people alone and die. Do you think our martial arts is a joke? Our martial arts treatment of ancient martial arts has started from children, so we have confidence that our ancient martial arts are more advanced than you, which you can not understand and understand! " Left Lang proudly said, this is clearly said to Qin Tian listen, in fact, to the presence of many ancient Chinese martial arts people listen to!

Because he is declaring war, in slander Hu XiaGu Wu, to let Hu xiaguwu people understand that your technology has fallen behind!

Today, Panlong area, this era is their East Island ancient martial arts, this is a cultural invasion!

Although any strong Hu Xia ancient martial arts is very dissatisfied, but there is no way, because they know that their strength is absolutely not able to fight with these three martial arts elders!

But hear here Lei thousand key and river wind is more face fear, because in their heart Qin Tian today is really too difficult, has been very difficult to get out, today really want to die!

What if Qin Tian died? It's really going to be killed together!

"River wind, if Tiange is in danger, we will go up together and will not allow him to die here today!" "Lei qianyun said in a positive way.

"We should not only be, we all must join hands. Now, Qin Zongshi is not only protecting our life, but also the dignity of our ancient Chinese martial arts!"

"This martial arts road is famous in East Island. Now the door leader and three elder come here. If we lose, the good European country will be very big. It will be abroad in a short time. It will not be good for us. We die very small. It is our fault to make ancient Chinese martial arts laugh!" The wind said with a cloud of righteousness.

"Yes, we need to see that there is no problem with Qin Zongshi. We can't die if we die!" Lei Qianyao has already seen death as if he had gone home. This situation has come to the time of life and death choice for him. But he didn't think about anything, that is to protect Qin Tian with his own death to defend the dignity of huxiaguwu!

The crowd around, one by one, is also like a big enemy. They all feel like they are with Qin Tian and Lei qianjue. Because it is not an ordinary fight. The current war is the battle between ancient Chinese and East Island ancient weapons. This is a time of life and death, absolutely not something he can understand. This time has come to the most difficult time!

The people were shocked and horrified. Seeing this situation, the left Langmen Lord was very happy. How long he would be this, and Huangpu Zilong's expression was more arrogant, and there was no expression. Stealth became more filled with a kind of contempt heart, and the simple look could not be too proud!

Of course, in the silent Huangpu, these people should have knelt down for him. Cheering in front of him that the best situation of the Huangpu family is to be ten thousand years old, which is in line with their expectations, not the scene of watching now!Then, to their surprise, Qin Tian didn't pay any attention to the three people's encirclement and the appearance of the samurai sword. His hands were still on his back, his face was calm, and he didn't show any fear. He even had a trace of cruel Xiong Rong in his mouth, as if he had never put these three opponents in his heart!

It seems that I didn't care about the words of zuolung sect leader, I didn't take it seriously!

Looking at Qin Tian's expression, Huangpu Jiro was very angry, because he didn't like it the most. All along, others looked at him respectfully. Now, there are people who despise him like this!

What's more, Qin Tian's mouth was still filled with a mockery like expression and a smile, which made Huang Pu Jiro angry: "Ba Ge, kill him, kill him, this boy is dying, dare to laugh at me, is he crazy?"

"Boy, I'm sure you are the genius of the ancient Chinese martial arts circle, but you can't fight against us. Our strength is beyond the whole circle of Chinese ancient martial arts. You are waiting for death. You have no way to do it. You are waiting to die!"

This is incoherent ridicule and abuse!

At the same time, the three elders of Bushido flew to Qin Tian, and their eyes were cold and murderous!

Qin Tian still does not move, and then they close to themselves, the expression is still so!

See Qin day still does not move, all people are to pour a breath of cool air, this guy this is freezing to death?

Isn't he worried about his death at all? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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