Jiang Feng and Lei qianyun also looked at each other. They are more proud now. Qin naively is too strong. Their nerves have been tightened just now. Now they can get a deep relief!

The most cattle force is Qin Zongshi or Tian Ge!

Lin Xiaoyao is also looking at Qin Tian with beautiful eyes. She really feels incredible. This man can confiscate his flying sword and kill others!

Although she has seen the prestige of Qin Tiantian many times, this time is really the admiration and shock of the inner magic son. It is like ordinary girls see idols. Her eyes have started to shine stars, and all her faces are worshipped.

Qin Tian at this time in her eyes is really handsome to the extreme, this man is worth her life to love!

"What kind of Kung Fu is this?" "The master of wushidao asked Zuo Lang, who could not help but help.

"The ancient Chinese martial arts are so complicated that you can understand it? Cut your belly and do it yourself. I know you like this! " Qin day cold looking at the martial arts people, said the color.

Zolang and others looked at each other. At this time, they had lost the idea of resistance. Today, there is no doubt that there must be death. What can I say?


A terrible voice came, it was the sound of knife cutting people's skin, and then zuolang brought all the people killed themselves on the ground!

At once, only the men of jinmanlong and Fang Hao knelt on the ground, and they were afraid to look at Qin Tiantian for half a second, and they dared not speak. The scene was still for a while!

"Golden dragon, your father of East Island has already cut his belly and killed himself. Have you knelt and wasted air?" Lei qianyun can't help shouting at this time.

"Master Qin, forgive me, I really don't know your strength. Please let me go!"

"Let you go? Ha ha, you know the wrong is OK? You were going to kill us just now, but now you should say let us let you go? " Jiang Feng also satirically laughed, and I didn't see a very funny person. They were all so sarcastic, and they thought that they would let him go. Isn't it crazy?

Fang Hao and jinmanlong and others can't think about it. They sweat and sweat, and they are all faced with a terrible fear of death. They just Snort and kneel and beg for mercy. "Master Qin, forgive me, forgive me. If you think I can do anything for you, we will do everything for you, as long as you don't kill us !”

"Fang Hao, I remember you had to chop me up before and feed the dog?" Jiang Feng's tone is with an unquestionable tone, and there is no feeling the same?

Fang Hao had already kowtowed his head on the ground, felt his forehead was bloody, and asked for mercy in a pale face: "I dare to speak out loud. I should be guilty of all my crimes. I also ask Qin Zongshi and Jiang eldest. I take out all my family property and industry to Qin Zongshi. I just want to make a dog's life for me and give me a dog's life!"

"I am willing to hand over all my family property, as compensation, I will make you cattle and horses for a lifetime and call me a dog!" said the hasty man who scared his tears and nose and was also a model of begging for mercy

These two bosses, together with their family, are at least a dozen billion. After all, all three people have been wandering the Jianghu for many years. If they all kill, isn't it a pity that these money?

So such temptation should be a very big existence for Qin Tian.

But Qin Tian at this time is the surface of the body of all fetus, in fact, the heart has no desire for a little bit.

Now he is extraordinary, and his mood has turned to a free place. How can they be dogs for more than a billion?

Does he lack these ten billion? He has beautiful women to hold, money can earn, not to love, not to stay in things, this is a nun should have the kind of extraordinary.

Others are also kneeling, but in contrast, recklessness and Jin Manlong and Fang Hao directly knocked their forehead, crying, and looked very embarrassed, but no one cared about their appearance. It was really funny.

Jin Manlong and other people were scared and scared. They all knelt on the ground and asked for mercy. Without saying anything else, Qin Tian could kill them. What else was the idea of resistance or escape? It doesn't exist!

"Enough, don't waste!" Qin said coldly.

Jinman Longhe Fang Hao and reckless before such acts of doing evil, is Linhai City and Jinmen City evil forces, and is to kill him, this kind of person must be dead!

Waiting for three people to die, Zhang family and Lin family struggle is also a paragraph, oneself also should be to do a good thing for Lin Xiaoyao!

"All three people are going to die. You can see the rest of you go back. As for the situation here, you two will deal with it yourself!" Qin Tian turns his head to see Lei qianyun and river wind, and says it faintly.

"Yes!" "They said, bowing and bending, respectfully.

"Congratulations to Tiange, becoming the first underground person in four cities, and nobody will dare to move you!"The first person in four cities?

Qin Tian is also a bitter smile, he is just playing with Huangpu Jiro, clean up a little asshole, how to become the first person?

In the cry of despair in World War I, the three men of Jin Manlong were killed directly without any warning.

But Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao have already driven to Panlong area. In the car, Lin Xiaoyao doesn't dare to speak. He is silent.

"Xiaoyao, didn't scare you at the moment?" Qin Tian asked with a smile at the woman around him.

"No No! " Lin Xiaoyao just slightly a Leng, then just reacted to come over, "I once thought you were going to die!"

In her mind also came to mind just Qin Tian and Huangpu Jiro against the picture.

After the first World War, she had a different understanding of Qin Tian's strength and status.

If the world-class celebrities know that Qin Tian has this ability, they must respect him very much. Their identity and background are no longer comparable to those of ordinary people or organizations!

Strength is the best position, which is an eternal truth.

Therefore, when she was silent, Lin Xiaoyao was in a very complicated mood. She felt that she was no longer worthy of Qin Tian. Why should she be the second woman besides Xinran?

However, Qin Tian now has such strength and is still willing to get along with her like this. Lin Xiaoyao's heart is very satisfied, and gradually appears the joy and shame in the play.

"There are more worries in the future. I killed Jiro Huangpu, and the Huangpu family in Dongdao will surely come back!" Qin Tian said lightly.

"But have you ever thought about it? After the war, I'm afraid there will be many people coming to you, because you are young and can make alchemy!"

"Our ancient military strength in China will not be afraid of the Huangpu family!"

The girl looks at the man firmly, she will no longer doubt his strength.

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