Listen to Qin Tian even want to understand his sword skills, Huangpu Jiro's heart is really a little broken down, the heart is very angry, but the words are very cold, "boy, this is our Huangpu family ancestor sword master's sword technique, how can you boy covet, you don't want to think, this is impossible thing!"

When his voice had not fallen, his sword was again used. This time, it was dazzling and eye-catching. When the sword came, it was shining again, and the cold air was covering it. It directly and accurately covered and locked the past towards Qin Tian!

Such a scene makes people can't help but close their eyes directly, because it is really too dazzling, there are already some direct looking.

"Ha ha, well, since you don't want to tell me, it's OK, so it's over!" Qin Tian smiles and doesn't care at all.

This time, instead of waiting for the sword to approach him again, he raised his hand and slapped it directly into the air.

This time, in the eyes of Huangpu sword body, the essence is everywhere. If you raise the eyesight of 12 minutes, I'm afraid you can only see where Qin Tian's palm is. It's really too powerful, and it's hard to distinguish!

A lot of people's hearts are shocked, is this still something that ordinary people can have?

How much power is hidden in Qin Tian's palm?

At this moment, the whole idea of koujiro's ancient martial arts collapsed. With a slap of his palm, he defeated all his casting and control over the flying sword, and directly grabbed the flying sword from the air!


There was a roaring sound in the air. The light and the cold breath were gone. People could see it clearly again!

Qin Tian held a sword tightly in his hand this time. Isn't this sword just a sword for cutting dragons?

Huangpu Jiro thought that he was hallucinating. Instead of harming Qin Tian, his sword was directly confiscated by Qin Tian. Is there anything more irritating than this?

This is too terrible, he has no idea what to do, has reached a unimaginable point, now this is the time when he collapsed!

His hands once again compared the master of swordsman's Meijiang immortal sword technique, but he had lost control of the flying sword, as if the sword was Qin Tian's, and he had no strength to take it back!

"It's strange that my Meijiang immortal sword method doesn't work anymore? What have you done? " Huangpu Jiro asked angrily.

"It turns out that your swordsmanship is called Mei Jiangxian. It's very Huaxia. It must have been the ancestors of your Huangpu family who stole from Huaxia. However, it's your own, right?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"You fart! Let go of my sword

"Don't worry. I don't despise your ancestors. I just said that it seems that you don't have so much power here. Of course, it's still very powerful for many people, but it's not enough for me. It's obviously not very good!" Qin Tian smiles.

"Since this sword belongs to China, I will take it for the time being." Qin Tian didn't mean to return it to the other party.

"You..." Huangpu Jiro's heart collapsed. He felt that his mind had already broken down. He didn't know what to say.

Today, I thought he could win, but after all his efforts, he still had no effect. What a shame!

Of course, such a result also makes Lei qianjue and Jiang Feng feel incredible. At the same time, they are also relieved. Lin Xiaoyao stands out from the escort of two big men, and his whole body becomes much relaxed.

Now they just have a kind of heart. Qin Tian is invincible. No matter how rebellious the skills and moves of Huangpu Jiro are, they can be easily solved here, and they are just worrying about it blindly!

But it has to be said that the flying sword of Huangpu Jiro is really too terrible. It is absolutely reasonable to get the title of sword God when he is young, because his strength is really strong, but they seem to see a stronger man, Qin Tian!

Qin Tian can still roam freely in the roar of the other party. It seems that he has no idea what strength he is. This kind of person is simply tough to the extreme. What weakness does he have? In this case, what else can he not overcome?

It may be, but it may not appear yet, because when it really appears, it may be an attack that destroys the heaven and the earth. In this case, it is very difficult to solve the problem, because it is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people to fight against such level masters.

Jiang Feng and Lei qianjue and others have been full of shame. They even thought Qin Tian was going to die again and again. Now it seems that they are stupid!

On the other side, Huang Pu Jiro was already surprised and couldn't close his mouth. His face was full of horror. He didn't know what to say!

Is there anything more terrifying than this boy who has caught all his attacks and confiscated his flying sword?When, a small Panlong area will appear such a level of master, this is simply too terrible, this is beyond everyone's imagination, many people even in the heart have no idea what to say!

What's more, Qin Tian is much younger than him. In this case, do they dare to underestimate the ancient Chinese martial arts?

Finally, Huang Pu Jiro's face is no longer proud of the body, become only fear and rout, a kind of despair!

"It's my turn. Let me see if I can stab you to death with this sword!"

Qin Tian smiles, then hands up, a little finger, the flying sword disappeared from the air in an instant, and when it appears again, it is already in front of Huangpu Jiro!


This is not the sound of spitting blood, but the sound of the sword passing through the human body!


A dull and incomparable scream came out of the mouth of Huangpu Jiro. The naked eye could see that the sword of chopping dragon passed through Huangpu Jiro's body without warning, and then stopped in the air!

"No way..." Huang Pu Jiro was shocked. His heart was full of shock and shock. He couldn't believe the scene now!

It was a great shame for him to be killed by the sword, but it was a great shame for him to be killed by the sword!

Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

His proud body suddenly fell to the ground, and the crowd did not make a sound, quietly watching.

Many people know that this battle is not easy and long, but it is not until the end that they realize that if there is such a sword, Qin Tian can kill him at the beginning!

The whole scene is quiet, and then countless people unconsciously kneel down!

As all people know, this is the king of Panlong area. This is their obedience. If there are such strong men to defend their honor, what can't be accepted? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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