They talked and chatted all the way, and soon got to the city. Qin Tian directly sent Lin Xiaoyao back to his own home, and then drove to his villa!

Back to the villa to open the door, Li Xinran waited at home, because on the road Qin Tian had said that he would come back, so the woman was waiting for him at home. Seeing Qin Tian coming back safe and sound, Li Xinran did not have much surprise, but was relieved.

"You're back. I thought I dreamt in my dream that something very dangerous had happened to you, so I woke up from the dream. It was so hard Li Xinran's face showed a trace of helplessness.

"I'm sorry to worry you. I tried my best to report to you about my situation outside. I would never let you think about anything more. I would be responsible for it!" Qin Tian said comfortingly.

"What did you do? Don't you say you'll be back soon after you've delivered your lecture? Why do you come back at this time? " Li Xinran asked curiously.

Naturally, Qin Tian couldn't say what he was going to do. He simply took out the sword and said, "I went shopping and bought some antiques, so I spent more time. So now it is like this, and there is no way to do it."

"Mm-hmm, it's also true. In the past, when I saw Yancheng, I wanted to go around. What about Xiaoyao?" Li Xinran asked, because she had a direct contact with Lin Xiaoyao, but the girl didn't know why there was no reply, which made him feel a bit upset. After all, this kind of thing is really too difficult, and it's really helpless in this situation!

"She's OK, but her mobile phone is broken, and then she won the first prize in her speech over there. She followed her classmates to play a lot!" Qin Tian can only say this, sometimes white lies are so effective, you have to say these things, because you tell the truth, may be a devastating blow, so this kind of thing is impossible to say, if you say it, the consequences are unimaginable!

"So?" Li Xinran looks like she wants to cross examine.

"Have you eaten yet? If not, I'll ask my mother to give you a warm order Li Xinran said solemnly.

"Don't be so troublesome. I'll just heat up the microwave oven. Don't disturb them like this!" Qin Tian looks at the time. It's already ten o'clock in the evening. His parents have been lying on their seats for a rest, so how can they wake them up?

"Well, you have a bath, and then have a rest early. Don't be too tired today. I love you!" Li Xinran said comfortingly.

"It's OK. I love you. I'm still working on the company's business with a big belly." Qin Tian laughs.

This night, perhaps is really too tired, Qin Tian took a bath and went to sleep directly.

At the same time.

In the imperial capital a villa can only give, Shen ruohai and a middle-aged man face to face, face color is very ugly.

"What's the matter? Do you want revenge? Don't you know how powerful Qin Tian is? "

Speaking Shen Shi, there is also a beautiful woman sitting in front of him. This beautiful woman looks like she is 40 years old and well maintained. This is Shen ruohai's mother.

Her make-up is very luxurious and tight, not to mention the clothes, jewelry and bags are worth millions!

They were very angry because they had given Qin Tian two billion yuan. They thought how to deal with this matter.

"Two billion yuan. Now we have almost emptied out the whole Shen family. Our family members have great opinions on us. But if we don't hand in the money, we will die again. So we really have no way. We must find a way to get some benefits from Li's medicine." Shen ruohai said with a gloomy face.

"That's right. Don't worry. As long as I don't find someone to do it, I don't need us to come forward, and we don't have to disclose our names. It's a very simple thing to start a task on the Internet!" Shen ruohai's mother Wang Xifeng said positively.

"Do you think Qin Tian is too simple?" Shen Shi said speechless.

"I'm NIMA. What's the ability of Qin Tian? Originally, they came from Songshan without any influence background. Even with the Lin family, they don't have any strength? " Wang Xifeng got up in a hurry.

"Ah, take a long-term view. It's really troublesome to annoy Qin Tian and the big men below him now. Don't think about revenge for the time being!" Shen Shi shook his head helplessly.

"No, we must get rid of him. We must not let him succeed, otherwise our two billion dollars will be wasted!"

"I'll go back to overseas or some hidden experts and ask them if those people are more terrifying and will not lose to this boy."

Wang Xifeng chattered on and turned red with anger!

This has not yet started the feeling of failure is too bitter, they certainly do not want to let Qin Tian this poor boy outsiders bully! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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