The next day, Qin Tian accompanied Li Xinran to the production inspection, and then went to the company to help with the whole day's work.

During this period, xuanyuanzi called and asked when he could give him Shenyuan Dan. After all, he had promised to go to the Marshal's tomb before.

Qin Tian asked him to come back after work tonight. Xuanyuanzi said that he was here in Chenfu. Because he would leave the imperial capital temporarily tomorrow, he could only wait nearby.

Qin Tian said that it's OK to go and have a drink with Lao Chen. It's also good to see xuanyuanzi off!

After work, he sent Li Xinran home. Qin Tian said he was going to eat with Chen Fu and Zhu Yu, so he didn't eat at home, so he left ahead of time.

When I got to Chen Fu, I knew that Qin Tian was coming, so I had made preparations in advance. As soon as Qin Tian arrived, he directly put on a few kinds of home-made dishes, including the spiced beef that Qin Tian liked best. This kind of home flavor is really too rare!

Moreover, Lao Chen was also a man of temperament. He took out his Maotai liquor which he had treasured for many years. He took xuanyuanzi and qintian with him. It was only 20 minutes. In this way, xuanyuanzi was going to leave with Shenyuandan, because he needed to go to the airport, and the time was tight.

After sending xuanyuanzi away, Qin Tian and Lao Chen are drinking. Of course, Zhu Yu is also on the side. This dead girl doesn't want to drink, and no one can drink her anything.

"Just have a drink. I haven't had a drink at home for a long time. I'm really in a good mood when I meet Xiaotian today." Chen Fu took a deep breath.

"I'm not expensive!" Qin Tian sipped the pungent liquor and flipped his tongue!

Seeing Qin Tian's appearance as a pig brother, Zhu Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes. Did this guy dislike that he was short of money?

However, relatively speaking, his recent contribution to Li's medicine is worth more than several billion yuan, which is not expensive!

Although at first she was a little afraid of men, but so and he climb up the relationship, unexpectedly found treasure, really fragrant ah!

Qin Tian and Chen Fu were drinking and chatting. After two cups of white wine, he began to nag Qin Tian, "you know, Xiao Chen, what I admire most about the ancient martial arts industry in my life is Yunshen. He is my master Yun Shen. His life has been ups and downs, and finally he can return to the mountains peacefully. I really admire that!"

Qin Tian couldn't help being stunned. He looked at Zhu Yu in shock and asked, "are you talking about your master?"

"Yes, Yunshen is the most famous master of Chinese medicine in the imperial capital and even in the whole country. It's a pity that his son and his daughter-in-law have been set up in an accident, and he has been planted and despondent. He has taken his grandson to the mountain forest for seclusion." Chen Fu said.

"Is that true?" Qin Tian directly put down the dishes and chopsticks and couldn't believe looking at the old man.

"Can it be fake? If you go out and talk about it casually, who doesn't know the depth of the clouds? He also has a copy of Yun's pharmacopoeia. It is said that all the records in it are top secret medical skills that are not spread out to the public. "

At this time, Qin Tian completely understood that the two books that Chen Fu gave him were from Yun Shen, the master of traditional Chinese medicine. They had a lot of experience!

Seeing Qin Tian's stagnant expression, Zhu Yu also has some small differences. I don't know what he is thinking.

Chen Fu said with a smile: "recently the emperor came to a more evil organization, you can be careful!"

"I heard that it is an organization called Jingu gate. It is good at using poison. It seems that it is intended to target people. Therefore, if the poison is not treated in time, it will die!"

"Jingu gate!"

Hearing this name, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu all exclaimed with one voice!

Because when Dongchen medicine used to cheat, it seemed that they were using Gu. They were stunned when they mentioned the golden Gu door!

"Do these animals really think that they can frame people if they have power and power?" Qin Tian held his fist tightly.

"So you must be careful, otherwise it will be very difficult to do!" Chen Fu reminded.

Zhu Yu and Qin Tian frown on each other's brows. Maybe they will aim at Li's Pharmaceutical Group, which is not easy to do.

After drinking a bottle of white wine, he brought a bottle of Wuliangye and drank it all. It was Qin Tian who drank it!

He is not a machine. He must be drunk by drinking like this, but Qin Tian, who has strong physical quality, has not completely passed out!

Zhu Yu helped her to a room upstairs. After entering the room, the woman asked Qin Tian to lie down and get some glucose for her!

But as soon as the woman turned around and walked away, Qin Tian took off all her clothes. Zhu Yu's eyes widened, her expression blushed, and she just froze on the edge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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