"Well, let's enjoy ourselves. If you don't get drunk, you can't come out today. Drink more!" Zhou Muchen said boldly.

The crowd cheered, sang, danced, drank and ate. All of a sudden, the atmosphere was different when there were more people!

Zhu Yu is also involved in it, although she does not like Zhou Muchen, but she and several good sisters also have a good time.

It is these sisters who are still whispering to Zhu Yu, as if Qin Tian is not qualified to be with her.

So Qin Tian and these people do not know, all of a sudden directly isolated, there is no way to integrate into this rich second generation of circles, he took the initiative to please is also impossible!

Because these rich second generation are born with a kind of arrogance, it is natural to think that Qin Tian and they are not people of the same world.

And because of Zhu Yu's business, Zhou Muchen's drag racing, because he pretended to know Niu gen, they completely separated Qin Tian!

Zhou Muchen was even more proud when he saw that Qin Tian was alone. He was very proud: "you want to play with me. Come on, can you afford to play? You can't honor our circle. How can you pursue Xiaoyu? "

Of course, Qin Tian didn't know what Zhou Muchen meant and didn't care. He was too lazy to talk to them. He just accompanied Zhu Yu to let her not be embarrassed.

At this time, a person leisurely at the side of the wine, eating fruit snacks, leaning on the sofa to watch these beauties dancing, twisting their small waist and ass, is also cool!

These girls are in good shape and dressed in beautiful fashion. Sao has a special taste when she jumps up. When she looks outside, she has to open her perspective to look inside!

This kind of silent see through the refreshing feeling of others, only their own heart know, but do not need and be said more.

Zhu Yu seems to be unable to drink. After drinking a few glasses of red wine, her pretty face turned red. At this time, she was excitedly pulling her good friend Ren Qingqing to the dance floor and jumped up!

Qin Tian saw many other beauties, and finally found that the figure of the school flower is good!

Inside and outside the dress is very in line with her taste, no other girls like to wear thin T-shaped, not all wrapped up conservative, that kind of Pipa half covered picture is really wonderful!

It's not just her figure, but her face. There's a taste that stands out from the crowd among these girls. It's so fascinating that it's not worth your life!

Gradually all the boys will look at her in the past, by her figure dance and the face under the light are attracted to move eyes.

So all of a sudden, they have become Qin Tian, so do Leng Leng in the side of silent watching, as if there is no communication with other people and be isolated!

While Zhou Muchen smokes and swallows his saliva, his eyes gradually become evil. Just looking at them is certainly not his style of personality publicity.

At the moment, he immediately got up after smoking a cigarette and walked into the dance floor. Then he motioned to other people to get out of the way and looked at Zhu Yu with a smile, "Xiaoyu, on my first day back home today, would you dance with me?"

Seeing the girl beside her give way, a man's body suddenly appeared. Zhu Yu's dance stopped abruptly. She shook her head in embarrassment. "Zhou Shao, you'd better dance with others. I'm tired!"

The girl said that she would turn around and walk towards Qin Tian, but she was stopped by Zhou Muchen: "Xiaoyu, just dance. It's hot. You won't even give me this face?"

"Hot field, Qin Tian and I are going to be hot."

Zhu Yu doesn't care about Zhou Muchen, and goes directly to Qin Tian. He reaches for the man's hand and pulls him into the dance floor.

Everyone was stunned. For the first time, they saw Zhu Yu holding a man's hand. Even Zhou Muchen couldn't touch it!

Now Zhu Yu is not only holding Qin Tian's hand, but also dancing with him. This boy is really against the weather!

Zhu Yu looks at the school, is it because she is drunk?

It really makes them wonder. Zhu Yu even takes a fancy to Qin Tian, a poor boy who pretends to be forced!

Zhou Muchen looked at Qin Tian who was coming, and his eyes were red with blood. He said angrily, "Qin Tian, if you are wise enough, you can go to one side. If you dare to dance with Xiaoyu today, I'll let the people from Hongxing association come to clean you up immediately!"

However, Qin Tian turned a deaf ear to Zhou Muchen's words. Since the school flowers are holding his hand, how can he be shy?

Qin Tian and Zhu Yu Peng look at each other face to face, and then the girl's shy face is even more red, a pair of big eyes clear and smart, a look is emotional!

And the more emotional the school flowers are, the more they can't believe it. It's unbelievable!

"Qin Tian, I'll let you lose hundreds of thousands of racing with you. If you break my good things today, I will never let you go. You can think about it clearly!" Zhou Muchen's mouth appeared a trace of cold smile.Before Qin Tian replied, he then looked at Zhu Yu again: "drizzle, I really lost a lot today. The car broke down and didn't say it. I was kind to bring a group of people to play. All of them were screwed up by him. Even if he invited you to dance, he would have to press me. If I didn't give a breath today, how could I get mixed in the circle?"

Zhu Yu was also stunned. She came back to God from the emotion. She blinked and looked at Qin Tian, and found that the man was still fearless and still stood in front of him.

Qin Tian gave a kind of comfort smile to the woman, and then said quietly: "what kind of hooligan do you want to call to beat me? Because you drive in an accident and then you're on my head? You invite Xiaoyu to dance. She doesn't want to come to me to dance. You are angry? "

Facing the three consecutive questions of Qin days, Zhou murchen's big reason collapsed in a moment, and there was a feeling of explosion!

In other words, today is my villa. What can I say? How can you talk so much shit?

"Do you mean you really want to be beaten and don't get out of the way?" Zhou murchen was angry, and he was furious with naked eyes.

Seeing that Zhu Yu was afraid of him, he said: "Zhou Shao, if you have to do so, I will go directly!"

However, Qin Tian appeared a smile of evil spirits and said, "don't worry, since it comes, it is impossible to walk away in a gray way. Do you think I will be afraid?"

Zhu Yu was stunned, and a little helpless flashed in her eyes. Originally, she just didn't want to dance with Zhou murchen, so she invited Qin Tian to come back to be a shield. But Qin Tian is now anti-passenger and starts directly, which makes her really shy and flustered.

After all, although she has a good feeling for Qin Tian, she is shy to be cuddled in front of her friend!

Qin Tian holds school flowers in one hand. Don't mention how happy it is in my heart!

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