
Huangpu's long sword, as if there is life, the body of the sword is shaking, as if it is to fight, so feel the incomparable excitement of a line!

At this time, everyone could not help but shock again, because they saw a kind of sword roar, which made them feel so incredible, it was almost a special situation!

Between trance, they have entered a kind of fantasy world, and the real society completely some disjointed, into a magical absurd phenomenon.

Ming Ming is just a modern casino, but it is really like a kind of fantasy TV play, and it has become a battlefield for the ancient strong.

Qin Tian and Huangpu Ziliang two generations of young people wear modern clothes, but they do not have a little bit of modern people's breath, just like a strong man of antiquity, everyone has a strong momentum and spirit, which makes them feel very scared and some elusive.

When Huangpu's sword made a buzzing noise, the sense of antiquity became more obvious, and it was almost promoted to the extreme.

Qin Tian stared at the sword of Huangpu Zilong in front of him, and his pupils were squinting for a while!

After the ancient martial arts' means reached such a level, they were very terrible. They had reached a very irresistible existence. Is this a common ancient warrior only have the strength or the style of expression.

In the buzzing of this long sword, it seems that something is brewing, a light sound, the sword flies out directly!

The long sword, named chopper dragon, flew out in anger towards the sky.

This is a flying sword!

This is not the traditional sense of holding a long sword into the battlefield, this is the gas control sword, that is, become a flying sword.

Or the sword is applied some skill, becomes psychic, and flies directly towards the target and shoots it.

And this goal is not who, is opposite Qin Tian!

In a moment, the whole casino seemed to have a kind of cold light shining, let everyone's eyes become surprised, become afraid to look directly, one of them is not open!

This is how this sword is. With its own ability, with a powerful offensive and Qi, it can affect everyone invisible. It is a wonderful way.

With the approaching and crossing of the flying sword, Qin Tianneng felt that the air was solidified at this time, and the air suddenly dropped to the extreme.

But Qin Tian's place seems to have been covered by some kind of force, or locked in, his body area, if the general people in his position, may have been frozen!

How great is the terror and prestige of this flying sword, almost felt, and the place where he feels terror and strength in the surrounding environment!

"It is a good sword indeed!" Qin Tian looks at the flying sword, and his face is full of excitement.

The speed of the long sword is not fast, because he has too much power on him. As long as the target is locked, the flying sword can gather its own strength to the highest point without moving the target. Then, it suddenly burst out at this highest point!

"Boy, you go to die!"

This side Huangpu looks at almost, control the hands of the flying sword suddenly one in one push!

The sword flew directly towards Qin Tianfei, as if it was going through Qin Tian's body, which was frightening.

Everyone looked at Qin Tian at this time, and stared at him in a moment!

But Qin Tian's expression was still so calm and calm, even not a little surprised or wanted to escape.

Indeed, between the lightning flint, Qin Tian's body was directly covered by these dazzling sword light and sword Qi!

"Good sword!"

Qin Tian once again sang a sound, mouth is praise words, the heart is very emotional!

At this time, facing such a sharp sword, Qin Tian never dared to look like a big will, and ran the immortal Qi around him, and protected his body. His surging aversion blocked any place and corner that the Dragon cutting sword could cut into!

Actually, Qin Tian can only go out. Don't think that his sword is just a straight stab. This flying sword is changeable. Any attack and block with hands and feet is very dangerous. Therefore, Qin Tian adopts a method of protecting the body of immortal Qi!

Indeed, the flying sword is dazzling and extremely skilled in the body of Qin Tian, but it can not break the body guard immortal Qi of Qin Tian, because the flying sword is energetic, when the energy and gas rush against each other, it can resist the attack of these flying swords!

Of course, it is not enough to rely on pure body protection immortal Qi. There is no wall in the world that can not breathe wind. Besides the body protection, Qin Tian has already seen through the eyes and became different. The whole world seems to be getting slow or his reaction is enough to be happy!His hands are running with energy, constantly beating on the body of these long swords, pushing the sword away and coming again!

The sword is sharp and sharp. It is a kind of spiritual tool, but it still depends on people to guide it. After several strong blessings that can not break through Qin Tian's protection, Huangpu Jiro over there also gradually developed a feeling of fatigue. The perspec tion showed beads of sweat, which seemed to be on the verge of extinction!

However, Huangpu Jiro took the sword directly. The sword came back in an instant, as if it had not been sent out from here.

In the ancient martial arts world, the most excellent sword technique of the swordsman has been used by Huangpu Jiro, and has reached a state of supernatural skill.

He looked at his all-out strike even can not break Qin Tian's protection, can not help but look even more ugly.

After the light dispersed and the cold air stopped, people could see clearly that Qin Tian in the venue was still standing still, safe and sound, and even a cruel smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Huangpu Jiro's eyes gradually become surprised, it is unbelievable existence, this is absolutely impossible, no one in the secular can escape to talk about his attack!

But the guy in front of me can do it.

Qin Tian was amused by Huangpu Jilang's expression. I'm afraid that this guy only cares about his own sword, and the light is too bright. He is totally enjoying his own moves, but he doesn't want Qin Tian to be all right.

When he was quiet, he was so shocked that he could not say anything. He was terrified!

"Your sword is a good sword, and your sword skill is very good. Can you tell me its name?" Qin Tian is very good, looking forward to laughing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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